Wednesday, May 25, 2016

And then there was one...


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  2. There used to be six of i'm alone.I'm alone because of the hunger games. They died. So ya that is pretty much it. Ummm i guess i can tell u their names, Brad Pitt,Bruno Mars,Michael Bay,Me,Jennifer Lawrence, and Justin Bieber. But of course justin was the first to die. So ya that is pretty much it. So remember to subscribe,thumbs up this video and oh..... this is not youtube.

    1. Wow. :\ I like Justin Bieber you know.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. lol u like him?

    4. Everyone hates him just because of his young self with the "Baby" and "Never Say Never". I like stuff like "Sorry" and "Love Yourself". He even said himself that he wants to be like jesus, not like a false god, like everyone loves him, and he loves them back.

    5. Dude that is like the dumbest thing ever

    6. Dude, it's my opinion. You're not going to encourage me to not like Justin Bieber. I like any music, atleast if it's my jam, so back off.

    7. lol ya sure ill back off

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. I'm cringing so hard at past Nahum right now.

    10. sicker than yo average anna pham

  3. "There used to be six of us ...Now I'm alone."The reason why I am alone is because 5 of them went to go somewhere else.But now I don't know where they all went or what the place is called.

    THE END :)

    1. Why do people keep on doing that!

    2. I know right it is really annoying,it fills the whole page up pretty much!

    3. Ikr silvanna you did it to long

  4. There used to be six of us but now I'm alone. My six friends and I were having a nice little walk along the river then then I herd one of my friends scream and then she was gone and one by one they kep disapeering and then after it was just me all alone then I never saw them again but I wonder why I didn't disapeer also mabey I just got lucky this time.

  5. This sounds like another type of those creepypasta story looks. Great, Ms. Hilz.


    Entry 6-12-17
    There used to be six of us... Now I'm alone. I regret going to that trip to this place. I forgot the most important information in this stupid crap trip we had. Why we went, what day it is, where the bus is, even I forgot where we lived and what place we were. I went with my friend and 4 others on a bus trip. We went to sleep a half-hour through this trip. We woke up. We weren't moving. The bus driver, Devaughn, was gone. The door was stuck open as well. We all got off the bus. I was the only one who noticed the red stain on the stairs.

    -+- To Be Continued -+-

  6. There used to be six of us... Now I'm alone".When I got home I was sitting on the couch and I saw nobody because,every time when I get home the six of us sit on the couch but nobody was there.I searched every where and I even looked where their favorite places for at.Like the lake,target,their rooms,and I couldnt even find them no where.I sat on the couch and waited till 9 o'clock and they have not came back home.I woke up at 6 o'clock sharp and went downstairs and looked around again and I saw the six of us standing in the kitchen eating breakfast.I run to them and said that I was worring about you when you were gone.I stayed up until 9 o'clock and I went to bed and woke up and I saw you guys.

  7. There used to be six of us... Now I'm alone. That is because they were my older brothers. Our parents already passed away. Me and my 5 older brothers lived in a small 2 room cottage. Then the older we got, the more sick my brothers became. Then one day we were all relaxing and then my 5 brothers said they were going to take a nap. 4 hours later I went to check on them and they were all dead. With a bloody knife next to the table. There also was a note that said you're next little bro. - Your brothers. I was so scared and now I'm still wondering if they will get revenge on me because I was their killer.

    -Adrian Nava


      N-i-c-e P-l-o-t T-w-i-s-t a-t t-h-e E-n-d! I l-i-k-e t-h-e s-t-o-r-y!

    2. How were you their killer?And why is it so bloody?

    3. To be continued...

  8. There use to be 6 of us now I'm alone.
    Your proablly wondering why I'm alone I am alone because my parents died my sister and brother moved in with there boyfriend and girlfriend and live all alone I am not married or do I have a boyfriend yuck so I live all alone sometimes I go to visit my brother and sister but they always say that they are busy so when ever they say that I go somewhere fun wit my friend we get ice cream and go to the fair but when they need to leave that means I have to leave so it sucks.So today is my birthday I hope my brother and sister comes and my aunts and uncles so I went to there house to invite them they al said yes so I got all ready ring the doorbell its them going I said it was my whole family but not my mom and dad but at least I was able to hangout with them.

  9. There used to be six of I'm alone.One night,me and my friends went out to watch a movie.It was about 8:23,we go to get some snacks before the movie starts.I forgot my wallet,I have to drive home to get it.I get back buy the snacks and go find a seat with my friends.I cant find my friends,I called them they dont answer...I'm alone.I try looking for them but ther now where to be found.I geta call from some random number,I answer it and the person sound like they have a scratchy voice,as if ther and old person.It says "If you want your friends back come into the ally on 13th street".I go ther I say "Hello..." I hear foot steps behind me...I peak my head a little bit,and then I hear someone say "ITS JUST A PRANK BRO!"I laugh along with them,and then we go to see the movie,we got to see like only 30 minutes of it.

  10. There used to de six of us... Now i'm alone. They went to get pizza. They called me to tell me which one I wanted. But then, as he was going to get the pizza, the phone started to screech. They were all screaming and then a dark deep voice said "I'm coming for you." I called the other ones to see what happened but they would not pick up their phones. As I was going to eat, there was a person at the door. I decided to check the window to see who it was. It was a man in a black cape.


  11. There used to be six of us and now I am alone.We were walking a street and then out of no where a women showed up.She had a knife and a sign saying now their are 5 of you you looked and their were only 5 of use.We looked very closely at the knife and it had blood on it and it looked by one it started to drop finally I was alone all 5 of my friends werre dead.The women in the knife held a sgn that I will kill you and every one you love.She kept geting closer and closer.

  12. There used to be six of us... now i'm alone. We were great friend until that one horrible night. We all took a dare leading to their death. We had no parents, we looked after each other, we were the best. It all began at the porch of that one dark house. "They say it's haunted," Mark said. "We'll just have to find out," continued Alice. We thought it was just some dumb old house but there was more to it.
    To be continued...

  13. There used to be six of us, Now I'm alone. Let me explain. You see My friends, Anna, Pat, Jen, Jelly, Bethany, and cloud were going camping. We were going in a safe area. But little did we know that area lied. We setting up our tent when Anna said she was getting wood. She said she will be gone for 30 min.

    2 hours later.
    We were getting worried so we all went to find her. We heard such a loud scream my ears popped. We went to Jen and then we all screamed. Anna was gone. We all rushed to the back to the site. But pat did not follow us. I turned my head and jelly was gone. People were disapering left and right. Until it was only me and Pat. Something then grabbed his leg and pulled him down. He was gone two. I somehow was the only one who got out of the forest but then i noticed my car was gone. I was stuck here alone.

    To be Continued

    1. why does this keep happening?

  14. "There was six of us of us... Now I'm alone."
    Why do you think I am alone??
    Well I will tell you when we were little we would talk about our feature. So I would say that I want to have 4 or 5 kids. Then, I would say that I am going to move Oregon. And my other sister would say that she wants to have 2 or 3 kids. Then, move to New York. Then, my other sister that she wants to have 1 or 3 kids. Then, move to Chicago. Then, my other sister wants to have 2 or 5 kid. Then, move to Virginia. Then my brother said that he wants his wife to have 1 or 3 kids then move to Temecula. SO one day we were all grown and we went our own way. So my sisters were driving and all got and got in a car accident and sadly did not survive the accident. So my brother was crossing the street and got hit by a car. SO I was in a plane and nothing happen to me!!!!!!!!!!

  15. now i am alone.....
    there used to be six of us but now i am alone one day i woke up and i thought to myself were could they be and i thought they went to the store so i went back to sleep for 2 hours but then i woke up and they still were not here and then it was night time and then i wondered ok so there not home and they have been gone for like 9 hours and then i said to myself were could they be. And then i wanted to go back to sleep because it was around 10:30 pm and i was like i dont know were they could have possibly went and then i went walking and then i here a car behind me and i thought it was them but when i turned around it was this guy and i was like have you seen my friends and he said yea is it three of them and i said no there was 6 of them and i dont know were they went so i just started walking and then i was like omg and then i just said maybe my parents are home so i just walked back home and my parents were there and i asked them have you seen any of my friend and they said no and i started getting worryed and i just went to bed.

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  17. There used to be six of us now i'm alone... It was my birthday,Me and my friends were outside playing truth or dare it was Jioceline's turn but, next thing you notice she was not there we called her name 5 times but she never responded so we went out to find her. But we all had no luck.But then Kaylee disappeared. We all had no luck finding her either. So me and my friends kept playing but needed my phone I went inside to go grab it when I came outside NO ONE WAS THERE. I said "there used to be six of us...Now I'm alone=(. I ran up to my room and there they all were there! "Best part was they had CAKE!"

  18. "There used to be six of us... Now I'm alone." Three brothers, two sisters, gone. It all started when it was a spooky night, nothing was in the room, only darkness. The six of us were in our house, we were worried and afraid. We didn't move or talk, we couldn't even see much. The lights started to flicker...BAM! The next thing I see are just 4 siblings. We all ran downstairs and...BAM! Now, I only see 2 siblings. "No! What is happening?" We were too scared so we just ran outside, closed the door and...BAM! It's only me. I was just standing there, I didn't want to do anything, I just closed my eyes. Until, I finally opened them and I couldn't see anything, only a face with a white and black mask staring at me and darkness all around..."I can't move."

  19. There used to be six of us... but i'm alone.All six of my friends went camping out in the woods.Then we all went and got some sticks to make a fire.When we all got back we made smores.Then we went to sleep when I woke up everyone was gone .


  20. Plants vs. Zombies
    There used to be six of us now I am alone.By the time you are reading this you are wondering which 5 got eaten.I am Magnifying Grass the oes who got taken away are:Citron,Bloomerang,Pea Pod,Bonk Choy,and Lava Guava.Let me tell you their abilitys.Citron he can throw Balls of Plasma and they are massive damage.Bloomerang she can throw Boomerangs from her hair and they do twice the damage.Pea Pod you have to giv it plant food 4 times then it can throw 5 peas at a time.Bonk Choy he can punch zombies and it does avrage damage.Lava Guava he can burn zombies with a steaming puddle of juice.Then thre is me I need sun to shoot out a ray of sun and it does massive damage.Anyway The zombies are different types like Normal zombies,Traffic Cone zombies,Bucket,Gargantuars,Imps,Yeti,and a Zomboss.The ones that ate my frings were the Imps,Bucket,Normal,Traffic Cone,and the one who ate the last one was the Yeti.Meanwhile the plant that were eaten were were still working and Magnifying Grass saw the same plants and ran to them they lived happily ever after.

  21. There was six of us, but now I'm alone. The cause was from friends. A friend that betrayed me. He wanted all the friends I had. I didn't want to hurt him, but wanted to do anything it took to have all my friends. Then out of nowhere he ran at me. I dodged him and he fell on the floor, bleeding out from a rip on his arm. Adults came and asked what happened. I told them what happened and the kid that was bleeding said a lie and told them that I beat him up. My other friends had my back, but his friends had his back, because they didn't know what happened all use us got in trouble. Then all my friends left me alone and went with him. Then my friends were taken away from me one by one until it was just me.


  22. There used two be six of us,now im wait I here somthing, Wait! I said, if its me you want then come get me and leave them alone!I made some clones and attaced.behind you!Said Thunder. He was a jet black dragon with darck blue eyes,Sanmdstorm is our teacher hes sandy brown and the patterns on his fur macke him look like a sandy rock,Angel cloud is pure white with butifull green eyes,and she was really smart,Shockwave was small and gold with a poison tail,Blinky was a big gold and blue wone with white eyes,and me Fire paw Im grey ,black, and white with red eyes.Fre paw!Thunder! hang in there!said Sandstorm.We where trapped in ice,we where both tired to,and where half dead.Thunder!why!I I didn't I.I why?I dont know I hate you! And yet youll pay!I swung at the dragon.I felt a upsurge off power I loocked like i was possesd by a monster...

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  23. There used to be six of us...Now I'm alone. We were walking through a street full of graffiti we were trying to go get something to eat. When we heard a person saying "I'M COMING" we were very frightened because non of us said anything. When we came out of the store we heard it again but this time we heard "I'M COMING FOR 5 OF YOU!!" We ran for our lives until one by one disappeared I was so scared because I was the only ne their.

  24. There used to be six of us...Now I'm alone. It was my birthday. I was playing games by myself and then got bored, so I drew. For some reason I always draw the same thing, 5 other twins of me. I guess I draw them because i'm lonely in my mansion. I always wondered why there is five other bedrooms. Whatever, all I known is that my parents died before I was born. I always had a gift, I knew when the phone is ringing before it ever does and when i'm at my friend's house I know what she is gonna do before it happens. It's cool. My friend Joshua was calling me, I answered. He said to get ready for school. I got ready and he was standing in the bus in the bus stop, "Ready", he said. "Yeah". When school was over I went to find a job because I was already 16 and i can't just stay in y mansion forever. I found a job saying their desperate, so I entered the store, "Stacy's Fashion" To Be Continued... No really I want to finish, but I don't have time

  25. "there used to be the six of i'm alone" i will tell you how i became stormy night i invited my friends to sleepover there names were suger,candy,tom,springtrap,buddy and me it was raining so we can't go outside so we stayed inside but i felt that we were't alone so i told my friends that "i'm going to look to see that we are'nt alone" so i went upstars to see if we are with someone and i looked everywere but i did not look under my bed so i looked and i saw something move but i thot that was in my head so i went downstars when i went downstars something open it's eyes and lefed my bed and it followed me downstars and everyone was shaking and i said "what is wrong?" and candy said "l..look"
    and i looked behind me and saw the thing that was under my bed and we ran for our life and the thing got tom and put him in his jar that he had in the back of him and we looked back and we saw that it put tom in his jar and we ceped runing for our life and it got candy and suger!and put them in his jar in the back of him with tom and it almost got buddy!ok now it got buddy and put him in the jar and it was only me and springtrap and we hide form the monster but the monster fond us and toke springtrap and it seems like the monster did not see me so now you now how i became alone:(
    the end
