Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Getting the Job

You have recently been hired on at the new job that you have been researching and seeking out for the past 4 years! Write a story about your first day on the job. You must use all of the vocabulary words that we have studied from the past two weeks. Reflect back to your Vocabulary if needed to remember the meanings of the words... or Google it :)

disdain, focused, genius, perspective, prospect, stunned, superb, transition, assume, guarantee, nominate, obviously, rely, supportive, sympathy, weakling 

Image result for new job


  1. in my fueter i am going to be a soccer player. soccer players rely on a team 11.a lot of people assume that people in soccer act like they got hurt.soccer teams are very supportive when they play.they nominated people to do the ice bucket challenge to help cancer.some soccer players are not weaklings.obviously there are in shape to play soccer.in the world cup they are focused on practicing.when i went to see los angles galaxy play soccer i had the best perspective.when they won they had a superb transition to the locker room.i was stunned that i was able to take a picture with one of the soccer players.

  2. My first day on the job as an architect was focused but im sure that soon I will know how to do it without being SUPER focused.Im sure soon other new architects will rely on me just like I relyed on the experienced workers.Obviously I love this job and some people assume I dont.Some people think im a genus but from my perspective im half genius because I dont know what im doing.Some people disdain me but some want to nominate me for employee of the month!I dont think I deserve it im new.I had prospect that this job was going to be easy but its kind of hard.Some people were stunned at my amazing red hair but im used to that.They also think im superb and really good at the job.As I transitioned to another station to learn I saw this other new person and I said "Hi".I could almost garentee that they were shy just like me.The people that were helping me were really supportive.Some of them were weaklings but I treated them the same as everyone else.At the very end of the day I saw a person with one arm and I had alot of sympathy for them.My first day was really interesting.

  3. i was getting an interview to be a photojournalist.im a weakling and i was acting so focused. the guy must have thought i was a genius or something cause he hired me.obviously i was stunned because i assumed the guy wouldn't be so supportive. he looked like he had no like he had no sympothy for me when i told him that i had just lost my brother and he was suppoesed to be here with me.he said i did a superb job on my prospective i thought he was being sarcastic. he said that he rely,s on me but he didnt seem so supportive

  4. "There is so much jobs and careers out there is so many we can't even calculated and their decision for their purpose of joining any careers or jobs.They perspective there information about their reports and even grades to see if their successful in their learning and sympathy.People will even give up in their career and jobs to be another thing in life for their success of knowledge and learning purposes.Prospect the people give you courage,passion,and even love because they want you to be helpful,proactive,and even care about others.People focused and listen to the Speaker or another person that is talking and speaking to you.The Speaker is being supportive and superb for their helping problems or sections of the informational text of what are they doing.That is my information and responding to the answer of "Starting A New Job".

  5. it is the first day of the job and I need to find something that will mach what my job is a visual Artist so I would have to were aporn , clothes that i can get dirty and art supplies . Now it is time to get my lunch and bag rety , so for my lunch I will have a superb lunch in it i will have chichen nodel soup with crackers , lemonade ,and bag of some chips . In my backpack I transition my stuff to my back like A water bottle , a snack ,and art book an pencils . My persperctive of art is the you be anything when it comes to art , and be focus at all times when it come to art you do not want to mess up art your art piece but if you do you can alway turn it into something else if you wanted to or you can just start all over again .

  6. Today is my first day on the job ,and I'm scared because I don't know if anyone will RELY on me, and hope they are supportive.I assume they are going to be superb to me, they're obviously guaranteed to be focused because there such geniuses.

  7. I focused on my walk to the building. I was super excited. Computer science was my dream since I was a kid. I knew that I wasn't a genius, but I was sure I would fit in with everyone. I walked into the glass building, and saw that everyone was pretty stunned to see me. They did not recognize me. Of course, I could feel their disdain sink into me. When I was a kid, computer science was a prospect to my life. I loved computers when I was a kid. I glanced at the map on the far wall, and realized I had to go to the top floor for my first meeting. It took me about forty minutes to get there. My perspective was very grim case I was very tired. My gaze around the hallway caught a glass door at the edge of the hallway. I ran to the door, and opened it quietly. As I gazed around the room, every inch of the wall was covered with superb heroes in the past, even superheroes in comics. I thought everyone was a weakling just by looking at their faces. I sat down in the middle of the table, and had a pride of guarantee. Obviously everyone stared at me, waiting for me to say something, but I said nothing. They did not have sympathy. Why did I choose this job? This is just weird. ¨Anyway, I assume you were from MIT, right?¨ A woman from across the table asked me. ¨Yes, I am from MIT. Why are you asking?¨ She said, ¨A lot of people seemed to rely on you there, right?¨ As she said this, my thoughts twisted around her details, I would recognize her. Everyone just stared at me, being so not supportive. I transitioned myself, and zoomed out of the building, hoping to never see them again

  8. I was so happy when I was hired I shock so atfer two weeks of training I was so exited I atfer when to work it was hard at first but then I got use to it but miss my old job but was every happy.

  9. Once upon a time there was a beautiful graceful dancer it was obvious that she was the star she was a superb dancer she was also a genius planner everyone had different prospectiveś about her most of them were good everyone was focused on her as she transitioned around the stage but there was also people that were jealous of her and destained her called her a weakling her stunned fans had sympathy for her so they were supportive towards her then someone nominated her to dance for the hole town they assumed she would do it, they all relied on her she was beyond nervous and did not want to do it but she new that performance depended on her future so she was guaranteed that she was going to do that performance so she did it,and now she is a professional dancer.

  10. Alexander soto👌👌March 14, 2019 at 11:16 AM

    ones there was a kid named Allan and he wants to be in the NFL people think he will never make it.there are disdaining him but he will not give up on his dream of being in the NFL. but he was focused on his career of being in the Nfl.He was a genius in school he loved to go to school.people said he was to small for the NFL then he started to get weaker and weaker then he was a weakening. But when people see him play football people can see how good he was then he was he was in football. he finished he was a football player he was very happy and very superb.

  11. i was focused on my test

  12. One day a superb genius named josh woke up and he was very prospect of today because today was two days before he finished high school and he assumed that he would make it matter of fact he was guaranteed he would obviously be at the graduation but right before the last transition he told the teacher "Hey I didn't here if I made it" and the teacher said "Oh sorry maybe next year" and josh was stunned he asked the teach how,the teacher said "Josh you have to stay focused " josh then said "okay thanks for your perspective" will josh was leaving he felt so disdained of her because he had to rely on her and she was very supportive during transition he thought he herd the teacher say he was a weakling and he got so fired up he nominated her for worst teacher her had no sympathy for her the next year came by and he actually graduated!

  13. January is superb month some places have snow during January. January is obviously really cold and people don't like the month but it's the first month of the year and people should enjoy it. In my perspective January is an amazing month because I like the snow and the cold. Sometimes when I'm in the snow for to long I start weakling and can't feel my body. my parents are always stunned when they see me in the snow for like 2 hours. My brother always jokes around and says,"I nominate Angel Franco to nominate her for best snowman ever!" I always assume that people think I'm weird because I like the snow. (not done)

  14. On my first day as a pedeatrician I went to Kaiser and took one step into my office and had disdain. My office had all sorts of junk like it had not been cleaned in years. In that case I went to the 99 cent store and bought some decorations and before you knew it it looked like an office again. Later during that day I focused on my real work and was looking at some records and saw that a child has cancer so I obviously told her to come to make sure she was heathy and was being supportive and sent her to nice place to help with her cancer because she couldn`t afford it. The little girl relyed on her parents to save up so she could get better. Then I figured out a genious way for her to earn money. So I made a funraiser in my own OFFICE! I told my fellow peers to nominate me as the fundraiser president.

  15. I was disdained when I went to collage cause everyone was saying that I was not good enough to make to the nba but I did it and this is how. In my collage games I was staying focused on the the game and ball so I can get noticed by the nba. And this is what I did to make so first off It was a genius move to stay focused and you also need your bahalors degree. And after people were still assuming that I was not going to make it. My team mates were the only one that relied on me. And after being so weakling I went to the nba draft and I got nominated and I was stunned that I got in. So I transitioned to LA for my nba team and I was sad that I moved from Clevland. My new team mates were really supportive. And the first game of the season it was a superb game. And I was obviously did good I dropped 30 points. And I had sympathy for my team mate cause he got hurt. A few months later. We won the chamionship.

  16. ¨its my first day at work, i'm gonna try to be really supportive and focused.¨ i get out of bed with my arms feeling like a weakling. i go inside my job and the first thing i see is my boss looking at me with a disdain look. i feel stund. then i say, ¨wear will i be working, sir?¨ He points at me then points at the front desk. i can assume that he looks really angry. i try to use sympathy but he just ignores me. i transition to my area and i got struck with a genius idea. why don't i make a party for my boss then ill nominate him to the front of the room then the workers and i will say thank you for everything. as the workers and i finish setting up the party, i look at out boos with a happy face and say, ¨i wanna show you something!¨ we walk to the room and he obviously knew what was going on. he wasn't happy or surprised when i showed him the room! he told me, ¨your not superb enough.¨ someone told me about this party, and i guarantee you that you will clean all of this up!¨ a few minutes later after this he realized he was wrong about everything and he said he will rely on me to make this job better. and i finally seen him smile for once.

  17. Hi my name is Harmoni hubbard and this is my story about my first job i hope you enjoy it.So i im a college student and i'm studying for my masters degree in art to be a cartoonist. i was on my way for a job interview to see if any of the studios wanted my work i made over the year's for a cartoon.I was terbly nerves i looked at my watch and i was running late! i thought to myself i can't be late! so i hurried up and finally got to the studio.And i rushed thru the door and took the job interview the hole time i felt hot and stressed out.I needed this job! i felt like i was going to pass out the hole time there but thinking about it right now it wasn't that bad he said i had very good art work and i got the job! and that's the story how i got my first job.
