Friday, November 6, 2015

Above the Influence

What does it mean to be Above the Influence? Last week we explored Red Ribbon Week and Drug Free Awareness. How will you stand up for yourself and not be influenced by negative people?


  1. I will not do drugs even if my friends are doing it.Smoking or getting drunk could hurt your lungs and you can also get memory loss.

  2. Wether it's "Do these drug things" or "call this girl to come to your house, you should blah blah blah." I know I shouldn't listen, and if they say follow me I wouldn't listen and if I do go I might get into trouble so I'll either try to find a way to get away or try to call for help or something useful. 😋

  3. Above the influnce means to be drug free.It was scary when garret jumped over mr perez

  4. I will not be influenced by people that do drugs because when you do drugs bad things happen to you like scars and seeing things that you think are ok to touch, eat or drink and when you do 1 of those things, something may happen to you.So I will never do drugs or ask somebody to do them.Matthew

  5. I will stay away from strangers. I will not go anywhere by random people and stay close to my family.

  6. Above the enfluence means to handel drugs .I will stand up to drugs by not taking drugs.

  7. i would not use drugs cause it is just a waste of money.It also is bad because you get addicted to it and you start to steel money just for drugs

  8. No drugs,alcohol,or else you won't be able to do cool stuff like bmx people.

  9. To be drug free it means to say no to drugs.Keep away from drugs and alcohol,so you can have a healthy body,and to have a good career.If some one is saying negative things about you just ignore them.Because if you don't ignore it will make you give up and you wont get what you want.

  10. If someone tells me to do something with drugs just say NO!

  11. What I thought is that to be drug free for you can be what you want in the present and to believe in yourself.

  12. It means to not do anything bad. I will not play or hang out with people that do drugs or that do things that are wrong. I will not listen to be with people that lead me to drugs or anything bad.

  13. Influence means to make somebody feel sad.I would just walk away and not listen to what people say.

  14. i think drugs are not the right thing to do all i do is focuse on my work

  15. Say NO to drugs. They'll mess up your life. Keep healthy.

  16. These people who say try drugs are wrong. Those people are not smart. This can harm your body which can lead to suicide or death. Even if someone gave me 2 billion bucks because you would die any way.

  17. I would not do drugs because it is not good for your life now would be against or not against drugs.

  18. I would be above the influence by avoiding the people that tell me to take drugs,by not drink alcohol and more.would you be above the influence.that is what I would stay away from.

  19. By not showing negative behavior. If you do drugs you won't be able to do the thing you love.):

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I will stand up for myself by not using drugs. I will also not listen to my friends when they say to use them, and they are cool and everyone is doing them, I will still not do it because it can ruin my life and it can also ruin my brain. Plus, people who do drugs think that they are cool just because they are doing them, but I think that you don't have to do drugs to be cool everyone has their own unique style.

  22. Above influence means drug free. I would not do drugs because they make you unhealthy for your body.

  23. I would just ignore all the people that try to influence me in things that I probably should not do.

  24. I will be able to stand up by not even taking a sip of wine beer or even take a puff of a sigerett or do drugs drugs are so bad for you but if you need them if you are realy sick them i would use them when I get older and mabey if my friends do them and they say there cool and everyone is doing them i will still not do them no matter what I hate drugs and people do them and say there cool just because they probely have a gang and they are doing them but its not cool drugs can ruin your life.

    1. Remember to please use sentences when you respond. You only used one period in an entire paragrpah.

  25. I wold never do drugs becuase they are bad. You could die
