Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pokemon Go

Imagine that you are playing Pokemon Go, when all of a sudden the Pokemons become real life characters in real life! What adventure will you start to go on with your new real life Pokemons?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Learning is Power

If you could learn how to do something new next week, what would you choose? Why?

Monday, July 18, 2016

A Place to Play

If you could design the perfect play space for yourself, what would it have in it? 
Where would it be? 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Think About It

Answer the following questions... What do you think?

Copy and paste this in your comment and then answer.

  1. At what age is a person an adult? Why do you think so?
  2. If could change one rule that your family has, what would you change?
  3. What is something that makes your family special?
  4. Of all the things you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful when you are an adult?
  5. Are you a good friend? Why do you think so?
  6. How would the world be different if animals could talk?
  7. Would you cheat on a test if you knew you would not get caught? Why or why not?
  8. If you could grow up to be famous, what would you want to be famous for?
  9. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
  10. What is the best gift you have ever given? Why was it so special?
  11. What is the hardest thing about being a kid?
  12. If you were a teacher, and the kids in your class would not listen to you, what would you do?
  13. Where is your favorite place in the world?
  14. If you could give one gift to every single child in the world, what gift would you give?
  15. If you could travel back in time three years and visit your younger self, what advice would you give yourself?
  16. What five words do you think most describe you?
  17. If you could invent something that would make life easier for people, what would you invent?
  18. When was a time that you felt lucky?
  19. What do you think would be the hardest thing about being blind?
  20. If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what rule would you make? Why?

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Secret World

Jenny bent down to look through the tiny door at the back of the room. She couldn't believe what she saw! What happens next?

Monday, July 11, 2016

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Would You Rather?

Would you rather travel to a cold climate forest or a tropical beach for a vacation? Explain which one you would choose and three reasons why you choose this destination.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

4th of July

Yesterday was the 4th of July! What did you and your family do to celebrate our country's freedom?