Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Secret World

Jenny bent down to look through the tiny door at the back of the room. She couldn't believe what she saw! What happens next?


  1. She saw a giant man!everyone was scared of him at first but he was a nice giant.One day the Giant stomped so hard the clouds started to cry .Then the town started to floud.So then the people in town were running everywhere.So they started to climb on the giant and he saved there lives.Then he put everyone on a tall hill so they would not drown.

  2. she saw wonderland and she could not fit in the little door and she saw a drink that said "drink me" and before she drank the drink she saw a key she took the key and drank the drink and she became small but she was the right size for the door and she open the door with the key and the door open and she entered the door and now her life was change when she entered that door to be continue.......:3

    1. This reminds me of a very famous story. :) Remember to use capitals and punctuation to make complete sentences.

  3. she saw her best friend from a long long time ago.She wanted to play with her but she was trapped in a little room.And she tried and tried to fined a way out but she couldent get out and she yelled stacy and stacy that was her friends name.She coudent hear her for like 2 min but she hered her she wondered were it came from she saw the little house and she got her out and then they started playing the end.

  4. she saw her best friend from a long long time ago.She wanted to play with her but she was trapped in a little room.And she tried and tried to fined a way out but she couldent get out and she yelled stacy and stacy that was her friends name.She coudent hear her for like 2 min but she hered her she wondered were it came from she saw the little house and she got her out and then they started playing the end.
