Tuesday, December 4, 2018

A Snowman's First Winter

You are a snowman that has recently been created. Tell us about your first winter holiday. What do you love about the world around you!

Please use the following words in your story:

particles, formation, structure, repetition, visible, erode, moisture, contact


  1. once upon a time there was a snowman he was made of small particals witch are not visible to see at the end of winter the snowman erodes.the formation of the snowman is stracrurly built and the snow is very moist and the snowmans contact by hand movements

  2. I woke up one day and saw little particles of snow. We drove our car to our structured house. It was cool to see the formation of wood. The worker were doing repetitions of staples to the wood. Today the snow was not really visible. the roads were eroded with ice. And the moister was tense. So we contact the people to clean the road.

  3. My impactive and experience of a snowman.The children were convincing and commnuncation doing to build a snowman or go to there snowboard.They finally discuss the informational texture for the session and sections for were they are putting all of the particles and visible sequences.They thought of the position were doing but all of the stuff for infor repetition of doing the stuff all over me and then they put some decorations.

  4. I need to find a little bit of particles so I can eat them. So I got in formation and started looking. And I found a structure with a little bit of particles but it was not enough. I needed more. So the next hour I went looking and I saw something that was completely visable and then it just eroded and I also got moistured and I found a lot of particles and I got in contact and ate them all and I was not hungery agian.

  5. Hi i'm a snowman in a winter wonderland.Each time i'm in the sun I get moist.when it's summer I erode and get pail.then my friend snowman has to structure me because I am very practible.when I melt I form in different shapes.I make contact with people like frosty the snow manwhen i melt i am a pudle and can not be vizable.All the other snowmans have the same repitition.

  6. Wow! the is world is cool. I everything is visible.There little particles of snow. I feel like a structure and I wish i can repetition I feel contact. Oh what that the sun I feel moisture that means I am MELTING! well thats ok see next winter and I erode away

  7. One snowing day the snow was visible , and moisture was cold and like your toe can be structured with snow on it . He said when you contact me I will make it snow snowflakes . Particles that I am made of are snow , carrot , twigs ,a hat , buttons or rocks , and scarf . And when it is winter an it is snowing you can repetition me again an again .

  8. One christmas morning a little boy woke up excited for snow. He putted on his clothes and went outside. Outside was beautiful he could see the particles falling down off the sky and landing on the ground to make snow. He was so excited that that he made contact with the snow. The little boy started to make structures with snow. Soon The boy started to form a snowman for the first time. He wanted to make the snowman so big! That it would be visible to the whole neighborhood. he tried making the snowman but it failed he repetition over and over again. Until he made the snowman. The snowman was so huge it was bigger than his house. He was happy of what he made. He jumped high in the sky like a bird. He went to tell his parent about the huge snowman he made. He and his parents went outside to look at the h8ge snowman. His parent mouth was wide. They congrats him for making his very first snowman. Night rolled around and it was time to sleep. The boy knew the snowman was the biggest. A day later the boy went outside to check on his snowman, but something went wrong. The snowman turned into moisture and erode to the ground. The boy was sad that the snowman was gone. But he knew that his snowman was the biggest and the very first one he made.

  9. I was built with alot of repetition,the kids could just not get me right!I had to be visible from their room.I keep getting these little particles of things on me.I cant even get them out because my arms are sticks!I cant get sprayed down or I will erode.I keep getting in contact from the kids with snowballs.I keep thinking im going to fall over but im a good structure.Its snowing,theres alot of moisture now!

  10. I used snow to build my snow man I can see the little ice particles as I am forming the snowman,I notice how well it structured the snow was moist as we put a sound box so it can talk but it only said hello so it was repetition all day the next day I quikly contacted my mother that the snowman was no longer visible as it erode we said we will remake you next year.

  11. once there was a snowman that my family made called frosty. frosty was made from little particals called snow.the snow is able to hold any formation. ok now back to the story. the way we made it was a maxican theme snowman.I helped structure the base of frosty.My little cousin said in a braging reputition haha im visable to frosty im visable to frosty.our enighbors was giving frosty visual contact. when the heat came ffrosty had already eroded to the sky.the clothes were damp and moist. the end.

  12. One day 2 visible children started picking up snow particles and made them into a big snowball probably the size of a tier but round. They repeated the same thing 2 times but each time it got smaller. I heard them say we're done with the structure with the snowman and now for the rest. They put 2 rocks in the eye socket they made and I could see clear!! Then I saw them put an erode scarf around my neck. I saw them forming a arm like stick and put them on each side of my torso. They put a moist carrot in the middle of my face. Then they got three rocks and put them like buttons on the torso and yelled their done!! Next thing you know they were contacting their mom to show her their snowmwn.

  13. my first winter so as see light as my body gets stuctred im made out of frozen mosture as i see white particals come from the sky and at last i erode my formation starts changeing i start die out after the holidays i'll be back.

  14. The Gargantic Snowman Sylvanie
    When a little girl named Cindy woke up this morning there were tiny white particles floating in the air called snow. She noticed that they were barley visible unless they were clumped up together. Cindy went outside and started the formation of a big snowman. It took a lot of structuring to build that jumbo size gargutuam snowman. After she was done she was tired but proud and she gave the humungous snowman a humungous hug. As she came in contact she soaked up some the snowman moisture but Cindy smiled and said,"It's just a little snowman love". Cindy took many selfies with the snowman she named Bob. Cindy woke up the next morning to find a sunny morning and she ran outside to see Bob but Bob had eroded in the burning hot sun. She was sad but she knew the next time it snowed she could rebuild Bob. She had to do a lot of repetition but she did it and Cindy passed on the tradition to her whole family.

  15. Once there was a lonley snowman in Big Bear and their was a water hole next to him and a phone was about to erode in that cold water so when no one was looking he picked it up when no one was looking. So he had a friend that was a girl snowman and she finally came to Big Bear at night and she had a phone and both of their phones had snow particles on them and then they shared contacts. When the snowmen saw each other they saw visible goosebumps and they both asked "Do snowmen even get goosebumps?".
    The snowmen kept talking and felt mouisture from the water hole. They were talking and talking in repetition motion. Then the girl snowman named Summer showed the boy snowman named Frosty said "ok" and their was his family on a car structure and their formation was amazing they were in a straight line.

  16. When I was created, the girl used lots of particles to make my three balls. When she was done, she left ME out there for three days STRAIGHT. It was so unnatural, like I was just a structure, or a formation that she didn't even CARE about! I felt like I was gonna erode into bits of snow by the time she got back. But luckily (thank goodness!), she finally came out and sat right in front of me. I glared at her for a long time, until she called to some strangers that she just built a snowman! A SNOWMAN!? Seriously!? What kind of name is that?! Anger boiled inside of me, and just I expected, the girl stared at me with frightened eyes, as if she just saw a heating inside of me. She kept doing doing with repetition, every break she would look at this strangely carved thing that I have NO IDEA what it is. I kept trying to see what the girl was looking at, but it wasn't visible. She then walked back to the thing with these very tall things. She then came back with a bucket that she poured on my head. I HATED IT! ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก I felt a little moisture gliding through my body. Then she went back inside (OMG!!!๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘๐Ÿ˜‘) and in her curved thing, was a strange-looking licking thing, and she placed the thing RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! Oh my gosh, I really didn´t need that contact RIGHT IN MY FACE! Then the thing jumped on my head, and jumped until I was a pile of snow. MY LIFE IS OVER!!

  17. I looked outside There was snow little particles of snow on The floor it was formation really. Fast i was thinking about making a snowman it had to be structure. I kept repetition i want to make a snowman she said yes my mom said. Be visible i said i know i hope it wont erode their was no moisture the thing is contact i wanted to show my mom.

  18. The day was december 24 the day before christmas that is my birthday. when I got home my mom had particles of food ready for the family so I went to the store. when i was going to the store I look at a snowman on the streets. I asks the man if he wanted to have dinner with my family he repetition saying that he was thankful. The man said that he formation a long time ago. people say my home is not visible but I can see it. the man contact my home.

  19. Now that it is the winter time people can build something that looks just like me.Someone built me by finding particles of snow lots of particles,giant particles.Then they make a structure for me to not break apart๐Ÿ˜žYayy!!!And then they kept doing a repetition for me to stay stabled.Sometimes i'm not visible๐Ÿ˜ฃ

  20. As soon as the children who have built stepped in side I wake up with an erode colored scarf hanging from my neck, and very visible snow all around me.The carrot on my face feels moist as I hop down the street.I see repetition with the lights that people hang up then I say to myself "Is this some type of competition o who has better light?" Just then I saw kids in all sorts of formation then I noticed that they are in a war."Fire" yelled little Jimmy the boy who built my sister Julia.Then the kids on the other side of the lawn tring to structure an igloo like fort said "Wait." I saw particles of snow flying in the air the snow ball came in contact with the igloo.When I got home I asked my family "Is Christmas a competition or a war?" They said, "No.The holidays is time to spend with family and friends." Then I understood me went to bed.
