Wednesday, February 24, 2016

A Story for Forest...

Forest is a new pig at Lucky Chi Ranch. Create a story about Forest living his new life at the ranch with lots of little chihuahuas! What types of adventures will he get into?


  1. Once upon a time there was a pig. He wanted a home So he wandered the forest He found a eagle. He did not know what eagles ate so he decide to digged for cover. Then the mountain started shaking. The dirt he was under came up and he went flying into a tree. He landed in the leaves. He was not harmed. But then the tree gave way. Then the tree came tumbling down the mountain. Then he was very injured. A woman name Heather Hilz. Found him and rescued the pig. He was fixed. The Lucky Chi Ranch took care of him. Then three weeks later he found a home. Then he lived happily ever after


  2. One day it was a stormy night and there was a pig named forest we did not know who he belonged to so I took him home then I saw his collar it had a number on it so I called that number and I found the owner so she sent me her address and I took him back home and they lived happily ever after.yay

  3. One day it was a stormy night and there was a pig named forest we did not know who he belonged to so I took him home then I saw his collar it had a number on it so I called that number and I found the owner so she sent me her address and I took him back home and they lived happily ever after.yay

  4. Once upon a time, there was a pig.... named... FOREST (boom explosions). HE IS THE BEST PIG IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE SPACE (fireworks). HE CAN BEAT UP BAD GUYS! (SMOKE EFFECT). AND HERE IS HIS STORY. (violin plays). Once, there was a pig born by a pink goat and a weird looking sheep. They let it off to survive by itself. Then, he found an enemy. With his super duper mega uber awesome cool amazing majestic marvelous superpowers, he made the enemy disappear in under half a milisecond. Then he found friends, Uncle Joe, Mary, Qwertyuiop, he loved his life. Then he trained to be the best pig ever. Once he accomplished his dreams, his enemy came back, IMMORTAL. So they went in a Dragon Ball Z type of fight. In the end, forest used his kamehameha to explode his enemy, which made him mortal. And then his enemy, Asdfghjkl, was never seen again. And forest lived happily ever after... The end...

    (To be continued....)

    1. Really?

    2. "AWSOME! I WANT TO READ PART 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (mind blown sound effects) :3

  5. His adventure will be about him meeting the chihuahuas and make new friends. THE END (ps that was all i can think of:(

  6. Forest can go to a pig race at the pumpkin patch in temecula and the pigs can race it was funny when i went to and when they were racing there was a pig where the pig was distracted because somebody had a piece of food.

  7. One day there was Forest who loved to run around. He loved playing with the chihuahuas. He loved everything like eating and sleeping. So at the end of the day he is tired and goes to sleep.

  8. Forest will become a human named FOREST GUMP and that's why they made the movie and he will live forever.
    P.S. in the movie he plays football and when he gets a touchdown he extra runs it.

  9. Once there was a pig he loved to go anywhere.He wanted to go to DisneyLand.He will ride all the rides and won all sorts of prizes.Then it was time to go.The End (Forest is a Pot bellied Pig)

  10. Forest can go to a new family and join a club about pigs and meet new friends and feel even more welcomed with more pigs and go to a place that all pigs would enjoy.

  11. Forest can go to a new family and join a club about pigs and meet new friends and feel even more welcomed with more pigs and go to a place that all pigs would enjoy.

  12. Once, a little pig name Forest he got rescued by a lovely women, Heather Hilz. She took him to her house and Heather let Forest meet her chihuahuas. First, they were REALLY shy and scared. But, then Heather pet them at the same time to tell them that they were nice. After that, they started to play with each other and lived happily ever after. ^-^

  13. once there was a pig and he met a chiwawa the pig said I need a place to live the chewawa said you can live with heather. Wow really? Yes said the chwewawaw hether is really loving to.

  14. One day a forest loves to play and loves to hang out with his best buds... the CHIHUAHUAS!!!! After that he would go to sleep and the day is over the end.

  15. Forest can See the movie Forest Gump, then he can eat yummy
    popcorn.Then he can go roller skate!!!!

  16. once there was forest that had a lot of chihuahuas. He loved the CHIHUAHUAS!!!!!!!!! When the day was over the forest and the chihuahuas went to sleep. THE END???

  17. One day, there was a pig named Forest. Forest was ready to move to ranch filled with chihuahuas. But when he saw how many chihuahuas there was, he go a bit scared. But then his owner said that they were friendly so he just stayed calm. When he got to the ranch, people were so excited to see him that he was very happy. Forest was getting very excited to live with the chihuahuas that he was playing with them and acting like a chihuahua. But when he was forced to eat, he said he was not hungry.


  18. Once opon a time there was a little pig named forest he was all alone in the woods:( then a little girl and her mom were walking in the woods and found forest all alone and now he has the best forever home known to mankind!!!!!!!!

  19. Forest...will get into some trouble now and then.But,he will always have a big journey ahead of him.And maybe he can even get along with the chihuahuas.FIN

  20. forest will get in to chihuahuas world and i think that he is going to get in a very good home and be happy their.i realy think they are going to be in a good home the end mrs hilz without you some dogs wont even be alive right now and i thank you so much for that.

  21. Forest...will get into some trouble now and then.But,he will always have a big journey ahead of him.And maybe he can even get along with the chihuahuas.FIN

  22. Once Upon Time there was a pig named Forest...................
    Forest used to be in a animal center until a women named Heather (Mrs.Hilz) took him home and had him as her pet.When Forest went to her house he met her two dogs, named Fuzzy and Spot(i don't know their real names) Spot looked at Forrest like if he was a mutated dog and ran in the house, on the other hand Fuzzy stayed there and just looked at forrest and walked away. Heather (Mrs.Hilz) came out and gave Forrest 2 carrots. Forrest ate the carrots. The End?

    To be Continued?

  23. One day there was a pig named FOREST!!!!It was the cutest pig in the world. That is a cute little pig.One day he or she went in a competition for the cutest pig ever ! and forest one he competition we were so proud of forest .Forest treat was a big feast ,and the food was carrots,hay, and a big tub full of water. That was the day we let Forest roll in a big tub of mud to reward Forest .W were so happy that Forest got a metal we let him sleep in side the house because we were happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    the end

  24. There was a pig in a forest who wanted to have a home. He wandered and wandered until someone found him and took him in The person that took him in kep him and he never had to go into the forest ever again.
