Monday, February 8, 2016

School Uniforms

Write a persuasive response for or against school uniforms.


  1. well, I'm for and against, since I don't really care about school uniforms. It's pretty nice to see everyone wearing the same uniform (especially in japan) but like, why do we?

    1. *Forgot to capitalize W in the beginning + last sentence is "Why do we have to?"

  2. I would not like to wear school uniforms because you can't wear your own clothes plus the uniforms are just PLAIN. You also have to wear to kinds of clothes some for school and some for home.

  3. I don't like school uniforms because...

    1. They don't let kids/teens express on how they think on their or on someone else's style.

    2. School uniforms just are dumb, i mean why do we all need to wear THE SAME exact clothes.

    I dont know if this is persuasive writing. xD xD xD

  4. I would not want a uniform because sometimes it can get dirty and you have to wear it the very next day. School uniform sometimes annoy me because you always have to wear it. That was my opinion about school uniform.

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  7. I'm for and against. The reason i'm against is because who likes wearing black, gray, and really long socks? I'm for because school uniforms sometimes makes students do better in school.

  8. I am totally against school uniforms because you can't wear your own clothes.and the ugliest.I would die if I had to wear uniforms.


    do not like uniforms at all not one bit.

    thank you.

    1. Probably,like who would die just because they have to wear a uniform?

    2. I'm with Cold Pocket. (Matt) 8)

    3. yes I would die if had to wear a uniform even just for one day

      AND I'M NOT BEING SARCASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    4. XD Cold Pocket XD

    5. No i do not hear you because... well... DONT HURT ME!!!



    7. I dare to reply

    8. So now your threatening us.And I don't believe you why would you end your life just because of a school uniform!

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. I dare reply to Merissa. :) :( 8)

    11. I dared to do it again!!!!

    12. I dared toooooooooooo! :O

    13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Honestly,I think school waste your time a and sometimes they don't feel very comfortable, not that I wore any it's just an opinion.

  10. I'm against school uniforms and these are my reasons.First of all this is america right?We should be able to where something of our choice that's appropriate.And what if you don't have the money for school uniforms,what are they gonna do then?Last but not least ,the uniforms may be uncomfortable and the last thing you want is maybe a rash.Those are my reasons why they shouldn't force students to wear school uniforms.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. No everyone in the school would have the same uniforms !!!!!!!

  12. OMG i do not like school uniforms because you don't get to ware your clothing that you have at your home and ones you big and you need a school uniform for your first day of school but you have your school uniform but as when you were little>:(

  13. NOOOO thank you i'm good without a school uniform because I don't think that it's fair I mean no one should be telling us what to wear. Well that's what I think!

  14. Against, No cause sometimes they can be uncomfortable and because I do not like them.

  15. Have you ever wanted uniforms to not be allowed in your school? Here are my reasons why I wouldn't want any uniforms. A reason is that if there were uniforms, you wouldn't be able to show how fashionable you are. Also, you would be wearing things that people are wearing. Those were my reasons of why I don't want uniforms to be allowed. Will you follow my reasons and agree with me? ^-^

  16. At my old school we had to wear uniforms. I did not like it. I feel that when people wear uniforms they don't get to express themselves. Yes people might make fun of your outfit, but it is part of of life. School uniforms are. When a school wears uniforms it just looks dull and has no color. Imagine in your head: A school with uniforms, and a school without uniforms. The one without uniforms looks bright and has color. This is my reason why uniforms should be banned.

  17. I am against school uniforms because if I were to run out of school uniforms I would have to0 go to school in a random shirt I would have to home and not learn. I am also against school uniforms because people should be able to wear whatever they what. They shouldn't have to wear boring old khakis and plain red, blue, white, orange... shirts. In conclusion I believe that kids/adults should be able to wear whatever they want.

  18. I don't really like uniforms because then you have to put on a tie and then your throat starts to itch or hurt. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░

  19. i think i would not allow uniforms because they do not let you were what you want to were and i do not like that so that is why i chose to not were that and i just don't like it.

  20. I think people should not were uniforms because they are kind of being foreced to were it.So they don't get to were there own kind of cloths. They don't get to were there own style and be free to chose whatever they want.That is why i think people should not were uniforms because they don't get to bye there own close ,and they have to were the same close every day .Do you think people should were uniforms or not were uniforms what do you think?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. if i ever get uniforms AGAIN i will chew it up and eat it for breakfast lunch and dinner

  23. So u think uniforms are nice well,here is my op.
    they can hurt u
    they dont let youre uniqness show in fashin
    there j...just no.
    they ugly
    by vanessa? yeah ...just go go!

  24. I am against school uniforms because they are probaly so tight and don't let you express your true style and who wants to have to wear the same clothes every day. That's why I am against school uniforms.

  25. So u think uniforms are nice well,here is my op.
    they can hurt u
    they dont let youre uniqness show in fashin
    there j...just no.
    they ugly
    by vanessa? yeah ...just go go!

  26. I am not against school Uniforms for many reason because my first reason is that the kids can dress properly. Next, my that the girl do not need to wear those little shorts. Then, The boys can dress like gentleman and that they be matching like all the other boys. Finally, I think that it is a good idea for all the girls and boys are the same for people don't have to judge them on their clothes because they are wearing the same thing.

  27. NO!!!!School uniform are really weird.America was made to be a FREE country not to wear some uniform.And you look at to your right theirs blue look to your left there's blue so it pretty boring your used to seeing so many colors that it just doesn't feel right.

  28. NO!!!! School uniforms are not colorful. People express them selves by their clothes. People want to wear what them want to WEAR! Plus, school uniforms are not fun to wear in. They don't color and I don't know if they let girls wear pants. I REALLY DO NOT LIKE WEARING SKIRTS!!!!!!! (╬ಠ益ಠ)

  29. I would say to the the uniforms for school is that if we were to wear uniforms I would go to a school where they do not wear uniforms because uniforms can make you very sweaty or you can get cold from the winter.Then,I would do is that I will wash the uniforms every day or so.It will be nasty if you were to wear the uniforms every single day and you do not wash the uniforms after you got them all dirty.I would not wear a uniform because that will make me have to change your clothes.Then,you can be very uncomfortable when you are in a uniform and during work or it can be you doing anything such as walking,running,and working.You should not wear uniforms to work,running,walking anything that you do not wear a uniform,but you can only wear the uniform to work ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.You can be wear uniforms is just that it can get you very hot and sweaty.You should not like uniforms because it would not let you wear what you want to wear to school.

  30. I think no to school uniforms because you can wear what ever you want not what they want you to wear... <<<...THE END...>>>

  31. NO!!!! I don't like school uniforms because they can be a little stinky if you don't wash it every day. Plus, you do not want to watch all the students to wear the same thing as you do. if you wear a uniform it's like they are forcing you to wear it.

  32. I would say to the the uniforms for school is that if we were to wear uniforms I would go to a school where they do not wear uniforms because uniforms can make you very sweaty or you can get cold from the winter.Then,I would do is that I will wash the uniforms every day or so.It will be nasty if you were to wear the uniforms every single day and you do not wash the uniforms after you got them all dirty.I would not wear a uniform because that will make me have to change your clothes.Then,you can be very uncomfortable when you are in a uniform and during work or it can be you doing anything such as walking,running,and working.You should not wear uniforms to work,running,walking anything that you do not wear a uniform,but you can only wear the uniform to work ONLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.You can be wear uniforms is just that it can get you very hot and sweaty.You should not like uniforms because it would not let you wear what you want to wear to school.
