Thursday, August 25, 2016

Digital Super Hero Citizen

1. Read the scenarios below. Which person acts like a good digital citizen?

a) Kwame gets an email from a person he doesn’t know that says he won a prize. He immediately deletes the email and doesn’t reply.

b) Sara makes a peanut butter sandwich for her little sister.

c) Willie and Juan are in a fight. They keep posting mean comments about one another online.

2. What would a good digital citizen do in the following situation? Nick sees that his classmate left her email account open on a school computer by mistake.

Nick decides to _____________________________________________________.

a) send an email from her account to a friend

b) log out of her email and let her know that he closed it for her

c) not do anything and let someone else deal with it

3. What is one way that you can act responsibly online?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What House Do You Belong Too?

We haven't tried this yet! Let's see which Harry Potter house would be our representation.
Take the quiz, and then when done, post which house you were chosen for and why you think you were chosen for that house!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Positive Outlook

A new year is upon on us here at Boulder Ridge. What are the positive things you are going to try to do this year!
*Please list three. Use complete sentences.


Ms. Hilz's Positive Goals
1. To work one on one and in small groups with my students.
2. To create rigorous (challenging), yet fun, learning experiences.
3. Get to know each of my students and create a family unit in our classroom.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Digital Citizenship

Sita likes to visit a website where kids can post messages about school, their favorite TV shows, and current events. She really likes a kid who uses the screen name CJcool11. When Sita shares a problem she has at school, CJcool11 always has good ideas for handling the problem. Even though she has never met CJcool11 in person, Sita thinks of CJcool11 as a friend. One day, while messaging, CJcool11 and Sita compare their two schools. Sita types, “My school principal is so strict. We have to walk through the halls in straight lines!” CJcool11 answers, “My school isn’t so strict. What’s the name of your school?” This question gives Sita a bad feeling. Sita feels uncomfortable about giving that information to CJcool11. She types back, “Uh, my school’s name is too hard to spell.” CJcool11 types, “So where is your school?”

Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?

What should Sita answer?

What makes this answer a good one? _____________________________