Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Digital Citizenship

Sita likes to visit a website where kids can post messages about school, their favorite TV shows, and current events. She really likes a kid who uses the screen name CJcool11. When Sita shares a problem she has at school, CJcool11 always has good ideas for handling the problem. Even though she has never met CJcool11 in person, Sita thinks of CJcool11 as a friend. One day, while messaging, CJcool11 and Sita compare their two schools. Sita types, “My school principal is so strict. We have to walk through the halls in straight lines!” CJcool11 answers, “My school isn’t so strict. What’s the name of your school?” This question gives Sita a bad feeling. Sita feels uncomfortable about giving that information to CJcool11. She types back, “Uh, my school’s name is too hard to spell.” CJcool11 types, “So where is your school?”

Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?

What should Sita answer?

What makes this answer a good one? _____________________________


  1. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?

    Because he is asking her personal questions.

    What should Sita answer?

    I should not give you any personal information sorry.

    What makes this answer a good one?

    it's not rude and i'ts a conversation ender.

  2. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?Sita gets a bad feeling because she does not trust him.

    What should Sita answer?
    She Should not answer the question about CJcool11 saying "What’s the name of your school?”

    What makes this answer a good one?

    It makes this answer a good one because she does not know him.

  3. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?
    I think she getting a bad feelings because she is telling CJcool11 her own information because that might of been a stranger

    What should Sita answer?
    She should answer another school name like from florida.

    What makes this answer a good one? _Because if she told CJcool11 her real school name that would be bad because she is telling him her personal information.

  4. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?

    Sita is uncomfortable about that because is might think that cjcool11 is a bad person.

    What should Sita answer?
    I would say that i don't think i should give out that information to you.

    What makes this answer a good one? I think is a good one because she might be nervous to tell that person.


  5. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?
    I think she gets a bad feeling because she dose not know who Cjcool11 is.

    What should Sita answer?
    I think Sita should of answered sorry cant tell you.

    What makes this answer a good one? It would tell Cjcool11 not to ask questions like that

  6. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?
    Nerves and skared.

    What should Sita answer?
    I can not tell you.

    What makes this answer a good one?
    Because she dose not know him.

  7. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?
    Nerves and skared.

    What should Sita answer?
    I can not tell you.

    What makes this answer a good one?
    Because she dose not know him.

  8. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school? She does not know him.

    What should Sita answer? No

    What makes this answer a good one? She don't want_to come with him____________________________

  9. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school? I think she gets a bad feeling because she does not no who the other person is so she does not know if its a girl or a boy it could even be a person that is older that her he could even be someone how does stuff to kids.

    What should Sita answer?

    What makes this answer a good one? This is a good answer because you should not talk to people you dont know on line

  10. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school? He asked her and she got scared because she doesn't know who he is.
    What should Sita answer?She should put a random school.

    What makes this answer a good one? So no one knows your personal info.

  11. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school? I think she gets a bad feeling because she does not no who the other person is so she does not know if its a girl or a boy it could even be a person that is older that her he could even be someone how does stuff to kids.

    What should Sita answer?

    What makes this answer a good one? This is a good answer because you should not talk to people you dont know on line

  12. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?

    I think she has a bad feeling because, he does not know CJcool11 ,and she hasn't seen him/her in person.

    What should Sita answer?

    I think Sita should not respond or she should just say I don't know how to spell it.

    What makes this answer a good one? _____________________________

    I think it is a good answer because she doesn't want to give personal information to people she doesn't know or anyone.

  13. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?
    Because she doesn't know who he is.

    What should Sita answer?

    What makes this answer a good one?
    Because he could be be killer.

  14. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school? I think she gets a bad feeling because does not know the person.

    What should Sita answer? Sita should not anwser the qustion because she does not know Cjcool11.

    What makes this answer a good one? This is a good answer because that is private infomation._____________________________

  15. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?
    She does not trust him.

    What should Sita answer?
    I don,t thnk i want give you that info

    What makes this answer a good one? ___Because she does not trust him

  16. Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school? Sita gets a bad feeling because
    she felt weird about telling CJcool11 about private information
    What should Sita answer? Sita should say why do you need to know about that or say NO!!!

    What makes this answer a good one? It is a good one because
    why dose CJcool11 need to know about it.
