Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Positive Outlook

A new year is upon on us here at Boulder Ridge. What are the positive things you are going to try to do this year!
*Please list three. Use complete sentences.


Ms. Hilz's Positive Goals
1. To work one on one and in small groups with my students.
2. To create rigorous (challenging), yet fun, learning experiences.
3. Get to know each of my students and create a family unit in our classroom.


  1. My postive goals would be challing myself, also bonding more with my siblings, and playing more outside.

  2. samuel's positive goals
    1.get to learn lots this year
    2.have a lot of fun things to do
    3. make a big adventure along the way to middle school

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. 1.get good grades
    2.spend more time withe my firends and family
    3. get better at math

  5. 1. I want to be better reader.
    2. i will turn in my home work.
    3. i like to play on the computer

  6. mason's positive goals

    1.being nicer to people
    2.getting better grades
    3.be a good basketball player

  7. 1.Do better in class and give it my all.
    2.Get a lot more sleep and wake up earlier.
    3.Get better at motorcycle riding.

  8. 1.I would like to be more creative and express my imagination more
    2.Help people that need help
    3.Help animals that are injured.

  9. I think this is really creative and I will try to do all the 20 things.

  10. 1.To pass 5th Grade and make it to 6th Grade.
    2.Not to get in trouble a lot this year.
    3.Get good grades and success.

  11. 1. I want to get a 4 in all three trimesters.
    2. Also Run a mile every wednesday.
    3. Learn different sports.

  12. I think this is really creative and I will try to do all the 20 things.

  13. alondras positive goals
    1. To work hard in school.
    2. Be the best possible learner i can be
    3. To be more creative

  14. analisa's goals

    1. Try to do better at school.
    2.Remember to try my best at anything .
    3.Go outside and play more .
    4.Read more books .
    5. Do better at math .
    6. Go to bed earlier .
    7. Think more positive . :)

  15. My positive goals are
    1.To try my best
    2.listen to my teacher more
    3.And have fun

  16. My positive goals are 1.Try my best 2.have fun 3.listen to my perest

  17. My positive goals are 1.Try my best 2.have fun 3.listen to my perest

  18. 1. do better in math
    2. get to know my peers better
    that's pretty much it

  19. My goals
    1.make new friends at school
    2.I hope I get good grades and have fun trimesters
    3.I hope I get better drum skills

  20. nathan's positive goals
    1.try to get more pokemon on pokemon Y game
    2.get As every school year
    3.get used to having one cat

  21. Mrs.Hiltz what i am going to try to achieve three things
    1.I am going to try to be first place in the million word challenge.
    2.I am going to try to spell better.
    3.I am going to try not to talk to much in the class.That is what i want to achieve. sincerly ,Cheryl

  22. 1.Read up to a lavel of 5.3 this year.
    2.Get way beater at spelling.
    3.Get way beater at swing.

  23. 1. Not get upset over things.
    2. Remember to bring home practice.
    3.Make better friends.
