Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Geocaching 101

One of my favorite things to do with my family is Geocache! It is a real life treasure hunt! Watch the following video on what Geochaching is!  I hope that maybe you can participate in it with your family!

Once you are done viewing the video, write a short summary of what you think geocaching is.
You may want to include:
What you think geochaching is.
How you geocache with the app.
What types of things you will find.
How it can be a fun activity for you and family.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Philosophy... What's that?

Hmmm, philosopher... That's an unfamiliar word!

  1. a person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.

That still may be a bit unfamiliar! A philosopher is ultimately a person who inquires or studies philosophies or also know as deep subjects about life. Science, mathematics, religion, society, and so on...

We have read and viewed some of the great pieces of Renaissance art that Raphael has created. He also created the piece known as School of Athens! In it, he depicts some of the most famous Greek philosophers (deep thinkers) during that time!

Imagine our class just like these great thinkers! What would you add to this group of philosophers?
What is your goal about going to college?
What do you want to do as a career one day?
What is your goal to do one day to help the world?