Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Geocaching 101

One of my favorite things to do with my family is Geocache! It is a real life treasure hunt! Watch the following video on what Geochaching is!  I hope that maybe you can participate in it with your family!

Once you are done viewing the video, write a short summary of what you think geocaching is.
You may want to include:
What you think geochaching is.
How you geocache with the app.
What types of things you will find.
How it can be a fun activity for you and family.


  1. I think a geocache is a little or big tracker that you have to find. You geocache with the app by looking for a green dot on the screen and then go and look for it. I think I might find some car keys and some pens or stuff. It can be fun because me and my family always like to travel everywhere.

  2. You may want to include:Complete sentences
    What you think geochaching is treause.
    How you geocache with the app Find them and open it.
    What types of things you will find. cool things like weird stuff.
    How it can be a fun activity for you and family.

  3. How it can be a fun activity for you and family. Go hunt for them and me and my family will find cool stuff

  4. I think Geochaching is a fun app to find things and explore the world.I think Geochaching with the app is to search and choose a way to get there.I think i will find fun things such as erasers and toys.It will be a fun activity for my family so we can bond together and exlpore and learn things.

  5. I think that geocaching is a scavenger hunt that includes your phone(s). You geocache by looking at your phone and seeing where a geocache is. I think that you can find little pieces of paper to write your name on. This is a great opportunity for family bonding.

  6. What you think geochaching is.

    I think geocahing is like a real life treasure hunt. You are able to search for hidden things and be part of a bigger community of geocachers!

    How you geocache with the app.

    The app is like a map, it leads you to a geocache.

    What types of things you will find.

    How it can be a fun activity for you and family.

    This is a great opportunity for you and your family to get outside and explore new places.


  7. What you think geocaching is.I think it is a fun and easy way to find stuff and have fun with your family
    How you geocache with the app.It looked like a map, to find it
    What types of things you will can find some things like a stone,marble, and more
    How it can be a fun activity for you and family.this can be a fun activity to be with your family and explore with them

  8. What you think geochaching is.
    I think that it was just like pokemon go.
    How you geocache with the app.
    It was like pokemon go and you would have to search for it.
    What types of things you will find.
    You will find the green spot and the smiley faces are the ones that you have found.
    How it can be a fun activity for you and family.
    It can be fun with this activity for family to explores.

  9. it looks fun
    you go with your perets and bother and if you what to go with your fredis

  10. I think geochaching is like when you go off with your phone and find treasure.
    You find hidden treasure and

  11. 1.I think geochache is something that you can walk places
    2.I think geochacheing is a treaser hut and look for stuff.


  12. What you think geochaching is.
    it is like a hunt on your phone for something cool.
    How you geocache with the app.
    there is a map and it shows the place you are and where a geocache is at and you are trying to fine it.
    What types of things you will find.
    you will find paper and small or big item.
    How it can be a fun activity for you and family.
    this is a great thing because you can explore other places and have fun with your family

  13. What you think geochaching is. A fun exercise.

    How you geocache with the app. You can see how hard it is and how far it is.

    What types of things you will find. junk people don't whont.

    How it can be a fun activity for you and family. To play hide n seek with things.

  14. What you think geochaching is.I think it is a fun and easy way to spend time with your Family
    How you geocache with the app.It looked like it was a bunch of trinkets scattered all over.
    What types of things you will find.I do not know.
    How it can be a fun activity for you and family.It can be fun with my family because we can spend time with my family.

  15. What you think geochaching is. a app to find fiden stuff
    How you geocache with the app. is look like pokemon go
    What types of things you will find. winco stores and more
    How it can be a fun activity for you and family. its cool.

  16. What you think geochaching is.
    How you geocache with the app.
    What types of things you will find.
    How it can be a fun activity for you and family.

    I think the geocaching is a fun app to find cool things but you have to put it back you can take one thing from the box and put one in.

    What you do is you geocaching to find new things.

  17. i think geochaching is nice
    finding a geo is like a advencher
    this app is like a map
    you get to find lots of stuff in different places

  18. i think geochaching is nice
    finding a geo is like a advencher
    this app is like a map
    you get to find lots of stuff in different places

  19. i think geochaching is nice
    finding a geo is like a advencher
    this app is like a map
    you get to find lots of stuff in different places
