Thursday, September 1, 2016

Philosophy... What's that?

Hmmm, philosopher... That's an unfamiliar word!

  1. a person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.

That still may be a bit unfamiliar! A philosopher is ultimately a person who inquires or studies philosophies or also know as deep subjects about life. Science, mathematics, religion, society, and so on...

We have read and viewed some of the great pieces of Renaissance art that Raphael has created. He also created the piece known as School of Athens! In it, he depicts some of the most famous Greek philosophers (deep thinkers) during that time!

Imagine our class just like these great thinkers! What would you add to this group of philosophers?
What is your goal about going to college?
What do you want to do as a career one day?
What is your goal to do one day to help the world?


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  3. What is your goal about going to college? To be a teacher or artist.

    What do you want to do as a career one day? To be a teacher or artist.

    What is your goal to do one day to help the world? To give the world artwork and knowledge.

  4. What is your goal about going to college? I don;t really know what college I want to go to.

    What do you want to do as a career one day? A football player.

    What is your goal to do one day to help the world?Donate to charity.

  5. My goal for in college is that I want to get through and pass all of my classes.I want to be a pro gamer and youtuber for my career.I want to tell everybody world wide that hunting and killing animals is illegal for everything.

  6. 1.I want to go to college
    2.I want to be a doctor
    3.Donate money to charity

  7. My goal to help the world is to do whatever I can to help it evolve. My career is to be a pro drummer and be better than I am today. My goal to go to college is to succeed in high school and I do not know which college I want to go to.

  8. What is your goal about going to college? mine is to get all a's then get a PhD
    What do you want to do as a career one day? mine is to get into nasa and work there because i like space
    What is your goal to do one day to help the world? mine is to start helping the poor and explore space and make pluto a planet!

  9. What is your goal about going to college?
    i want to be a famous basketball player

    What do you want to do as a career one day?
    i want to be a good basketball player because i like basketball
    What is your goal to do one day to help the world? i also want help the world by telling people to don't throw trash in the street and the ocean.

  10. 1.I do want to college i want to go to ucla.
    2.I want to be a chef or singer.
    3.I can help the world by helping charity.

  11. i want to go to college and get good grades and study . i want to be a doctor for my career. i want to help the world by making better donating money to the charity

  12. What is your goal about going to college?
    I want to sucssed in everthing.
    What do you want to do as a career one day?
    To work at Krispy Kreme.
    What is your goal to do one day to help the world?
    Save homeless people

  13. I would like to get my bachelor's of arts degree and maybe my master if motorcross doesn't work out. I would love to do motorcross. I would want the police to allow motorcycles on the street.

  14. What is your goal about going to college?to go to a good college
    What do you want to do as a career one day?to be a famous soccer player
    What is your goal to do one day to help the world?i want to give money to charity

  15. What is your goal about going to college? - I want to go to college one of the colleges i want to go to is Cal State Fullerton. The reason i want to go there is because it is a good baseball school. The other college i want to go to is Stanford University. I want to go there is becuase you need good grades to go there and i want something to work for.

    What do you want to do as a career one day? I want to be in the MLB. I want to do that because i love playing baseball and im good at it.

    What is your goal to do one day to help the world? If i make it to the MLB i want to amaze the world and show anyone could make it.

  16. What is your goal about going to college?
    I would like to go to college but i don't know what college yet .

    What do you want to do as a career one day?
    I would like to be a famous soccer play ,or i would like to work at animal shelter.

    What is your goal to do one day to help the world?
    My goal is to help as many people and reseue aninimals.

  17. Yes I want to go to college.

    I want to now how to be a vet but I want to help homeless

    I want to help homeless animals.

  18. i want to go to college
    i want to be a vet.
    i want to start a dog rescue
