Thursday, January 12, 2017

Respect - Pass it on...


Recently, you read an article about respect. Use your blog post to summarize this article. Give the main idea and key details as to what it covered?  Once you have given the summarization, write one sentence that represents your feelings on bullying and why it isn't cool!Image result for respect


  1. Basketball player Damian Lillard went to a school in Alameda California Where there was a kid called Garret being bullied. Lillard stood up for him and telled the other kids stop. He And Garret became friends and started to text and go over to Damians and hang out. Lillard made a program called Respect: Pass It On to help the bullies stop being mean to other people. Bullying isn't cool because you are hurting kids that didn't do anything to you.

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  3. Being bullied is bad because kids don't need to be hurt every day. Kids need to respect each other because everyone is equal to have respect. If you are being bullied stand up for yourself tell someone don't be scare to do what you want. If you are bullying kids then people wont be were friends and life will be hard. This story is about to be respectful to each other and don't be a bully.

  4. I feel bullying is rude and obnoxious. It also does not get the bully anywhere in life it is pointless. And most of the bullies in the world only bully because they have been bullied and they feel that others should feel the pain. This article was about basketball Damian Lillard and there was a kid named Garret he got bullied in school and Damian stood up for him. Damian also made friends with Garret.

  5. This article is about Respect and bulling. Damian Lillard and he takes a stand against bullying. When Damian was in high school he hung out with the cool kids. They picked on alot of kids but his man target was Garret. Damian saw Garret really upset and Damian and Garret actually became good friends.

  6. Noah Center #5
    The main idea:Damian Lillard hanged out with the cool kids. He seen someone being bullied when he was in high school, They would pick on kids one of them was Gerret. But he was a bystander he told them to stop and they stopped and him and Garret became friends.He then made a campaign called Respect.
    I think that bullying is really bad because they could heart someone.

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  8. Damian Lillard is a basketball player who inspires people to stop bullying he travels schools in Portland Oregon to send a message about bullying.When Damian was a kid he stood up to a guy that was being a bullied and after he and the guy became his friend. Damian encourages kids to treat
    another with respect. Also Damian started an anti bully campaign.I feel bulling is not ok because everyon should have respect.

  9. The topic of this article is that when "Damian Lillard" saw a kid get bullied he stood up and heled him out, so he got an idea to make a program called "Respect:Pass it on"."Damian Lillard, (allstar) was friends with the so called "cool kids". When he saw so of his other friends bullying a kid called "Garrett".Damian didn't want to be another bystander and stood up for garrett.My feelings about this artical is that even if your a cool kid you shouldn't bully other kids

  10. Damian Lillard created an anti bully campaign. He created it because one of the experiences he had in highschool with a kid that was being bullied. He figured that anyone could make a difference and he was going to be one of the people who did. He tells us to be an upstander if you ever see someone being bullied. Now he travels around Oregon informing kids that bulling is not cool and if you see it do the right thing and be an upstander.

    In my opinion I think bulling is not cool, there hurting inosant people and making them feel bad about themself. it usually has an enormas affect and can cause kids to feel like they don't matter.

  11. MI: Don't refuse to pass on respect.
    #1. If you give respect then you'll get respect.
    #2. Don't bully people if you do it will follow you your whole life.
    #3. Always give respect or else you might turn into the bully.
    Conclusion: Just don't bully people!!
    I don't think bullying is the right thing to do because it can seriously hurt someone's feelings or hurt their body.

  12. lillard is a basketball player who was a upstander to bullies and later became friends with the victim after that lillard made a campaign for nonbullying and changed lots of schools and I feel like bullying is a very bad thing and lillard is making a difference
