Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Past of Halloween

After learning about Halloween's past, how do you think it has changed over time?

What was the purpose of Halloween when it began 2000 years ago?

When or why did Trick or Treating begin?

How do you think Halloween is celebrated now, very different from the past?


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  2. I think it has changed by the names, people who do it, and different traditions.The purpose was to send away spirits of the dead. Trick or treating started when troublemakers went around trashing people's houses if they don't give you candy.

  3. People are giving out treats.
    It was all hallows eve.
    Kids would vandalize houses.
    Nobody would give out anything.

  4. 1st- I think that Halloween changed by making it a all time thing every year once in awhile.
    2nd-The purpose of Halloween was to scare off the ghosts that walked the Earth.
    3rd-Trick or Treating began because kids 2000 years ago would keep on ruining houses for candy.
    4th-People mostly give out candy now probably because they don't want their house to get vandalized.

  5. forgot a question. I think halloween is celebrated differently because it then the past is people became more aware of halloween.

  6. 1.The way Halloween changed over time is now we don't really wear super spooky costumes.
    2. The purpose of Halloween over 2,000 years ago was to scare away spirits.
    3. Trick or Treating began because kids were doing harsh pranks on people so people started brabing kids with candy.
    4.Halloween now is different because people started doing their own thing.

  7. I think it has chang by people trashing there house good thik there are not doing that nomareo

  8. I think it has changed because they used to dress up to scare the spirits away and we dress up to get candy and have fun.

  9. I think it has changed since they used to scare the spirit away and now they dress up for fun.

  10. It has changed very much back in the old days they would take out people's fences and not get in trouble now a days it is called vandalism. It started a long time ago and it was much different then today.It started in 1947. Long time ago it was a lot different they could get in trouble and get away with it now you can go to jail.

  11. After learning about Halloween's past, how do you think it has changed over time? It has changed over time by us dressing in costumes and getting candy.

    What was the purpose of Halloween when it began 2000 years ago? They made halloween because they did bonfires and to send away the spirits of the dead.

    When or why did Trick or Treating begin? They started trick or treating because kid would mess up the houses up if they didn't give them candy.

    How do you think Halloween is celebrated now, very different from the past? It's different because they did different stuff back then.

  12. I think halloween changed a lot over time first it was celebrating the last day of harvesting then bonfires and scaring the afterlife and etc up to where they give candy and put costumes.
    I think the purpose they are celebrating is since it was the last day for harvesting and they can take a brake.
    I think trick or treating begun since kids were pranking people and they distracted them by giving candy.
    I think it changed a lot from people finishing a harvest,doing rituals,pranking,to giving candy

  13. After learning about Halloween's past, how do you think it has changed over time? Halloween has changed from scaring the ghost away to vandalising houses to kids trick or treating. Personally i think its the best now.

    What was the purpose of Halloween when it began 2000 years ago? From what iv'e learned Halloween was a day where ghost walked the earth so the purpose of the day was to scare away the lost souls.

    When or why did Trick or Treating begin? Trick or Treating began late 1940's and the purpose was kind of a threat beetween give me a candy or i will vandalise your house.

    How do you think Halloween is celebrated now, very different from the past? Now halloween is about getting candy and hanging out but in the past it was very spiritial and godly.

  14. After learning about Halloween's past, how do you think it has changed over time?
    It changed from pranks to giving out treats.

    What was the purpose of Halloween when it began 2000 years ago?
    The purpose of this was it was the end of harvesting season.

    When or why did Trick or Treating begin?
    It started when things were getting out of hand.

    How do you think Halloween is celebrated now, very different from the past?
    First it was pulling pranks,Then things got out of hand,Finally the people who got fed up and gave out treats.


  15. 1.I know it the name changed a couple times.
    2.So gohst would walk on earth and we would dress up to scare them away.
    3.Trick began with trashing people's houses if they don't give them candy,Treat began kids wanting candy.
    4.Halloween was more of a dangerous holiday but now it's not.

  16. 1.I think Halloween has changed since the name is different then all the rest and trick or treating is more safe now then it was back then.
    2.The purpose of Halloween back then was to celebrate the people who died so they celebrate them by doing pranks and dancing.
    3.Halloween started in 1892 and it started by a king who said that it was fine since you just celebrating the dead.
    4.I think Halloween is celebrated differently since people are mor responsible then they were back then.

  17. After learning about Halloween's past, how do you think it has changed over time? People stoped doing the three plates
    and stoped bobing for apples

    What was the purpose of Halloween when it began 2000 years ago? it was to celibrate the spirits that walk the earth

    When or why did Trick or Treating begin? when kids trashed
    peoples houses and they bribed the kids to stop trashing there house for candy

    How do you think Halloween is celebrated now, very different from the past? now we get dressed in costums

  18. After learning about Halloween's past, how do you think it has changed over time? #1. I think Halloween has changed over time from they actives they did back in the 1800.
    What was the purpose of Halloween when it began 2000 years ago? #2. If the people did not give you candy you would play
    trices on them.
    When or why did Trick or Treating begin? #3. Kids would bribe people for candy, and if they got candy the kids would
    not play there tricks.
    How do you think Halloween is celebrated now, very different from the past? #4. We do not do the tricks if we do not get the candy.

  19. i bet you dont know who i am >:3
