Thursday, October 25, 2018

Red Ribbon Week is Upon Us!

In order to inspire others, we need to persuade them to be Drug-Free! Use the following vocabulary to create a persuasive message as to why we should be drug free!!!


  1. i think that we should not do drugs becouse we could do bad stuff and if we have kids they promply wont memorized you

  2. Drugs can shudder you.Be drug free,it will bring you satisfaction,if you memorize how.You need to be ambitious or you won't succeed.Be drug free!

  3. The Red Ribbon started for the impactive and respectful for the people is drinking drugs should stop the ambitious for the United States.The satisfaction for the people is not doing drugs good job for the support for the national states and courage the simpilized the memorized of the people for the people in nation.The people shuddered when they hear and responds the expectations of the life of the Red Ribbon Week for the season on October...

  4. We should be drug-free because drugs aren't good for our body. Drugs can be healthy sometimes, but it can contain ingredients that are not healthy. To remember that we drugs are not good, we need to memorize what can drugs do to us. Drugs can make us die, or have a fever or cancer. As other people think about that, they shudder very much about the thought. Sometimes, people can be very ambitious about it. But without drugs, it brings satisfaction to us all, to our loved ones, and for the whole world. Be drug-free, it is not good for you!

  5. we should be drug free because they are ambitious and shuddered . I will memorized that I will not use drug in my life . The drugs are not hellth and not good for you .

  6. I think that drugs can shudder you.You will be satisfied if you memorize how to do it.If I were you I would be very ambitious or you will not succeed to be drug free!!

  7. Sylvanie
    It gives me great satisfaction that some people are becoming drug free. I shudder at the thought of people taking drugs and sometimes dying. I have a strong ambition for people to stop doing drugs. I've memorized sponsors supporting these things and I really want that to stop. It would make me really happy to stop having drugs that aren't prescribed to stop.

  8. doing drugs is bad when i think of them it makes me SHUDDER you should'ent do drugs you mite have lots of satisfacation doing it bad its bad for you you should always memorize this say no to drugs you can resiset remember that and you will be ambitious

  9. We should be drug free because if you don't do drugs it won't shudder yourself and you will feel satisfaction if you stop. you can also tell your friends about what ambitious things you did to stop!

  10. If you are ambitious with drugs than stop doing the drugs you should be drug free. I have memorized to not do drugs so I will not do drugs in my life. I satisfaction that people do not do drugs in there lives I just wish that. I just shuddered when I see people doing drugs in my face I do not like that people do drugs or make drugs so be drug free.

  11. People in this world are shuddered right now from any personal interaction with anyone do to drugs. On the other hand people are satisfied with their lives and have a healthy life. I have memorized many reasons why drugs and other very bad things in this world are horrible for everyone and everything. I am very ambitious to push out to the world that drugs and other bad things are bad for this world.

  12. BE DRUG FREE! And ambitious do not have your satisfaction on drugs, be memorized in all the good things in life not bad. You can not chose drugs over life drugs will shudder you BE DRUG FREE!

  13. Say no to drugs that is one thing that I have memorized in my lifetime I am ambitious that if you stop smoking you will stay healthy and live longer you should be shuddered from drugs, drugs are certainly not a satisfaction for me I believe drugs are not good or healthy for the human body so say no to all drugs.

  14. most people in the world are ambitios to do drugs. people that do drugs are usually homeless (which means they have no home to live in).most of the people that are homeless sudder in the winter season. people that do drugs dont memorize who you are or who thay are, now thats sad to hear.most homeless are not saticfied of what got into in life. now you learned a leason in life DO NOT DO DRUGS EVER

  15. You should always be drug free and ambitious that you can be drug free.Being drug free is the best thing that happen to anyone have satisfaction and help other people be drug free.If you are drug free shuddered to show it it's a great thing to be.Have this memorized and you could remember never to do drugs so you can stay healthy and drug free.

  16. i think that people should memorize all the bad stuff that drugs can do maybe some people that do drugs are shared in a drugs a ambustont thing they need tobe saturfaction with their life

  17. Some people are ambitious to stop doing drugs because the memorized all the awful things drugs did to them.Some people shudder just by thinking of drugs.(DON'T DO DRUGS!!)People say you need the satisfaction of drugs but you don't.Drugs can do bad thing to people.If you don't do drugs you can be your regular self. DO NOT DO DRUGS!! Support Red Ribbon Week!!!!!

  18. Red Ribbon week is memorized at are school . We always have thing to do or where . But some people don't but ambitious most the time. Sometimes I have shuddered but if we do or where wired thing but if you do not do drugs you will have satisfaction.

  19. drugs are bad for a reason many kids are trying drugs and dieing evening trying it can lead to a life of drug addiction thats not okay. More than 72,000 Americans died of drugs its not ok.

  20. Hey! stop that! stop throwing snow balls at me! do they not see im human! i'm not invisible why do these kids think im invisible!out of no where I saw a kids lips moving so I tried to hear but they were whispering then they took like 1 hour because they were so small almost like particles formed a structure in the shape of a snowman then I saw two lights from the corner of my I come in the driveway it was a tall lady that took the little kids in the house and never came out until yesterday but they were to late I was eroded the little kids saw and came out crying that I was now small particles then one kid said will crying "NOOO!"
