Monday, October 15, 2018

Superheroes save us from the Hurricane

You are a superhero and a hurricane is coming towards the city your protect! Create a story as to how you would stop the hurricane using your vocabulary words!


  1. I am an energetic superhero on the pursuit to help save my city against hurricanes. Recently a flurry of hurricanes have been hitting the Lake Elsinore area! The theory is that when the geese migrate for the winter they create a disappearance of easterly winds. Therefore havoc begins in the sky! The geese behaviors have also been observed to transform clouds into thunderclouds. I assured the local scientist that a quick pursuit of the geese will help the outcome of stopping these storms. Once these geese are detected we feed them tacos and they have much gratitude. All previous hurricanes can now be explained due to the flying birds.

  2. I am an energetic superhero on the pursuit to help save my city against hurricanes. Recently a flurry of hurricanes have been hitting the Lake Elsinore area! The theory is that when the geese migrate for the winter they create a disappearance of easterly winds. Therefore havoc begins in the sky! The geese behaviors have also been observed to transform clouds into thunderclouds. I assured the local scientist that a quick pursuit of the geese will help the outcome of stopping these storms. Once these geese are detected we feed them tacos and they have much gratitude. All previous hurricanes can now be explained due to the flying birds.

  3. i would migrate from the city to canda cause im lazy. then go and see the outcome and then leave cause im messed up.then have gratitude cause im in canda.


  4. I am an energetic villain on the pursuit to help save my city against hurricanes. Recently a flurry of hurricanes have been hitting the Lake Elsinore area! The theory is that when the geese migrate for the winter they create a disappearance of easterly winds. Therefore havoc begins in the sky! The geese behaviors have also been observed to transform clouds into thunderclouds. I assured the local scientist that a quick pursuit of the geese will help the outcome of stopping these storms. Once these geese are detected we feed them tacos and they have much gratitude. All previous hurricanes can now be explained due to the flying birds.

  5. I am an energetic superhero called weather man and my power is that I can solve why a storm is coming and when on the pursuit to help save my city mexico against hurricanes. Recently a flurry of hurricanes have been hitting homeland ave! The theory is that when the geese migrate for the winter they create a disappearance of easterly winds. Therefore havoc begins in the sky! The geese behaviors have also been observed to transform clouds into thunderclouds. I assured the local scientist that a quick pursuit of the geese will help the outcome of stopping these storms. Once these geese are detected we feed them cheese and they have much gratitude. All previous hurricanes can now be explained due to the flying birds migrating

  6. one day on the pursuit for my city from the villian huricanestry.That day i had a flurry of people tell me that huricanestry was coming to the detected city that transformed into a migrating town.previously at sun city people had gratitude because i was there to help save the day of anyone that was in trouble. then that day huricanestry came to the city. the area was emerging in fright.people were assure that i will deafet him.after that he went in to a disaperance.people started making observation on me after the scene.

  7. I am a assuring superhero ready for pusuit emerging for the big hurricane about to come. And I have a theory and I am tranforming so I can save my city. And thunderclouds are all ready showing up. And I am detected to save my city? And am ready to say bye to the outcome of this storm. So I got all my things to take away this storm so I started to fly up to the sky. And did all my secret powers to take this away and bring back easterly wind back. So I did and the storm is still coming so fast and previous I had so much fear I used guidance to take it away and the dissaperice of the storm finnaly back and the flurry of the people were back.


  8. I am an energetic superhero on the pursuit to stop 7 hurricanes crashing into the Pacific Ocean. As I flew through the middle of the United States. I notices a flurry of hurricanes crashing homes and buildings. In my head, I had a theory that this hurricane can wipe out the whole western united states. I then noticed that birds were migrating on my opposite way. I was thinking about their behaviors on how they migrate. I dove into town, and observed the scene. I was very surprised that a building hadn't crashed to the ground. Instead it was standing peacefully on the ground, while people were quarreling about how it was still standing there, while being swept by water. I used my super shield, and poured acid onto the hurricane. I spotted a scientist walking in and out of the building. I had a prediction that the building held some super shield that protected the building. I had a theory that they had a shield because they had to observe a precious object. The hurricane slowed down, and it disappeared in a flash. The building also deactivated its super shield and it transformed back to its regular state. I guided the people to their homes, and they felt grateful. I also detected that the birds had stopped and dropped down. The previous bird was still flying. A flurry of scientists emerged from the building talking rapidly in portuguese. My outcome was very surprising that birds had caused the hurricane. I assured the people that they should be more cautious about hurricanes. This day had been weird!

  9. I am a energetic and active superhero on the way to pursuit the weather of the hurricanes to the city.Recently the guidance of the geese migrating will disappearance.There where a lot of hurricanes outcomes and detected around the world.The geese theory of the hurricanes for surviving and hunger.Assuring to the quality of the behaviors for the hurricanes.The weather will transformed it will be dangerous and the observation for the weathering can be kind of dangerous or trouble for the previous.The gratitude the living specious and the living out specks around the world.They emerging to the land and i had to the world and Sun City was about to the out speck for the living things and they were giants of the hurricanes.

  10. previously I had a theory that their was a hurricane that´s when I seen animals migrating all the animals were running with their energetic behaveyers and we have found disaperinces of some animals we have seen frogs emerging out of ponds then we detected a bunch of hurricane´s we have been observing the land now we are asuring people that it will be okay if I stop this hurricane it will be a big outcome for me we are helping people with guidence we are gratefull that no one was harmed there was a flurry of people screaming their were many people prusuiting behind me.

  11. One day an energetic superhero was emerging. She transformed into a bird I observed the bird migrate through the air. Then there was a big 'poof'and a flurry of of superheros. The superhero who transformed into a bird has the guidance of the superheros. I was assure that they were going to fight a crime.But them I had a theory that they were going to pursuit the man with a bag full of something but I could not tell what it was. Then I detected that it was money a whole lot of money. Then I instantly gratitude what I saw to my dad. Previously I saw the same man in the bank.I looked back to look for them but they had disappeared. I saw the superheros flying in they air at one I called them and they flew down to me. I told them every that I had saw that day they asked if a saw where he went I told them yes and the outcome of that day was...Im a superhero now!!!!
    The End-Angel Franco

  12. I am a very energetic superhero always assuring that my town is safe. The weather people have detected a massive hurricane. I started observations on this because California doesn't usually have hurricanes. I started to test my theory that flying ducks are creating this strange weather. I followed the ducks and watched the transform into my arch nemesis, Doctor Mcformer. People were suspicious about his disappearance. The previous hurricane must have been him to. He heard when I knocked over a pot and sent a flurry of ducks on me which I thought have already migrated. I lost him and it was a chase in pursuit. I was emerging through the crowd. His behaviors were strange he usually fought instead of ran. Maybe through the time he changed. He was to fast so I asked my tracker for guidance. I stopped him and bought him some tacos the outcome was amazing he showed great gratitude and stopped villainy to become my great sidekick. He's a changed man and this time I knew it.

  13. I am an energetic superhero.There is a theory that there is a hurricane and I am assuring that it is true.They will surely have graditude for me when I get rid of it.I detected it and now I have to defeat it.There was a flurry of hurricanes last year and I got rid of them all.I had a little guidance but that was all I needed.Then whenever a hurricane came it migrated somewhere else.That was not the case this time.The behaiviors of people are out of control.Like I was saying I detected the hurricane and I am observing it.I was on the pursuit and now I found it.It slowly emerged into veiw.I transformed it into nothing.I made it disappear.The outcome was great everyone had gratitude for me.

  14. I am an energetic superhero on a pursuit to help save my city against a flurry of hurricanes heading for the perris area.The birds are migrating to the south.My theory is that the hurricanes are happening all over California for the first time in one thousand years.Me and my group are making observations about the weather.We look for guidance from the local
    scientists.However,they are transforming into birds.The previous time this happened was because doctor Kevin was around but he made a disappearance in the early 1990's.I detected he was back but my team was assuring saying he was in jail.We saw the hurricanes emerging from the herizone i was very shocked because I thought we had more time.(one hour later)The hurricanes behavior was all wack they are up in the air or down to the ground.Luckily we moved the citizens to another town just in time.The outcome of this lead to safety.As a way to show their gratitude They made a holiday named after us.
