Sunday, November 25, 2018

Winter Connections to Vocabulary

appreciation, blurted, complementing, congratulate, contradicted, critical, cultural, misunderstand, civilization, complex, cultivate, devise, fashioned, resourceful...

The words above will need to be used in a short story that you create based on the upcoming winter holidays. You can create a fictional or nonfictional tale about Christmas, New Years, or any other holiday that may be coming up this winter season!

                  Image result for winter holidays


  1. i aprricated the snow and all the nice citizens. the critical temputures were low.

  2. As I gazed through the window I blurted out to my family that the snow upon the ground looked like a Switzerland Cultural Winter fair.Contemplating how I would enjoy this winter scene I devised a plan to create a snowman!!Yay!!!My appreciation of the December Holidays!My family and I needed to rap presents before christmas day!

  3. It was a wintery and civillzation was blanked with snow . I wanted to fashion a snowman , but the snow was so cold `it would not be cultivate . my sister blurted that it would resourceful of using snow . I appreciation the snow and spending time with family also cultural things like giving thanks , seeing family , eatting good food and one more thing spending time with family all day . And more fun ,hot coco .

  4. Today was my birthday on december, I knew that today were going to be a Complex day because my parents needed to get ready for the birthday, some of the civilization would come. my parents need to devise for the birthday. I started to fashioned and wear my favourite style. This cultural is going to be the best because december is the best season! Then my parents started to congratulate me for living for a decade. Them My parent blurted out that my present was going to be big, I was surprised that I heard my present was going to be big, I never ever got a huge present, even in christmas! so I critical to my parents and they said that my brother was going to get the big present and I acted like my brother was going to get the present and I walked to my bed and I knew I was going to get the huge present because even my mom said. So I walked back to my mom and she was misunderstand about it, so I decided to go to my play room and play games as I waited until my friends were going to come, and I decided to resourceful my room until it was very clean. It was night time and my cousins and friends came I appreciated them that they came to celebrate my birthday That night was the best birthday ever!
    Diego Roldan.

  5. As I gazed out the window I blurted out my sister that the snow on the ground it look like a winter wonderland. Contemplating how I would enjoy this migcal land I devised a plan to make snowmans and snow angels! My appreciation of the December holiday needed to represent my resourceful of using snow.

  6. It is a cold evening and it is close to christmas and I came up with a civilization to buy a gift for my little sister something and I know what to get her a fashioned jacket and my mom misunderstood and told me that she is still little so she needed a toy or devise and I said im still little to so I don't have that much money yet I have five dollars and my mom complemented me and said I understand and the jacket is a good thing to get her. And on Christmas day it was time to open presents and I had mine in a box the jacket was ok. And my sister opened it and said thank you I love it alot and I gazed out of my bedroom window happy that my sister liked it and can't wait for next years Christmas

  7. It was a snowy, winter evening in Alaska, as people blurted and complementing other peoples Christmas decorations. The scene cultivated Alaska, but one girl thought about giving presents to everyone and fulfill the lives of all the people around her. She wanted kids to be appreciated. Sometimes she wasn't the best congratulater, but she was generous. Some people contradicted her idea, but she waved the ideas aside and started making presents. She always started with critical thinking, and involving kids around her. She started asking people around her about their culture. Sometimes they misunderstand her, sometimes they do not. She thought about their culture and their civilization back at their original home. She knew this was going to be complex, but she never gave up. But when she done with everyone, she started to devise a plan to secretly sneak the presents right in front of their door. She fashioned herself as the mailman, and delivered their presents to every door. People always thought of her as a resourceful geek, but she being generous in the middle of her heart.

  8. it was the new years eve and my family was at my familys house. my family always devises a complex fashioned plan for our party. while we were getting ready to eat and saying our prayers my brother blurted out the most critical thing he said im hungry right in the middle of someone saying our prayer. after praying we congratulated the people who made the food and then ate. everyone was in appretiation mode and we all appretited the food.after that we played tag but i misunderstood we werent playing tag we were playing infection. i contradicted when we were voting on the christmas tree i chose the cultural one. then we made ordements using resorsful items. we hade an awsome christmas

  9. One snowy christmas as we walked through a store complamenting people my brother blurted merry christmas when we got home we told everyone that we apreciated them then I congradulated my brother for passing his test I contridicted my friend on the phone we got a critical christmas tree our mexican culture eats posole on cristmas sometimes I misunderstand spanish I attemped to fashion a snowman but the snow dident coltivate so it was complex the snow did not end up being resourceful I devised a plan to prank my brother I had to get suplise from the sivalization.

  10. On Christmas day my sister blurted out everyones presents right before we opened them.I think she misunderstood what I said about not blurting out the presents,but there was a lot of appreciation even though they already knew what it was.I thought they would be critical but they werent.I tried contradicting but it didnt work.I devised the whole thing out.I asked her if she would blurt it out and she said no.I congratulated her.Everybody was complimenting about their presents.They were so jolly.We were very resourcful with the presents,because we didnt have much money.The people that got clothes we made them.They werent very fasioned,but it would work.We planed on going to some kind of complex,but we dont know yet.Everybody was cultural and wanted to cultivate but I dont know why they would want to garden.Everybody wanted civilization but they werent changeing in any particular area.

  11. it was christmas when i looked out the window there was snow i understand how it could snow everywhere but wow it snowed a lot overhear it feels like a fashioned desiner a came over hear but its christmas eve we have to go open presents mabe after we could go play in the snow!!! yes now could at hot coco now we could go play in the snow

  12. on the '"chrismas eve" we usauly get more presents then "chistmas"becasue so we could have to go my ucles house then my grandmas house.i wake up with joy i blurted'yes!it is christmas eve 'and i appreciated every present even the ones that were not on my list.

  13. Once apon a time it it was a snowy christmas and all throgh the house it was complex fashined with christmas decorations and lights.When we pluged the coffe make to make hot cocoathe lights went out because of a shortage but the christmas lights where resoursful because they ddnt go off.My cousin freaked out and blurted and said that we where all going to die.He was misunderstanding the power just weent out.

  14. One wintery night I took appreciation of the beautiful snow. At first when I told my brother kept contridicting it. I thought it was critical that my brother come outside and see. So he agreed to come outside and what was going out. We went out in to the civilization to see what was going on. It looked like som pretty complex stuff. We went out into the cold in our fashionable snow suits. We had an awesome snow day. It was cooly awesome.

  15. Every year on Christmas Eve my family and I have a big party. My family gets fashioned with beautiful clothes.Everyone always compliments others cloths. My family always does secret santa and somehow I always blurt out who some people got. Everyone always appreciates the food. I always play around and congratulate people who got a good gift for secret santa. My cousins and I always contradict who got the best gift. One time there was a critical gift that I almost forgot to give. We have a cultural tradition that we do that is we make a lot of tamales. I miss understood what day it was and it was christmas day!

  16. one day will wacthing tv I just out of blurted out do you think it will ever snow here and my brother said "do you think it will snow and me trying to not to contradict I told him that you don't know that he said "we are 79 miles away from snow" and even I didn't know that he found like 10 seconds after he found then he started to congratulate him self and complementing him self that I did not know that and he did and out of no where it started to snow but we knew it was my dad that saw ur geting mad at each other but we just went withit

  17. It was an amazing wintery day and the civilization was studying the art cultures from all around the world. Therefore, while we were studying someone had a misunderstanding from one culture and then we explained that that information was wrong and then we started to congratulate that culture. Meanwhile, I blurted out on accident instead of raising my hand quietly that when we were congratulating them that we needed to finish studying. That day we were glad that we were done with our first simester and we celebrated and we were all saying "I wish you a very merry Christmas" because the next day would be Chirstmas Eve.

    The End

  18. It was one night in December and kids all around my block were trying to make and old fashioned snowman.I tried to be resourceful by placing an old hat of mine on my snowman's head.However, my brother blurted out that the hat was big.Then he congratulated for burning the food, but I misunderstood and just thought that he said my food was great.Then I realized what he said a complimenting his shoes which were all tore up and muddy.Then he contradicted my claim and said they are just as sparkly as mine.When I walked inside the situation got even more complex when I walked Inside my baby sister had written on the walls with permanent marker.The my brother went screaming that civilisation as we know it was ending and that scared my baby sister.I got my cultural scarf and told my brother to take care of our sister.In appreciation that my brother really listened.I devised a plan to buy white paint.When I got home I painted the walls and got my sister and myself ready to go snowboarding while our brother goes skiing with his friend.When we got home the paint was dry and our family was cooking in the kitchen.
