Thursday, December 10, 2015

I want one!!!

If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose? WHY? What are some things you would do with that animal?


  1. A kitten \(^•3•^)/ They can comfort you alot. They also give %30 of a less chance of a heart attack. "The internet is a great place to see, work, and do stuff, but something the internet has is a bunch of cats you can scroll your mouse on your page." ~loosely copied quote from Life Noggin.

    1. Also.... FIRST!!! Please reply too •3•

    2. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

    3. P.P.S They might be lazy but IDC.

    4. I

    5. I

    6. nah thats if u feed it to much they are just very sleepy but heroic sometimes.And creepy/weird most of the time.

  2. I would have a artic wolf because they are very beautiful. It will be a hard job to do, like washing it feeding it waking it ext, but it will be fun.

  3. I would choose a puppy because they are so cute.If I had one I would like to train it to play fetch.When he does a trick I would give a treat and then I would squeeze him.At night if he gets scared I would bring him into my room and sleep with him.

  4. I would want a German Shepard puppy because German Shepherds
    are loyal,smart and fast, it sounds like a good guard dog and a buddy and just in general a dog is a mans best friend so ya,also if I have kids that's when a guard dog comes in handy because i'm sure that if you have kids that = SO MUCH TOYS,VIDEO GAMES and BOOKS and come on be true what kids does not want a dog. :3 :] :D xD

  5. Well my favorite animal is a DUCK but for a pet maybe a guinea pig. I would do so because they are cool and because they run in a ball. I would name it "Ginny".

  6. I would have a pet, elephant because they are one of my favorite animal. Also, because I can hopefully train him/her and I could ride it! I would play with it and if it is a boy, I would want to name him Blue and if it was a girl, I would name her Gold! My pet elephant will be the coolest pet in my neighborhood... because one neighbor has a pet. ^-^

  7. I would get a bulldog because last time i got a small one and it died 3 weeks later when I bearly got her but I would get a bulldog because they would live longer and protect my home home and so we won't have to do so much work because my other dog would be hard because we had to smash her food for like half an hour but she went to the restroom tiny I don't know about the other dog and I do not want to know

  8. The animal that I want is a big bulldog. I will get a bulldog because I like that kind of dog. I will also get it because I already have one so it won't be that hard living with another one. My family owned about 6 dogs already. All of my family (but my dad and mom) have there own dog.

  9. I would get a dog. A shiba inu to be exact. This dog is a japanese breed. I would pick this animal because this dog can be the easiest trainable dog breed It very cute very good with water. This breed is also very good with at being calm.

  10. I wood pick 2 a gray and white wolf pup.The things I woud do with him and her is :teach them to do tircks,and to be a guard wolves but be nice when I tell them to,and name the boy buddy and gril mingle

    1. I knew you'd think the same as BJ (*'u'*)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. What animal do you think I will get? Well let me tell I will get a puppy because I enjoy dags more than any animals most likely Cat sI do not cats that is why I LOVE dogs (NOW YOU KNOW WHAT I RATHER GET)!!!

    1. JULISSA YOU ARE RIGHT ABOUT DOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I would choose a bear.Mostly for its warmth,but also for protection.I really could use the skin for a rug...oh that's non-sense bears are loyal,strong,smart,and fluffy.I would mostly use it to get tall things like getting christmas lights up.So I would really want to have a pet bear,trained not wild.I would actually want it for a body-gaurd.

    1. yea but trained.

    2. I'm pretty sure there is a 999,999,999,999,999,999,999% chance it would eat you.(:

  14. if i could choose any animal i want i would choose a pug because they are so cute and soft i'v always wanted a pug my whole life. but i have a half pug half mini pincher at least it's half pug. that's what i would choose if i got to pick any animal i want

    1. Just saying they're really loud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. I would have a pet, elephant because they are one of my favorite animal. Also, because I can hopefully train him/her and I could ride it! I would play with it and if it is a boy, I would want to name him Blue and if it was a girl, I would name her Gold! My pet elephant will be the coolest pet in my neighborhood... because one neighbor has a pet. ^-^

  16. I would want to chose a cat. I would want to chose a cat because they are so calm you can even sleep with them quietly with no sound. Plus they are so cute.

  17. I would choose a puppy because they are so cute.If I had one I would like to train it to play fetch.When he does a trick I would give a treat and then I would squeeze him.At night if he gets scared I would bring him into my room and sleep with him.

  18. I would want to chose a cat. I would want to chose a cat because they are so calm you can even sleep with them quietly with no sound. Plus they are so cute.

  19. If i had an animal I would pick an baby pitbull just because i think they are very cute and adorable something i could do with It I could do Is play around with it and teach um how to do dog tricks and fun stuff like that i think the pitbull will be my life right there i don't know what i would do without that dog i would love it with all my heart
    thats because i really love pitbulls i actully have 2 of them.

  20. Well i already have a dog it is a pitbull but he so bad at times when other people come to play with us my family he gets all crazy he jumps and scartches other people but you have to tell him what to do or not he knows how to jump shake means to welcome to the people and he knows how to sit down well down means to sit but it is not actually how to sit it is that when they lay down what really want is a little little little puppy it is like a little pitbull dog i really like pits they actually listen to other people when there are other people when he is around other people.

  21. I would choose a horse so if i am ever gonna get attacked by some animal i would say come on horse and hop on.And then i will say away we go.He would also be a good pet why.Because he could run around and not bug that.He will run the wind.He would also be good for the kids.especially the wild kids.

  22. Well i already have a dog it is a pitbull but he so bad at times when other people come to play with us my family he gets all crazy he jumps and scartches other people but you have to tell him what to do or not he knows how to jump shake means to welcome to the people and he knows how to sit down well down means to sit but it is not actually how to sit it is that when they lay down what really want is a little little little puppy it is like a little pitbull dog i really like pits they actually listen to other people when there are other people when he is around other people.

    1. cool your pitbull sounds very playful

  23. I would want for a pet is a baby bunny and a baby huski and a baby cheetah the names for them,the baby bunny is called springtrap the huski's is name is blue and the cheetah is name is candy;3 And that is want i am geting when i have mony.

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  25. I have ALWAYS wanted a horse, it is my dream to have one! I would always go riding with it in the morning and at night. I would feed it and brush it. Having a horse is like being rich, that is how I would feel if I get a horse,but I am not sure I will get a horse because my mom and dad don't have a lot money, but I'am still grateful for what I got and I will keep hoping that I will get in the future. In the meantime will think of how FUN it would be if I had a horse.

  26. I would get a German Shepherd puppy.I would first of all house,trust me it is not fun picking that stuff up!Then I would teach it some tricks,take him on walks to the park, snuggle him,get him toys and treats.I want to get that dog because it's loyal,a good companion,very good watch dogs.

  27. If i could have a pet it would be the dog boo .The reason why i would get the dog boo is because she is so cute and really nice .The things i would do with boo is i would go on the trampling and jump all day.then i will go take boo for a walk and when i take boo for a walk we will go to the park. then we will go home and i will show boo how to do cool tricks.then i will take boo a bath and watch t.v. and watch t.v. intul 5:oo in the morning . And i will say the best day ever.

  28. I already have pets and they are all dogs 9 of too!!why because I am allergic to cats and so is my mom my dad,my brother is not allergic to cats they just do not like them I don't even like cat my mom do not like cats.alot of people like dogs not cats.

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  30. I would want more chihuahua´s because there so cute.And also because I love dog´s .Also cause I already have four right know.

  31. I would want more chihuahua´s because there so cute.And also because I love dog´s .Also cause I already have four right know.

  32. I would want a baby kitten because you could fit him or her into your hand. Why because they are very playful and they are really cute... :)

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  34. I would get a unicorn/\_/\.It will be all the colors of the rainbow.It will have will have wings. when it shoots something take a tree for example when it shoots it the tree it will turn into another unicorn!/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\_/\

  35. I would get a puppy. I choose a puppy because some are fluffy, some are big, and all dogs like to run around in the the grass and play with chew toys. The specific type of dog I would get is either a German Shepherd or a Husky or maybe both. I would get either of them as a puppies because then I can train them as they grow up to be big dogs. I would take it outside run around my neighborhood with it, give it food and water, and go to the store and come back and surprise it with a really squeaky chew toy. When I have nothing to do I would play with my dog(s) with the chew toy(s) I bought for them.

  36. I got Apollo. I think I got Apollo because I like bright colors and dark, I am a leader, I like wars, I don't hunt.
