Tuesday, December 15, 2015

An Unusual Day

Write a story that starts, "One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling!" 


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  2. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling! I noticed everything was upside down now, except the sky, so now we have to recreate the world to be how it was. Then, I woke up. Thank Arceus, it was just a dream!!!

  3. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling! So I climbed down so I can tell my dad but when I opened my door I was on a boat!! I found my dad fishing and for some reason I fell in the water and I woke on my bed on the floor and I went on with my day. The En,NOT!!! I got up played video games then watched Regular Show, BOOOYYY!!! The End. #bestmorningever!

  4. One day I woke up and discovered my bed was on the ceiling! There was an earthquake last night that made it like this and there was no way down. I had no choice but to jump and land on the brick floor!!!!!

    1. But then I flipped into 2-d and landed softly then flipped back into 3-d. Which is what I did while playing Super Paper Mario.

  5. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling! I jumped down my bed, I sort of bumped my head on the floor, but I got up, pretend nothing happened and went to my parents room. I woke up my dad and said,"Umm my bed is on the ceiling, can you take a look at that?". He looked at it and said,"Oh my goodness, huh, just get ready for school I'll fix it while your in school". And my problem was solved! ^-^

    1. This happened in real life, but I was o my bunk bed and my blanket and pillow weren't there.

  6. One day I woke up and I woke up on the ceiling I got scared and fell of on to the floor which is carpet it didn't hurt but once I got up I saw that my bed was up on the ceiling I yelled and called my mom she came and said what happened are you ok and I said what happened to my bed and she said suprise

  7. won sad day I woke up on the selling it was a rainy day and I was crying cause well just somthing sad happind the day before so I turend into a wolf and flew of my bed was on the celling then a hunter was looking forword to hunting me I tried to change back but It didnt work ! Just then the hunter was coming he put the bed on the celling on purpose

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  8. One day I woke up and discovered my bed was on my ceiling and I could fly. I flew to the school. I saw Rey. He had doge with him. But then i just noticed something doge was talking in Rey voice. They had switched mines. When it was recess Rey was it he cot us all except me everytime. He tried to get me but i could just fly. Then out of nowhere bill cipher came and turned our world to wierdmagadon me and rey where the strongest and we had to stop him so we had blasted him into space and he pooped pizza.

    THE End

    1. That will never happen Devaughn!!

  9. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling!Then I went outside and I was stepping on the sky and my dogs were on grass but, upside down.Everything was upside down and then I started to float into space and then I was on Mars and decided to live there.

  10. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling! I jumped out of my bed. I noticed that my room was upside down except the other rooms I was freaking out. then, I pinched myself and it was just a dream. The End

  11. One day I woke up on the ceiling I was so scared that I wanted to cry then I screamed for my mom and all she did was gasped. She said what are you and your bed doing up there she did not even help me down I was so mad at her I pinched myself to see if it was a dream but it wasn't I almost fall off the bed.I did not even know what to do so I was to scared so I was stuck up there till I was brave enough to climb down.):

  12. One day I woke up and discovered my bed was on the ceiling!I woke up at 7 waited till 11 and realized that nobody was home.First I ate Coco Puffs then started on my Black Ops 3 grind.Then I proably would of fell asleep on my "ceiling bed".Finally i'll wake up realize and my moms home.And my big brother would be home from his USS Boxer ship.THE END

  13. One day i woke up and discovered that my bed was in the ceiling!!! i think my dad had put my bed on the ceiling so i tell my dad if he put my bed on the ceiling but he said no but i think this is all just a dream so i stab myself and my god it was a dream!!!:o

  14. One day I woke up one morning and I fell of the bed.Oomph I said.I'm on the roof I said.As I was going to school there was
    double of everything but I woke up it was a nap.

    1. SO THERE WAS A DOUBLE OF ME ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  15. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling, so I hopped off and called my mom and asked her if dad screwed my bed to the ceiling which he didn't. But she was acting if it was NORMAL! So I went down stairs to eat breakfast. "Eat up." But mom, there's nothing." I replied. At night I entered my room to go to sleep and my bed was out the window. How BIZZARO!

  16. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling!that day I fell to the ground and hit my hard hard and not just hard really hard.and it was in the kitchen I fell on my mom and dad that wood gotta heart bad!I have no idea how I got up their but it was awesome!Turns out it was just a dream!!!!What would happen to you if something like that happened to you when you woke up.

  17. (P.S I forgot to say that do not not do this in a dream but real life.)

  18. First,One day I woke and my bed was gone and I looked everywhere and all of sudden I was looking up and my Bed was there and I said MOM!!! who did that and she said Analleli did you do that and she said no then she said Krista did you do that and she came and looked she nope not a clue then she said Leslie did you do that she said no I am not that strong.Next,MY was still wondering who did it and then my Brother Angel came in from outside the my mom said did you do this he said no why I don't have a clue at all. Then, MY dad came in because he was at work and then my mom said did you this she asked him he said nope not a clue. Finally, my got a microscope and the dogs footprints and the dog goes running outside and I said bad doggie.And I said to myself how did I not feel Princess drop me off the bed then all the dishes fell off the table then me and my mom said PRINCESS!!! THE END HAVE A GREAT CHRISTMAS VACATION TAKE CARE!!!!

    1. WOWZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. WOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. have a good xmas julissa your the best

  19. One day i woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling .When i got up i said oww !!! because i hit my head on the ceiling .And i was all like when did that get up there .So i thought for a moment and i said it is not that bad i also say this might be fun you know why because i am going to stand on my bed and fall on the floor and say awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.Plus i could put a curtain and hang it were the desk is and i could do my homework there i peace well only if my brother will be quiet .& i can sell it for $$$$ money and say i have money and scream in my room and say i am rich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!

  20. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling. So I went down the ladder and. I asked my mom and dad. Why is my bed on the ceiling and they said here they gave me a cup of water. And I splashed it on my face and I
    woke up and. I said that was a crazy dream and so I just got out of bed and I went downstairs and I ate some breakfast...

  21. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling! I broke my leg when I jumped down because there was was no ladder. "Mom can you make me breakfast and bring it to me, please." I said while lying on the floor. When my mom came in my room she said "What happened." "I woke up on the ceiling so I jumped off." I replied. While I ate my breakfast my mom started to put a cast on me. "Where did you get that cast?" I asked. "There is no time to explain." she said. "Why" I thought to myself. So I looked at my calendar and saw that I have a football game. "Why did you not remind me that I had a game today?" I said. "I did not want to tell you" TO BE CONTINUED

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  23. one day i woke up and i discovered that my bed was on the ceiling! and was was like mom and dad okay is my bed on the ceiling and i was like okay what is happening mom said o nothing then okay is my bed on the ceiling and she said we are going to move in to another house but i said that has nothing to do with that mom. Sorry honey i don't honest know how your bed got up there i was like is it a ghost or no if it is i want to move from this house. please mom and they all lived happily after all the end of my story bye bye.

  24. One day I woke up and my bed was on the roof!!!!!Well I did not know that I was on the the top of the roof and I was upside down on the roof.It is fun if you sleep on the roof.Or if you were scared then I will have to just call 9-1-1 so you do not have to freak out.That could have been a dream for you.I really like when I am sleeping on top of the roof.Or if I myself was scared I would just do is that I will get out of the blanket and I will fall down and hit my head and call 9-1-1 for them to fix my head if I were in the hospital.I myself I would always have a phone inside my pocket and in case if I to call 9-1-1 on myself or somebody else.I would rather eat my food on the roof to just if we were playing hide-and-go-seek then they will never find me until they die.I would find them because they are dead.I do not understand why my bed was on the roof.It could have been 37 degrees outside and I will have to get 100 blanket.
    (It was just a dream)

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  26. One day I woke up and discovered my bed was on the ceiling! I couldn't believe my eyes! It was really on the ceiling! I thought it was just a dream...so I got a cup of water and dumped it on my head, it was cold but I didn't wake up, so It wasn't a dream... I thought to myself " Why don't I have some fun with this?" After with all that thinking, I went to the kitchen because I was was get hungry, I wanted to make a sand witch . I went to get the bread, but the bread was in the oven! I don't know how it got there but it was there, I wasn't hungry anymore. I went outside to go play with my ball, but whenever I kicked my ball it will come back to me, I thought someone was there so I went over there... no one was there. It was getting late so I went to sleep... on my bed that was on the ceiling, it was hard to get up there, but when I did I went to sleep. When I woke up everything was normal. The End

  27. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on my ceiling.I did not know how it got up there it was pretty awkward to find it there.I went to the living room and and everything was on the ceiling,the couch,table,fishtank,and everything around me.TO BE CONTINUED...

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  30. One day I woke up and discovered that my bed was on the ceiling! When I wanted to get changed I just went to the kitchen instead because my bed was over the dinner table. When I got down I went to my room to change. When I finished I ate breakfast and went to tell my parents where I woke up and where my bed was. When I took them down stars they were shocked to see where my bed was. They asked me why and how did my bed get there. I told them "I was going to ask you the same thing". While we were thinking how my bed got there we were eating breakfast except for me. When they finished they asked my if I felt anything moving my bed. I told them I didn't my dad and I started moving the bed back to my room. While we were going to up stars my little brother wanted to help. We told him JJ if you help your going to hurt yourself. When we finished it was really late so everyone went to bed and fell to sleep.

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