Wednesday, December 2, 2015


     In the story "Jack and the Beanstalk," the giant was very angry when jack stole the goose that laid the golden eggs. Pretend you are the giant and you catch Jack stealing from your home. What would you say to him? What would Jack say to defend himself? Write the conversation that jack and the giant might have after Jack gets caught.


  1. I would say ,YOU STOLE MY EGGS !,THATS OK BUT THE HACHLINGS ARE ALOT OF TRUBLE. Jack would say thanks but dont you need them to? Then i would say HEM I HAVE A GOOSE.

  2. You can have the coins but you have to share with your family. And your friends and some people around you that don't have money give some to them...

    1. I thought the giant was mean not nice.

  3. This is what our conversation would be like. I would say"Hey! What are you doing in my house! That is MY egg!". Jack says"W-W-What?! How do you live in here if you're a big giant?!". "That doesn't matter right now, what matters is that YOU are stealing my stuff. Why are you doing this, it's mine!!", I said. "W-Well fine I'll go away without your golden egg ok?!", Jack said. I said,"Ok good, buh-bye". ^-^

  4. The giant would say,"Who are you?" While Jack said," I'm Jack. I need this goose that lays golden eggs because we are poor."^-^ "Well you can't take my eggs and goose so get ouuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would yell the giant and Jack would then run away and go on with the story.(:

  5. Giant: hey I worked hard for these eggs and it's very rude to just steal them from me like that.
    Jack: I need them I'm poor and you have a goose that poops golden eggs.
    GIant: Fine take all my eggs my goose will poop more.
    Jack: Thank you. You are a very kind giant.
    Giant: welcome but next time if you need more just ask.
    Jack: Will do.


  6. If I was the giant I would say....... "Hey you there, what are you doing with that golden egg"? said The Giant. "Well see....... well........*runs*........... see you later fat boy, ha ha ha". said Jack. *runs* Come back weird little thing. said The Giant. Wait what did you call me? said Jack. "I said come back you little weird thing because I don't know what you are, only my wife does and shes out picking berries. said The Giant. "Well we are call humans/people not weird little things, geesh giants don't know anything". said Jack " Oh ya really well *5 hours later of smart stuff* now do you thing we are dumb?" said The Giant. "No not anymore and I don't remember why I took this since you talking for 5 hours so, ya." said Jack " Wanna watch football?" said The Giant. "What team do you go for?" said Jack. "Duh, The Giants." said The Giant. "Ok then le go." said Jack and they watched football happily ever after. The End.

    1. Just to tell you guys I go for the Baltimore Ravens. :3 :] :}

  7. If I was a giant I would say in a deep voice "HOW DARE YOU STEAL FROM ME,I WILL CRUSH YOU FOR THIS"!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I crush him but, he says back "As for your strength it's hardly legit you build a whole egg with nowhere to sit" and then he runs away and never saw the giant again.

  8. I would say to jack "give me back my goose or i will my cats to get you and they are really fast so if you give me back my goose i will get my cats" >:(

  9. If i were the giant i would tell him give that goose back.And jack would say never.And then i will say "if you don't give me i will squish you with my giant feet."Then jack said "if you squish me you squish your goose too did you ever think of that."If you give me my goose i will let you go if you don't i will run and grab you then grab my goose and squish till you pop .OK then do it.The giant grabbed jack grabbed his goose and squished jack like if he was a balloon and then the giant said"much better is my goose ok"and after that the giant lived happily ever after THE END

  10. You can have the coins but you have to share with your family. And your friends and some people around you that don't have money give some to them...

  11. I would say you stole my eggs but that's ok because I have more at home besides you can be starving because you have no food so you can keep it and he'll say thanks and I'll say your welcome goodbye.

  12. Well if i was in jacks movie i would save him if he was on the gaint green sprout what ever you want to call the big green.But let's back about jacks movie well i will prented i wil be the person who will save jack from the big green thing.I do not like the movie The peach and green thing.I think that jack is trying to think that jack can be a person that he can be a brave person like superman but i would actally put some egges on it and say you better not steal my egges they are perious to me and i will say that if you cracked my egges i would climb up the big green thing and tell jack if you crack them on me then i will call the ploice that you are being mean to a 9 year old little smart girl.Or you can just call the ploice right now when you are on the ground waiting until jack comes down or you can just climb up the green thing that means that you are a smart little girl/boy.

  13. they might have something in common like a plan and will do it so no one could find out it was us. but he is giant so people might see him but i don't know about that so i might have to be snecky So i could. but jack should give him the golden egg back and then they will be fine but jack does not want to give the golden egg back so that is his falt that he does not want to give the golden egg back but we can't do nothing about so we should just leave it alone and not help him the end of my story bye have a good evening morning or night bye bye.wait i really am bing serious i am not joking around like yawss

  14. I would say that he could have the goose and the golden eggs.He would be my best friend.[Not really I have friends here on Earth].What I meant is that he would be my best friend in the story.But he would be my 16th best friend.If he was in school I would give him a "Chef Hat".The end of this prompt is right now and thank you for reading and I hope you like it and good luck in school!

  15. The giant says "Why did you steal the goose?" Jack says "I needed eggs" Giant reply's "For what?" Jack says "To have a fancy breakfast".The giant says "Well to bad,cant you just go to Denny's or something" Jack says "Well sir you see I do not have much money..." giant says "Then get a job".Jack looks behind him,he see's an opening.He runs but one step of a giant threw him in the air.The giant picks him up,and says "Really thought you can out run a giant who takes bigger steps than anyone else in the world".The giant goes to his castle and keeps jack as his bird in a cage.The END.

  16. If I was the giant I would put him in my hand and say why are stealing from me.He golpes and I yell answer me now!!He answers and says my mother is sick and these will help her hell and she will be able to walk and take care of my brothers,sisters and me and if do not bring them to her soon she will die and I love her so I do not want her to die my father already died when I was only a little boy so please giant let me take them

  17. If jack stole something from my house i would scream at him and say hey stop stealing!!!!!!!! Then jack say's why not because it is not nice and then he says i am sorry.But one more thing why did you steal?I stoel because i was hungry then i say why did you not say so but here is some food a anyway but one more thing next time ask before stealing and he said okay oh thank you for the food!!!! and i say your welcome!!!!!!!

  18. Giant: Give me back my stuff or else...
    Jack: Or else what?
    Giant: Or else I will get you and make you do everything that we need to do.
    Jack: What do I have to do for you?
    Jack: I mean, it's not going to be THAT hard.
    Giant: You will have to do the dishes.
    Giant: Make the beds.
    Giant: Clean our clothes and get no rest at all!
    Jack: Okay I get it now.
    Giant: So, are you going to give me my things back?
    Jack: NOPE.
    Jack slides done the beanstalk and get away.
    Giant: Well, I tried.

  19. I would say you stold my egg that's not nice give my egge back I ain't going around and steeling your stuff so give it back please I will do whatever you want but all I want is my egg back that means the world to me please I will give you the baby when it grow bigger but please give me my egg back and I will give you 1,000,000 dollars so don't hurt it. Next, suddenly the egg started to break and the goose came out and started to say mama mama and then the mama was crying and then Jack gave her back her egg and Jack started to cry and said I am sorry that egg ment the world to me. Then, all of a sudden the beanstock stared to shake and the baby Goose fell and as soon as the baby fell Jack jumped off and saved the day. Last, Jack rushed up and gave the Goose back to the mama.

  20. I feel like this would go down: Me: "Who are you and why do you have my golden eggs?" Jack: "Oh this thing? it's shiny and golden and probably worth money." Shanaynay bursts through the door. "HAS ANYONE SEEN MY PUMPKIN SPICED LATTE?" "I JUST GOT IT FROM STARBUCKS AND ITS GONE!" Me and Jack stare at her with blank eyes. "NO ONE? K BYE FELICIA!" Felicia comes in. Me: When did you get here! Felicia: BYE SHANAYNAY! Felicia and Shanaynay walk out the door like Beyonce. Me: "ANYWAYS." Calls 911 "Hey there's some creepy kid in my house trying to steal my eggs from me," Police: "Your what?" Me: My eggs. Police hangs up. Me: "Hello? HELLO?" Me: "They were a ton of help." Jack: Bye! He runs out the door. Me: "Wow." Jack runs out the house with the eggs safely in his arms and slips a few times but regains his balance. Jack climbs down the sturdy beanstalk as speedy and gently as he can. He falls and drops an egg which fell to the ground. Jack could not see since the distant was high but he heard a loud thump. Jack made it down safely.



    3. nevermind this will always be the greatest thing I've ever written.

  21. When the giant caught Jack he would say "If you don't tell me why you stole me golden eggs I'll lock you up!" At this Jack would say "I only stole some of your to buy some food for my family because we are poor." The giant would reply "I don't care if you live in a bloody hole, give me my eggs or else! Jack gave back the eggs and they didn't live happily ever after.

  22. Giant: I see you Jack stealing from me,I am going to catch you. Now tell me what is your business coming and taking my gold egg laying goose. If you have a reasonable answer I might let you have a golden egg or two. If you don't have a reasonable answer I am going to tell you to leave and never return or things are going to get ugly. Jack: I'm sorry sir it's just that my family and I are poor with hardly any money. Giant: Ok now here is two eggs now leave and never return.

  23. how stole my goose with golden eggs was you he looked at jack there he was holding the goose and the golden eggs the giant ran down the bean stalk chasing jack finally he caught him half way down the bean stalk and snatched them out of jack hands jack said don't hurt me i am so poor i jest want to bring something back to my sitter i'm sorry the giant said i wont hurt you but just don't come near my bean stalk again ok jack said ok and climbed down the bean stalk and never bothered the giant again.

  24. Giant: give me back the goose! Jack: never! Giant: you will regret it. Jack: so?,who cares obviously not me.Jack waited for a repliy.Giant: fine lets make some progress
    how about you have 3 eggs?Jack: deal

  25. Giant:
    Why did you steal my goose?
    I wanted to steal it because I am poor and so are other people, so I wanted to give them a golden egg for they can money to buy food and clothing.
    I'm really sad that you took it away from me, the goose is the only thing I have to a family and it keeps me happy.
    I'm sorry I didn't know that you didn't have a family.
    It's ok, it's not your fault.
    No, it is my fault I took away your family. I am so sorry. I will make it up to you.
    You don't have to, It's ok I mean it.
    Are you sure?
    Yes I am sure. : )
    I have an idea!
    What is it?
    How about we share the goose! It will be fare to you and me. So do you want to share the goose?
    Yes! I think it is a wonderful idea!

    So Jack and the Giant became best friends and lived happily ever after
