Monday, March 7, 2016

Little Lost Piggy

Here's Forest my pig enjoying being able to wander around... What if he were to get lost though? Can you come up with a fictional story of what would happen to Forest, if he were to get lost!


  1. If he gets lost, Ms. Hilz would panic so much her head would explode, reincarnating in the next 3 seconds. Then Ms. Hilz will go to Chipotle and argued about their poor service. Meanwhile, the pig would surrounded by a bunch of furries (Furries, I hate those things). They were about to have batman for lunch. Then Ms. Hilz exploded out of nowhere and killed all furries in the world. Then the pig would fly to space and come back down to the farm, so as Ms. Hilz. Then Ms. Hilz said "Russia". Then a bunch of tanks, planes, and soldiers came. "WE ARE THE RUSSIANS, AND WE WILL RULE AMERICA!"

    and thats how world war 3 started.

    1. Thanks for the link???

    2. Tbh,why are you obsessed with russians?

  2. He would wander through the forest and fall in a hole and meet Tserof (t-eer-rof) his bisazo self and run out of their with fear.

  3. When Forest gets lost he ends up on a farm. He then meets a spider and then he stars in the movie Chalote's Web.
    P.S. I don't know how to spell Charlotes.

  4. Forest got out of his cage when no one was looking and followed a scent of corn to a village. There in the village a person like to cook animals for his restaurant. When he saw Forest he started to chase him. Forest ran back to his cage where the chef followed him. The owner of Forest got mad and kicked the chef out. THE END

  5. lets see what will happen if forest got lost .......
    I think what will happen to forest is he probably is going to try to go some where and it is not going to work out well so what will happen forest will get lost and he does not know where to go so one day this butifull and amazing girl named heather hilz and they all lived happily ever after the end.

  6. Forest would be very very sad and lonely in the Forest but then some park rangers came and gave him some food and water and took him to the shelter but right when he got put in his little cage a small little family walked in and asked the lady at the front desk if they had any pigs. So the lady showed the family forest and they loved forest so much that they bought him and took him home now he is the most happiest pig on earth!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Mrs. Hilz goes into her house and leaves forest alone. He then wondered off and there was a hole in the corner of his cage that Mrs. Hilz didn't see. Forest went through that hole and he walked really far from the house and he saw another house. He slept on the grass on the front yard of the house. Then Mrs. Hilz went looking for him, then forest went walking to the house (but he didn't actually know where he was going). After that they both ran into each other and lived happily ever after. ^-^

  8. Once there was a pig but he got lost!Hoy im temmy Sid a little
    kid.Well im forest said the pig.Can we play woriors and loock for a scelloton?Said timmy.Yes!said forest. I shall now ride my tusty pig for I am the great woreor temmy! And the pig found Mrs hilz. And timmy foud the sckelloton um...well I foreget the sckelothingys name.

  9. One day forest got lost... Forest was out side with heather but she need to go to the potty. When she left Forrest saw a opening in the fence so he crawled out and rand into the woods. He walks for 1 minute and he finds... DRUM ROLL... A OLD CHARACTER WHEN I WE USED TO WRITE IN OUR BOOKS FOR THIS... a...flying...pig...that...poops...jelly... BEANS! Forest sees the pig and walks up to it. The flying pig that poops jelly beans gets surprised/scared and flies away. Forrest then gets hungry and goes back into the backyard. Heather comes out and starts to play with him again.
    Which one doesn't belong?

    1. Dude, too easy, its xE.

      Find the different one on this:

    2. Too hard I'm dizzy. :(

    3. no diffont wone

  10. The pigs name is forest and if he got lost I think he would wonder in the forest because his name is forest.And when he does he found a big giant pig that wants to eat him.So what forest did was he took a sharp stick and he stabed the hug gigantic pig!!!!!!

  11. If Forest ever got lost he would go everywhere and find the magical beanstalk and climbed it for decades and he arrived , but when he did, he fell asleep for 9.9 billion decades. When he woke up he was the only person/animal left in the entire world and after his LONG rest, he could be awake forever. Then one day the beanstalk started to shrink and shrink until he was in the ground and found Heather Hilz the only person left but, since Forest doesn't need sleep he just sat there in the dark and Heather Hilz was scared.

  12. Forest got lost in the FOREST!!!!!!! Forest meets a bunch of wild pigs and soon becomes one of them! Forest like to play with the wild pigs and he like to take a long mud bath. He sit and splashes in the mud. When Forest is done it's time to eat. Forest goes in the dinning room to eat. Forest is having dried fruits and vegetables. After every pig is done eating they get ready for bed. Forest brushes his teeth and hoofs, he puts on his p.j's then he goes to bed. Good Night Forest. <3

  13. Once upon a time there was a piggy called forest and he got lost and was looking for his family so he was wandering around the world so first, he went to a dog family and asked them are you my family ruf the dog went so the pig was saying to himself I do not sell like that.
    So them he went to a cow family and the cow told the piggy moo moo moo moo moo such as get out of here they said we might be fat but were not your family.So then piggy kept wandering around and bump into a chicken and said are you my family bock bock bock such as you are not my family.So then forest just sat there and started to cry and then he got up and said I am not going to give up. So then he went and bumped into a pig and then forest looked up and said onk onk onk onk onk onk onk onk onk such as I found my family I am so happy so forest found his family. THE END

  14. One day Forest was wondering . Then he was going into a forest to go get some water.Then we came out and said FOREST WERE ARE YOU!Then Forest went so deep that he got lost HUU!Then we all split up and started calling his name Forest!FOREST !!!!! FOREST! CAN YOU HERE ME!!!!!But forest couldn't here us.THen it started raining so we went in side .Then Forest didn't know what to do?Then he said I know what to do just follow my foot prints so then he came back safe .Then when he went inside they said do never ever run off okay. Okay.

    ThE END !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. once opon a time their was a pig name forest. forest was wandering around but forest saw a door that was open and he went inside and he saw that he was outside the cage and he was free to rome around but he went to far from the house and he got lost in the woods and he got so scard that he woke up and he was so happy to be back home:) (p.s this is not real)

  16. One day, a pig named Forest was wandering around in his area and thought it was a good idea to get something to eat. When he was done eating he tried to get back to his area and got lost somewhere that no one has ever got to. He got stuck in a place full of chicken nuggets and french fries. It made Forest happy but when he tried to eat a some french fries they were SO COLD. Forest almost froze to death. forest thought that there were thing to cook it on but there was nothing to cook them in. He got so scared.


  17. Once upon a time a pig named forest got lost from the Lucky Chi Dog Rescue family he wandered into the forest and then ate berries.Then a river Forest wandered to to have a drink.Then he has a nap in a hole in a tree but it was a magical tree but when he woke up he was back at the Lucky Chi Dog Rescue family farm.Then he said to himself,"It was not but a dream.So Mrs.Hilz found him sleeping.

  18. Well...Forest goes to the the ice cream shop and gets a sunday! then he goes to the store and everyone gets to pet him!Then he goes to the movie theater and gets his own popcorn!Last he comes home!

    To Be Continued ...

  19. Forest was glad to be back in his cage and his owner got made and for 1 week he got corn. When that week finished he was able to have what ever he wanted to eat as long as it was good or healthy for him. Forest's owner wanted to know what he was doing and how he got out of his cage. Forest told her that when he was sniffing he found a whole in the fence and got out to find some food.
