Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Good Bye 4th and 5th Graders ... Hello 5th grade & Middle School

What was your favorite day of the entire school year? What made it so special?

What was the best field trip our class took this year? Why?

Write about a special friend in the class. Why is this person so important to you?

What was your favorite subject this year? Why?

A note from Ms. Hilz:
I love you all, I hope that you have a fun and inspirational summer. Please keep in touch with me! Remember to be patient, kind, and creative... I expect all of you to do great things.


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  2. My fav of the school year was that I made new friend and my teacher was super nice funny and also really crafty and fun.The best field trip that we did was the water district.The special person is Karina she is super nice and fun she shares almost all her secrets with me and she is always nice to me.

    1. She is from another universe, where she went to the waterparks! :OOOOO OMG

    2. I am not i just really like science.

  3. My favorite day was the last day before christmas. It was christmas and we had free time. My best friends are Anna and Rey. My favorite was drop zone. I got really wet.

  4. The best thing about this school year was, To me was the field trips and the events that the school has had like steams and more.

  5. What was your favorite day of the entire school year? What made it so special?
    well I have a lot of special moments with our class!

    What was the best field trip our class took this year? Why?

    ocean of pacific! du

    What was your favorite subject this year? Why?

    write about a special friend in the classroom
    I have 2 friends kay 😡kay and joz😀

    A note from Ms. Hilz:
    I love you all, I hope that you have a fun and inspirational summer. Please keep in touch with me! Remember to be patient, kind, and creative... I expect all of you to do great things.

  6. What was your favorite day of the entire school year? What made it so special?
    the last day of school because you know why.
    What was the best field trip our class took this year? Why?
    DROPZONE because I got wet.
    Write about a special friend in the class. Why is this person so important to you?
    no one because I see everyone the same.
    What was your favorite subject this year? Why?
    art because everything was beautiful.


  7. the best field trip was dropzone becouse you can do whatever you want ansd spend time with all youre friends.
    actully i have a couple of sepchal friends like danika gazile and ani,becouse they help me when im mad or sad and make me lagh there allways there for me.
    my favorite subject well i dont have a favorite

  8. What was your favorite day of the entire school year? What made it so special?
    My Favorite day of this year was when it was movie day.It was special because we got to have lots of snacks and we watched the movie boxtrolls.
    What was the best field trip our class took this year? Why?
    The best field trip that I ever went to was the Aquarium of the pacific because we got to see and learn about water and what's in the water.
    Write about a special friend in the class. Why is this person so important to you?My special friend is kohen because we would always play with each other.
    What was your favorite subject this year? Why?
    My favorite subject was math because I like to multiply numbers.

  9. 1.June 8th,because that's the day before summer.
    2.Aquarium Pacific,because it was fun learning and seeing all of the sea animals.
    3.Matt,Miguel,Martin,Adrian,because they all were so funny,and nice.
    4.Science,because we did many experiments that were very fun and interesting.

  10. My favorite day would probably the first days of school because I can make new friends and I can meet my new teacher. My favorite field trip was the Water District because we did fun activities and learn much more about conserving water. The special friends in my class would be Devaughn and Rey because they would always stick by my side and they would always keep happy when I was sad. My favorite subject would be art and math because art is so much fun to do and the multiplication in math was fun to do as well.

  11. What was your favorite day of the entire school year? What made it so special?
    My favorite day of the school year was the first day because we were all waiting for that day because we were all ready for learning and many more.

    What was the best field trip our class took this year? Why?
    The best field trip we took this year was Riley's Farm because we were all learning about the old days and how they lived and many more.

    Write about a special friend in the class. Why is this person so important to you?
    No idea how to answer this so I won't.

    What was your favorite subject this year? Why?
    My favorite subject this year was Math because it is awsome and you learn multiplying, dividing, etc.

    Which is different:


  12. What was your favorite day of the entire school year? What made it so special? What my favorite day of this entire school was coming to Ms.Hilz class. And it was special to me because that day lead me to the best teacher ever!!!!!!!!

    What was the best field trip our class took this year? Why? MY best field trip was Drop Zone because I got to see all of my friends from last year. And why I liked Drop Zone was because we were able to spend time without the 4th graders and just with the 5th graders.
    Write about a special friend in the class. Why is this person so important to you? No one because I have a best friend and the is Yvette and I will never put her a side no matter what. And she is important because when we were little we never wanted to let go of each other!!

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  14. What was your favorite day of the entire school year? What made it so special?It was field trip to the Aquarium of the Pacific.What was the best field trip our class took this year? Why?The best field trip was to the Aquarium of the Pacific because I saw aquatic animals.Write about a special friend in the class. Why is this person so important to you?
    I can not just choose 1 I have to choose 2 and those 2 people are Devaughn and Anna because they are my best friends.What was your favorite subject this year? Why?Art because there is no rules.

    A note from Ms. Hilz:
    I love you all, I hope that you have a fun and inspirational summer. Please keep in touch with me! Remember to be patient, kind, and creative... I expect all of you to do great things.

  15. ᗰY ᖴᗩᐯOᖇITE ᗪᗩY Oᖴ TᕼE EᑎTIᖇE ᔕᑕᕼOOᒪ YEᗩᖇ ᗯᗩᔕ TᕼE ᒪᗩᔕT ᗪᗩY Oᖴ ᔕᑕᕼOOᒪ ᗷEᑕᗩᑌᔕE ᔕᑌᗰᗰEᖇ Iᔕ ᑕOᗰIᑎG! TᕼE ᗷEᔕT ᖴIEᒪᗪ TᖇIᑭ I ᕼᗩᗪ ᗯᗩᔕ ᗯᕼEᑎ I ᗯEᑎT TO TᕼE ᗯᗩTEᖇ ᗪIᔕTᖇIᑕT ᗷEᑕᗩᑌᔕE I ᒪEᗩᖇᑎEᗪ ᒪOTᔕ ᗩᗷOᑌT ᗯᗩTEᖇ. ᗰY ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪ Iᔕ ᗰᗩᖇTIᑎ ᗷEᑕᗩᑌᔕE ᕼE Iᔕ ᑎIᑕE ᗩᑎᗪ ᕼE ᗩᒪᗯᗩYᔕ ᕼEᒪᑭᔕ ᗰE ᗯᕼEᑎ I ᗩᗰ ᔕTᖇᑌGGᒪIᑎG. ᗰY ᖴᗩᐯOᖇITE ᔕᑌᗷᒍEᑕT ᗯᗩᔕ ᖇEᗩᗪIᑎG/ᗯᖇITIᑎG ᗷEᑕᗩᑌᔕE I ᕼᗩᗪ TO ᖇEᗩᗪ ᗩᖇTIᑕᒪEᔕ ᗩᑎᗪ ᗯᖇITE ᗩᗷOᑌT ᗩ ᔕOᗰEᗯᕼEᖇE, ᔕOᗰETᕼIᑎG, Oᖇ ᔕOᗰEOᑎE.

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  17. 1.The last day of school because thats when we dont need to go to sleep at a specific time and are friends can come over
    2.Aquarum of the Pacific, because Alvaro threw a pretzel in the penguins section
    3.Ryan and Miguel, because they funny
    Goodbye classmates.

  18. My favorite day of the entire year was at recess when i met my best friend. It was special because he has been my friend for the whole rest of the year. My special friend is amazing she's really nice and creative and she makes me laugh a lot. She's important because she has been my friend the first day i came to school. My favorite subject is Math because you learn a lot of things and because it's hard and i like challenging things.

  19. 1.My favorite day of the year was science day and movie day.I like both of those days because it was really fun.

    2.The best field trip of the year was the aquarium of the pacific . The reason why is because I love animals that is why I liked it.

    3.My favorite friend of the whole year was my friend Kaylee.She is my best friend because she is so funny and genoures.

    4.My favorite subject of the year was art because we did fun art projects that is why I like art the best.

  20. The day that was my favorite day was when ms hilz was so nice that she let us have free time.
    the Aquarium of the Pacific! Because it was so fun we got to pet sea animals:3
    buddy (aka vannessa). because she is a very good drawer and she is really good at being a good friend:3
    my favorite subject the year was art:3

  21. What was your favorite day of the entire school year? What made it so special?
    My favorite/not favorite day is the last day of school because I have to go to middle school.
    What was the best field trip our class took this year? Why?
    My favorite field trip was Drop Zone because I got to see some friends from when I was at Mesa View. It was also really fun and I got really wet. My favorite thing there was the Lazy River it was really fun.
    Write about a special friend in the class. Why is this person so important to you?
    One of my best friends from my class is Giselle because we would always hang out together and talk and she would always make me laugh. :D

    What was your favorite subject this year? Why?
    My favorite school subject is art. I really liked this year because my teacher Mrs. Hilz, is a great artist and we did a lot of art and we got to learn some really great artist.

  22. What was your favorite day of the entire school year?
    The last day of school.

    What made it so special?
    Because we got a pizza party also kona ice.

    What was the best field trip our class took this year?
    My best field trip was aquarium of the pacific.

    Write about a special friend in the class?
    I got two special friends in class one of them is in ms.Scott's class another one is in ms.Hilz class there names are Analisa and Julissa.

    Why are the people so important to you?
    Because they are kind.

    What was your favorite subject this year?
    Was science.

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  24. My favorite day of the school year was the first day of school bc i was happy to go tom school but then when it got in the middle of the school year i was like i wanna go home now.

    my favorite field trip was diamond valley lake bc the water was really pretty and i got to see it from a high reflection.

    well who of my friends is very important well i met this girl name alexis martinez and she is not new to this school but i met her like 4 and a half months ago and she was very nice the first day i met her.
    well my favorite subject is math.

  25. June 8th, 2016. The day I died as well as the day where mY LIFE WENT DOWNHILL !!

    1. excuse me, I'm having a moment.

