Wednesday, June 29, 2016

New Found Creature

Imagine you found this creature. Where did you find it? What is it? Where did it come from? What can it do?

Remember - this is not a place where you write as if you are texting. It is an academic online writing journal. You need to use correct grammar (capital at the beginning of the sentence and punctuation at the end.) You also need to check your spelling. You must also try and write for 15 minutes. I prefer for you to have 5-6 sentences at least! Make this interesting!


  1. one day I was walking in the forest and found a little creature. And it looked like a little dragon.And in fact it was a dragon.In a book I read this tiny dragon is from the rain forest.the tricks it can do is fly and walk and run.Then I went home and took the dragon .I made the dragThen the little dragon on a bed to sleep in The next morning I decided to name him Crusio.He loved my house .The dragons food was the plants from my garden.Then the little dragon grew up happy with me.The dragon was my little pet.


  2. 2000 years ago, in a land far from here, lived the great dragons, kings of this world. Near Hogwarts is where they roamed and as a mere child I saw a baby dragon breathing fire, scared and lost. I decided to take it home, thinking it was cute, I made it my personal pet. Little did I know the next morning the dragon grew enormous double the size of my house. Curious as a cat the dragon stared deep into my eyes, her violet eyes piercing and furious. Her nostrils flared up and smoke seether out.
    "I am too big for this house!" she growled.
    "I am sorry," I said raising my hands up in surrender, "I'll buy a new, bigger house for my lovely dragon."
    "Who says I am your dragon?!" she hollered back at me. I trembled with fear, shaken by her monstrous voice.
    "B-But I found you! I gave you a home." I stuttered.
    "I already had a home!" she breathed out smoke and spread her wings in anger, destroying my house, and covered myself from the ashes of my home.
    "Fine! I'll take you back where I found you!"
    "Puny human, you should have not taken me in the first place, I was fine where I was at." She spread her wings, her beautiful scales burning bright of purple under the sun and as I took her back to her homeland I saw how more beautiful she became near her family, a smile I have never seen, soaring in the sky back where she belongs. As my memory of that unforgettable experience comes to a close I am happy I picked up that little dragon. No matter what.


  3. I love both of your writings! Great job!

  4. Me and my family went on a vacation to Yosemite and we were walking thru the forest looking at big trees and something kept flying around me. I finally looked to see what it was and it was this mini dragon. I showed it to my mom and asked if we could keep it and she said yes. This dragon was nice. He didnt start fires like other dragons, he put them out. He followed me everywhere. He was my new pet and friend.

  5. Me and my family went on a vacation to Yosemite and we were walking thru the forest looking at big trees and something kept flying around me. I finally looked to see what it was and it was this mini dragon. I showed it to my mom and asked if we could keep it and she said yes. This dragon was nice. He didnt start fires like other dragons, he put them out. He followed me everywhere. He was my new pet and friend.

  6. my family and i went to the woods some were far far away and when we were walking pass the trails in the woods form far away we heard noses we walk to it and it was a small little like dragon and we walk it some were safe and it could fly and it was an wild animal so we could not keep it.
