Monday, June 27, 2016

What happened next...

I was walking to the park with my friends, when all of a sudden...


  1. we saw some other kids playing soccer so we asked them if we could play and they said we joined them and had a great time.then we went home andsaid that was the best day ever!!!!!

  2. there was a lightning storm a tree cot on fire but the fire men put it out and we had a good day.

  3. there was a storm, a lightning storm then we needed to get inside. So my friends ran to my house and the storm kept going for 3 hours. Then when it stopped we had a great day and we didnt stop talking about that day.

  4. Next time your respond to a blog, please type for 15 minutes and make sure you start your sentences with capital letters. Make this an academically perfect writing journal. Thanks!

  5. This very mad monster came into the park.But he broke all of playgrounds. But we foundout his arm was hurt so we got a doctor.So then he was still mad we didn't no how to help him.So we found out want he wanted it was ice cream.He want so much ice cream .So we got him his own ice cream man he was so happy he all broke france.So then we also found he a monster house.

  6. when i lived in merzury there was going to be turnadoe so we had to go to different places until the fire alarm.

  7. i was walking to the park with my friends, when all of a sudden a monster suddenly pop up and we ran for our lives and the monster wanted to eat us and when we looked back the monster turn into a cat and i adopt the cute cat:3
    The End
