Sunday, January 10, 2016

Wow! What a long break!!!

Wow! Yea, we were on such a long break! If you could choose one thing you did that was the most amazing thing ever, please share that here!


  1. I went fishing with my dad and when my Birthday came I got a 3 year xbox gold card, so now I can reck people on BO3. #Hope you had a nice break

  2. Me? Oh, well what I did the most amazing is EVERYTHING :3 Doing every single positive move was so good, I could just dance all over the dance floor and fly to the sky to find potatos everywhere.

  3. Over break I went to my friends house every single day.But one of the days I went to knotts berry farm it was a lot of fun we left at 6:00 AM and their at 7:00 AM we left at 10:00 PM..

  4. The most amazing thing ever is when I got a Iphone 5 and when my nephew turned one!!! :D

  5. The most amazing thing that happened over Winter break is when I went to the Big Bear on Saturday! There was 3 feet of snow and good areas to go sledding. While I was sledding it started snowing. Then I buried my little brother Ivan in the snow. Finally I made a snowman and named it Stewart.

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  7. IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!! I had gotten everything on my christmas list and a few extra things. 'list'
    A drone
    new minecraft
    disney infinity
    and the best one

    ps i went to the beach

  8. The most exciting thing I did over winter break was when me and my family went to Disneyland. I loved because me and my sisters got hats that said our name on it.Then we left after we ate and I had an amazing time.

  9. The best part about Winter break was going to the snowy mountains and passing the mountain tribes. The other best part was when I got to open my Christmas presents. I got a motorcycle and black ops 3.

  10. I went fishing with my dad and when my Birthday came I got a 3 year xbox gold card, so now I can reck people on BO3. #Hope you had a nice break

  11. The most fun thing I've done in winter break would probably be when I had my grandma, aunts, and cousins go to my house on New Year's and New Year's Eve. For New Year's Eve we went to one of Santa Ana's malls. For New Year's we stayed home and counted down, BUT we were 5 minutes late because we were distracted watching a movie. My dad said,"Guys we're 5 minutes late". Then 5 seconds later he just started to count down and we just went with it! ^-^

  12. what my favorite thing that I did was gong to ride our
    motorcycles we got and when we were riding it really fast through the water we got really wet. we were there for 3 hours and we got board so then we went to a trampoline place those were one of my favorites.

  13. we had dinner and the reason wy we had dinner is because it was jusus is birthday and i care so much about jusus i love him so much i love him more than every one thank you jusus for everything you do for us and cristmas is not just about presents it is about spending time with your family and celebrateing jusus is birthday.

  14. 5 of the best things was playing lego dimensions, Starwars BattleFront, be with my MOM and DAD and last but not least see 20l6.;)

  15. I did not really do much fun things besides be a couch potato,go to the Mission In(which was very fancy),go shopping,play on my new computer,and have sleepovers!

  16. My favorite thing about winter break was playing video games.Mostly because I got new ones for christmas and another new controller.I really enjoyed playing my new games,especially GTA 5.I also liked the game Fallout 4.Also I liked building an 1000 piece puzzle with my mom.

  17. the most amazing thing I did was spend time with some the my family that I had never met and so that I have not seen for a long time and ones that I live with. that was the most amazing thing that I did on winter break.

    1. when I went to the Mission In I to met family I had never met!

    2. when I went to the Mission In I to met family I had never met!

  18. Do you want to know what I did?
    First, Well let me tell I went to Big Bear had lots of snow and I made about 77 snow angels and I went to a Pizza Factory and had bad luck because I only got 80 tickets. Next,I went to Johns Incredible Pizza and I got on a rollercoaster it went so fast.

  19. The most amazing time in my break is when I went watch a movie at the movie theaters.I watched daddies home.It was amazing because i got to eat pretzel with cheese it was really fun because i spent time with my mom.

  20. Well I did not have a great winter break because my mom and dad had to go to long beach because her aunt died before new years so new years eve.So while my mom and dad went to long beach my brother and sister and I stayed with my dad's brother and my cousins.Then, my grandma and papa came to visit us but they live in kansas city so we do not really visit that much.Ever since my mom and dad and grandma and papa they have been taking both of them to bingo and long beach every 2 days or and week or so.I kind of like it because I got to spend time with my cousins.I went to go see my baby cousin get blessed yesterday and went to church with them.

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  22. I drew a awsome cute pic, got ready for my b-day wich is now,and am training my ham ham ;3

  23. i did in winter break is i went to my granmom's house and spend x-mex with her and when i went home i played animal jam and roblox and i played an game in my new phone and i wach five night at freddy's in my new phone and i got lots of gifts and i made new acontts in animal jam and i went to the field trip we went but with my family and i played fnaf.

  24. The most amazing thing I did was spend time with my family on christmas,and new years.

  25. the most exciting thing was christmas.The most exciting part about christmas was opening presents and my family coming over.the best present i got was tetherball.My second favorite thing i did on break was i went to castle park on new years it was so much we went on different kinds of rides .On new years my family and i went to my god parents house for new years .So that was my favorite part that i went on break.

  26. i did in winter break is i went to my granmom's house and spend x-mex with her and when i went home i played animal jam and roblox and i played an game in my new phone and i wach five night at freddy's in my new phone and i got lots of gifts and i made new acontts in animal jam and i went to the field trip we went but with my family and i played fnaf.

  27. I went to my aunt's house and slept over with my cousins.And the most amazing part was that I was spending time with my family.

  28. Christmas my favorite part of my break. Everyone had fun and a good time, people took pictures by the christmas tree, and the kids including me played with the gift that my mom got for the boys. Everyone got to open the presents. Then when it was to late according to the parents. Since we live far everyone fell asleep at my house.

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  30. I watched Yo-Kai Watch.It has characters (with unusual names) like Jubanyan,Manjimut,Figifant,Wazat,Roughraff,Cheecksqueek, Happyair,The Nosirs,Wigglin,Hungramps,Robanyan,Dismarelda,Blaizion,and many more.P.S.Who do you think Dismarelda is married is Happyair

  31. Well I did not have a great winter break because my mom and dad had to go to long beach because her aunt died before new years so new years eve.So while my mom and dad went to long beach my brother and sister and I stayed with my dad's brother and my cousins.Then, my grandma and papa came to visit us but they live in kansas city so we do not really visit that much.Ever since my mom and dad and grandma and papa they have been taking both of them to bingo and long beach every 2 days or and week or so.I kind of like it because I got to spend time with my cousins.I went to go see my baby cousin get blessed yesterday and went to church with them.

  32. After winter break I went home and played my new ps4
