Sunday, November 29, 2015

What would you do...

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  2. i think i would scare my sister and pretend that i was a real unicorn. i am just kidding but i will scare my dad

  3. I would actually put it on my head and play with it and my little brother likes unicorns, so MAYBE I can let him use it. I think my mom wouldn't like it because she thinks that I should be more of a proper girl. But, I think my dad would steal it from me and scare me when he has it on his head because he is a funny dad. ^-^

  4. I would run through the my school with no shirt on just pants and shoes like a guy who just saw a rainbow dancing and pooping skittles and then he got a 50 killstreak in Call Of Duty Black Ops 3, he also got the special edition ps4 that is customized with the Black Ops 3 logo on the console and the remote is black and orange, and he ran across the world in 5 seconds and got a spicy taco from Mexico and got a miniature figure of the tower in Paris

  5. I would wear it and become a real unicorn every time I put it on. The same thing happens in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Right when he puts on a mask he becomes it.(: That same thing will happen to me with the unicorn mask but just not the adventure.):

  6. I would tell people you like my horn.I would run at someone and attack with my horn.I would put it on and tell my friends to play make the rings on the horn.Second i will run on my hands and my legs ill say"i'm a beautiful unicorn and i like rainbows.I will run with my horn but i got to be careful don't want to hurt my self.

  7. If i had a unicorn mask i would be a unicorn and poop out rainbows and make magical things happen and make everyone happy:3

  8. i think i would scare my sister and pretend i am a real unicorn just kidding but i think i will scare my dad cuz he hates unicorns series he really hates the unicorn but i actully have a unicorn mask and i scare him with that this is my blog postb have a nice day the end waite one more think i love unicorns unicorn are so cool just kidding.

  9. I'd get swag sunglasses and start running like i was having a seizure while running on the sidewalks, into stores, on the streets, and then I'd climb onto someone's car while they're driving and stand on it like a skateboard while when the police are trying to get me I'll use my unicorn horn power's to hypnotize them and protect myself, then I'll sit on the car and start watching anime. Then get my wiiu and put a tv on the car to play Super Mario Bros. until the car stops, then I'll give everyone a unicorn mask whether they like it or not and we will call the earth "corn" then rainbows will take over the sky and people with diseases and disorders will have it disappeared by the mask of the unicorn and then I'd get married because unicorns "love" me so then I'd get unicorn babies and then I'll start a company called "StudioCORN" and then I'll create games and then after 652 years I'll die by a heart attack but then Noahcorn will help me so I can reincarinate the way I was before I died so I can live another 978 more years and get married about 129 more times and then unicorns will rule the world.

    ᏆhᎬ ᎬᏁᎠ.

    Unless you want to continue the story ;) you can just reply then continuation.

  10. Frist I would scare BJ then the restof my friends 0: lol After that scare my famaly and then make it a wolf mask.(:

    1. you spelled FIRST wrong

    2. @buddy/v @Arrianna AND she/you spelled fam"a"ly wrong (family*)

  11. I would scare my sister and pretend I'm somebody else.I could also go to a store and steal candy and the cameras won't even know it was me.When the cops put WANTED on a paper with the picture of the unicorn mask and try to find him I will never put on that mask.If they ever investigated my house and founded the mask and before they could have arrested me,I would go inside their car and drive to a different city maybe L.A.The cops would never ever find me again.

  12. I would scare people away in mcdonalds so they will be forced to give me food. If they refuse then I will say i will use my horn to transport you yo your worst nightmare. Then I get a magic jem to make real magic. I would wave it around and use real magic to make me the maker of mcdonalds.

  13. If I had a unicorn mask I would run around my house, street, and my neighborhood. I would wear the mask all day and never take it off. I'll wear it at the store, the airport, and in the airplane. The mask will be my favorite thing I had ever got.

  14. If I had a unicorn mask then I would scare my family and run around the house and make weird noises.Then I will go out for icecream and then scare the icecream man or girl and then go back home and make a rainbow in the house.After that then I would go to my friends house and scare her and say suprise and make rainbow OUTSIDE!!!!

  15. I would wear it and become a real unicorn every time I put it on. The same thing happens in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. Right when he puts on a mask he becomes it.(: That same thing will happen to me with the unicorn mask but just not the adventure.):


  16. I would make videos wearing it.I would also go out in public and go to fast-food joints and eat with the mask on and freak people out.And the videos I made would go viral all over social media sites most likely "vine".I'd use it to scare people even though it's a unicorn it will still do the trick.With this unicorn mask I would do everything with it like take pictures,play sports,video games,and sleep.But most of all I would wear it to school,even though it would most likely get taken by staffs or principal maybe even get in trouble,and call my parents.

  17. I would run through the my school with no shirt on just pants and shoes like a guy who just saw a rainbow dancing and pooping skittles and then he got a 50 killstreak in Call Of Duty Black Ops 3, he also got the special edition ps4 that is customized with the Black Ops 3 logo on the console and the remote is black and orange, and he ran across the world in 5 seconds and got a spicy taco from Mexico and got a miniature figure of the tower in Paris

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I would go around the city and be like: Chipotle is love, Chipotle is life. O-O and fly through the sky with the rest of the unicorns. the burritos would join me. When the ice cream truck would come by, I would chase it like a constipated duck. - Potato

  20. I would try to eat food with and drinking to know if it is useful in another way beside playing. I will also try to scare my sister at night and teach my baby sister about unicorns.

  21. I would throw it away beacuse... I dont need it. Plus why keep something that you dont need that is just a waste of space! Oh and half of the reason is because it's
    creepy! Its eyes are bulging out of the head!

    1. That's is messed up to the world of Majora's mask and all others who wrote something about this.(: Your welcome everybody.

    2. what space tho,its only gonna take the littlest space up (the whole point of this was to write about what you would do with it)-_-

    3. what space tho,its only gonna take the littlest space up (the whole point of this was to write about what you would do with it)-_-

  22. I would make videos wearing it.I would also go out in public and go to fast-food joints and eat with the mask on and freak people out.And the videos I made would go viral all over social media sites most likely "vine".I'd use it to scare people even though it's a unicorn it will still do the trick.With this unicorn mask I would do everything with it like take pictures,play sports,video games,and sleep.But most of all I would wear it to school,even though it would most likely get taken by staffs or principal maybe even get in trouble,and call my parents.

  23. If I can breath in it I would stay home and watch TV, play games, play in my backyard, and make dinner with my mom or dad. I would sneak up on my brothers and scare that their going to be crying to my mom. Then I am going to get in trouble. What she doesn't know is that because I got in trouble means I scared my brothers good and would only make me want to scare my brothers even more. THE END

  24. I would scare people away in mcdonalds so they will be forced to give me food. If they refuse then I will say i will use my horn to transport you yo your worst nightmare. Then I get a magic jem to make real magic. I would wave it around and use real magic to make me the maker of mcdonalds.

  25. If i had a unicorn mask i would be a unicorn and poop out rainbows and make magical things happen and make everyone happy:3

  26. I would use it for pranking people in April Fools. Then I would scare my brothers and sisters.

  27. I would use it for halloween or were it and be funny and tell jokes .If there was a party themed as unicorns then i would were the unicorn mask.also if i was a spy i would were it so nobody will see my face also to scare my brother if he saw me he would scream really loud and hurt every body's ears because i scared him with the mask.

  28. If I had a unicorn mask I would go around and say my name is Jeff to everyone. When it was Halloween I would go up to people and scare them then after all that day of fun I would go to my cloud castle in the sky and go to bed. I woke up today and I was thinking about going to the rainbow to slide down it, it took a long time until it was done, but it was still fun, after a while I went to go chill with my friends, so I did. . I wanted to play tether ball, so I did it was a LOT of fun and it was really funny, when I was doing a ropey I fell but I got up and started laughing, it was the best time EVER at school!!!

  29. I would scare my family and friends and. I'll go to their house because some of them live by me.

  30. I would put the mask on my little brother . And then go buy a unicorn costume then put unicorn costume no my brother.Then I would put red lip stick on the unicorn mask and blush,and eye shadow, and eye liner.And a pretty dress and silver shoes

  31. What I think about the unicorn head mask. First, that it is a good idea to have unicorns head mask because the UNICORNS are really colorful and have some nice blue eyes and they are really happy animals so when I am sad I can put it on. Next, I think it is a good idea because when you feel lonely you can always play with it and always have a buddy on your side. Then,I think that it is a good idea because when a holiday which is halloween you can dress up as a UNICORN instead of wasting money. Last, I think it is a good idea because you can always have fun with it and your friends so that is why I think that is a good idea those are all of things I could think of. In my opinion I think that is a good idea for many reasons.THANK YOU FOR READING THIS HAVE A NICE DAY!!!

  32. If it really is magical [I know it is not] I would fly everywhere and also fall if it has flying timer.But besides that I would fly inside everywhere I would call myself "Super Unicorn"! Speaking of flying when I fly I leave a trail of rainbows,cupcakes,candy,butterflies,diamonds,apples,balloons,stars,magic,happy faces,and everything that I like.
