Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Eww!!! Germs!!!

We have a had a survey administered by Miss Steffi about how you wash your hands. What did you say would be the best way to wash your hands? Can you convince others as to why this would be the best way to wash your hands?


  1. My opinion is both soap and water scrubbing hand for 30 seconds because that's what people are saying to do and I'm sure it's the best way since you do 3 things.

  2. I chose soap and water because if you use soap your hand get clean and you have to use water to completely be clean

  3. I said that using soap and water was the best way to wash your hands because you need the soap to make your hands clean, I think.

  4. i choose soap and water be cause it gets cleaner hands

  5. on the survey I answered soap and water.

  6. i would put soap on your hands and than was your hand for about 5 or 10 minutes and you will get it all done and that will be it and your hands will be nice and clean.

  7. My opinion is soap and water for about 1-2 minutes.

  8. What I said for the survey was to use soap and water you just have to get 2 the 1 of soap and wash your hands into water and that is it.It is pretty simple.

  9. i would use soap and water and hand santizer sorry if i say it wrong:(

  10. I chose soap and water.The reason why i chose soap and water is because soap is good for your hands and water washes it off.

  11. I wuld choose soap3water and hand sanitizer.

  12. I say the best way to wash your hands is to use soap and water because soap mixed with water provides clean hands to keep away the germs.

  13. I think the best way is to use water and soap, all you have to do is rub your hands together for 60 seconds or just sing the ABC's. Then your hands are nice and clean! : D

  14. I said on the survey that you should wash your hands with soap and water don't just do water for 30 seconds or just rinse your hands scrub your hands with soap and water...

  15. I chose soap and water because some soaps say that it kills 99.9% of germs./\_/\_/\_/\_/\

  16. I chose hand sanitizer because it was made for killing germs not soap and it's a much quicker way to wash your hands. it's dries without towel much faster so you can go anywhere and clean your hands

  17. I answered soap and water is the best way to wash your hands because once you rub soap on your hands it has chemicals to get the germs off. Then you wash it off. ^-^

  18. Well I picked soap and water.The reason I picked soap and water is because soap gets all the germs and nasty stuff that you have touched.And also the reason I picked it is because I think it is part of having manners.

  19. I would choose washing hands with soap and water for at least 30 seconds because it gets germs off of your hands faster.

  20. I chose soap and water because soap takes away all of the germs and water makes them completly cleans your hands

  21. What I think for washing your hands the best is soap and water and I think that because if you have a cut and you put handsantizer on then that will burn but for me I would pick soap and water because it doesn't burn your hands and because soap makes my hands smooth not slipery so I would pick soap and water.

  22. I would use soap and water because water gets rid of the dirt and soap gets rid of the germs

  23. I think that its best to use soap and water and scrubbing your hands for 30 seconds.That's what i do.

  24. Don't use hand sanitizer because..... ummm..... because...... well because I say so, I will be back after this commercial break. *duh duh duh* *COMMERCIAL BREAK* Hi im Matthew, are you tired of hand sanitizer well then use WATER AND HAND SOAP! Its free... well its from a garbage can, but never mind that just stop using hand sanitizer and excuse now I have to get back BO3 and wrecking people. * duh duh duh duh* *COMMERCIAL BREAK OVER* Now were back and *ring ring* oh hold up that's my phone. *talks* oooooohhhh, their was a commercial that talked about not using hand sanitizer oh *hangs up* well this is awkward ummmm............ SEE YA! #My first commercial! : ]

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I chose soap and water because the soap would really get the germ out. I think you should choose soap and water because even though it gets your hands wet, it takes out and cleans the germs that are stuck out our creases on our hands. Those creases are like little pockets where the germs can hide. That is why I think you should choose soap and water for the survey.

  27. First, I will wet my hands really good for I can take off all of dirt. Next, I will putt soap then I will scrub for about 30 sec or so then I will let them sit there. Then, I will wash off all of the soap good for all of the GERMS can come off. Finally, I will dry my hands off really good then go and enjoy the rest of my day without GERMS YA-YA for me.
