Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oh Spoons!

List five silly uses for a wooden spoon. One use might be as an oar for a turtle. The turtle could float on its back and use the spoon to row across the water.


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  2. Chief Merper Says:
    Maybe use a spoon for a bullet in a gun.
    (Aw poop, I don't have ammo! I'll use this spoon instead!)

    And second, um... I ran outta ideas *shrugs* ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  3. !I would use it to hit bad people
    @ I would make a cake
    # i would use it to give me ultimate power
    $ i would use it as a wand to take over the world and make big cakes
    % i would then eat the spoon

  4. 1. It can be used for making a house
    2. I can pretend it is a spoon. Wait, :3.
    3. It can be played with.
    4. I can throw it at someone
    5. I can put it on my chair and prank my teacher that i'm a spoon

  5. I love to make cakes that's why i put it a second time

  6. fighting a night.
    playing catch with your friend.
    throwing it at a tree.
    pretend your a witch with a wooden spoon as a wand.
    use it as a horse.


  7. They are not cool
    No style
    Hurt people
    Use to pedal a boat

  8. Lets see It culd give you a splinter duh get smarter jk your smart sereusly thou.a gun...erm..feed the dog? make a boat uh feed the rat

  9. You can use a spoon to turning pages on a book, holding stuff, typing on a laptop or computer, scratching your back, and last but not least pressing buttons on a t.v. remote.

  10. 1.for cooking smack someone fling a ball in
    4.I don't know
    5.and I don't know

    1. That's very harsh

    2. you really souldn't jog me

    3. How do we jog you?:3

    4. How your assaulting someone with a spoon witch will really hurt.

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  13. 1.Putting little clothes on it.
    2.Making a spoon play Call Of Duty Black Ops 3.
    3.Making a video of a spoon talking.
    4.Using it to brush someones hair.
    5.Write an essay with a spoon.

  14. 1 I would use the wooden spoon to make soup.
    2 to go across the ocean and sail away
    3To make goodies.
    4 to stir my hot chocolate .
    5 And last but not least to hit people in the face!!!!!!!!!!

  15. 1.tape to donkey head
    2.carve it
    3.make a little hole at the bottom so I can put let in it
    4.use it as a bat broke so no more using

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  16. 1. A use could be for a back scratcher.
    2. A use could be for putting it on your head like it is a hat.
    3. A use could be for playing catch.
    4. A use could be for digging dirt or sand.
    5. A use could be for capturing a bug or an insect.

  17. 1.use a wooden spoon for making stuff.
    2.use a wooden spoon for dogs to skrach there back.
    3.use a wooden spoon for cuting stuff.
    4.use a wooden spoon for swiming a boat.
    5.use a wooden spoon for geting a splinter.
    thats all:3

  18. 1. Spoons are used for oar for a turtle
    2. to mix something
    3. make a bow and arrow
    4. to hold water (I think)
    5. pointing (outta ideas)

  19. 1.I could use a spoon for paddling in a boat.
    2.another thing is for a cake you can eat the cake with a big huge spoon
    3.and another thing is you could use it as a project
    4.a spoon to use it as a wand
    5.use it as a microphone

  20. row a tiny boat
    2.tiny weapon
    3.holding stuff

  21. 1.eating
    3.scratching somebody's back
    5.teach it to read

  22. 1.I would use it to make magic powers.
    2.Use it as broom like a witch to fly.
    3.Typing on a computer with a spoon.
    4.As a weapon
    5.You can use it to scratch your back.

  23. .Oar For The Turtle
    .Turtle Could Be A Boat And Spoon Can Be The Paddle
    .Turtle Could Be Hard Paper And the Spoon Can Be A Pencil
    .The Whole Spoon Could be A Hat
    .The Turtle Could Live With Your Fish

  24. 1.use a wooden spoon for making stuff.
    2.use a wooden spoon for dogs to skrach there back.
    3.use a wooden spoon for cuting stuff.
    4.use a wooden spoon for swiming a boat.
    5.use a wooden spoon for geting a splinter.
    thats all:3

  25. 1.I would use it to make magic powers.
    2.Use it as broom like a witch to fly.
    3.Typing on a computer with a spoon.
    4.As a weapon
    5.You can use it to scratch your back.

  26. The first silly thing is a tiger in a rowboat that floats and push it across the water with a wooden spoon. Second, a model of an Indian in a canoe that floats and gets pushed with a spoon. Third, a turtle in its shell hiding from a shark that can float. Forth, a canoe with baby turtles in it and floats. Fifth, I would use the spoon to dig in the sand at the beach. That is what I would use a spoon for.
