Thursday, January 21, 2016

Persuasive Season

Isn't it great when people agree with you? Or isn't it great when you get your way? Well it's all because of persuasion! We are currently exploring persuasive/ opinion writing and today you will use your writing skills to write a short commentary about what you believe is the best!

Remember to use a HOOK!
Remember to state your OPINION!
Remember to give REASONS why and EVIDENCE to back up your OPINION!
Remember to conclude by stating your OPINION again and maybe adding a FEELING!

Here is your topic...

What is the best season? Write a persuasive commentary defending your opinion.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My favorite Season is Winter but were we live it doesn't really happen but I like Winter because it snows and I love snow so I can play and through snow balls what is your favorite Season?

  3. Have you ever thought what your favorite season is? This paragraph will be about why your favorite season should be spring! In my honest opinion, spring is my favorite season. My reasons are because it has good weather. Spring has flowers blooming. Winter and autumn is usually cold and summer is usually really hot. Those were my reasons why spring should be your favorite season! Do you think that spring is a good season too? ^-^

  4. Is Autumn Your Favorite Season?
    In my opinion, A̲u̲t̲u̲m̲n̲ is my favorite season.
    In Winter: It is too cold.
    In Summer: It is too hot
    In Spring: There are so many bugs, kill 'em all!
    In Autumn: B2S, you meet your friends again, and it gets cooler again :)
    Just because you get no school for 2 months and enjoy your new life without school, doesn't mean summer should be your favorite. School is good for you!

    Winter is a nice choice, but I choose autumn, since it only gets 30-60 degrees, and winter is like -10 to 25 degrees.

    This is why autumn is my favorite season. I hope you feel the same too.

    I choose you, autumn!

    1. Pretty good but how did you get the pokeball?

    2. How did you get the picture?????????

    3. Magic, Madjick, and Mehjik


    4. There's a website where you can copy it then paste,i'm pretty sure that's what Nahum did.

    5. @Capt.Morgan [Ryan] Nooooooooo, i used madjick.

    6. you can just ctrl copy it

    7. cool now make a dragon

    8. XD ok...MADJICK

    9. What website is it? :(

    10. To get mehjick, go here

    11. btw it's not magic

    12. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔╲┈┈

    13. I'm o it but how do you make one?
      #HELP ME PLZ


    15. ──────────────███████──███████

    16. ────────────────────────████

  5. My favorite season is summer because my birthday is in it.Also because I can go to a waterpark.I LOVE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. What season do you like?Well...I really like winter because every winter I go up to Big Bear Mountain,there's allot of snow there!And I get to play video games all day and watch the Polar Express!And that's why I love winter!

  7. winter is my favorite because i love all the snow a actually used to go to the snow every winter and i actually went this winter and i had so much fun that's why i love winter and other stuff that we could do in the winter thank you very much for having winter and all the other sesons

  8. I believe spring is the best season because you don't have to be hot or cold. And because you can wear anything you want.OH! and not to mention but it's always beautiful outside with all the flowers and it's less hot so we can ride our horses.

  9. My favorite season is Summer. I like Summer because I could do lots of thing like playing in the water and being with my friends. I like going to the water park in the Summer with my friends. In my opinion, I like Summer the best.

  10. i think the best thing about winter is because it snows and it is fun and i LOVE winter and you get to make a snowman and make snow angels:3

  11. Even thogh its not my b-day Autumm is best because its the season thats not summer like or winter like well mybe a little but still its the best season and you shuld like it to :3 Also its soo pretty the leves change coler and some trees dont have any then we all were pritty sweters:3

  12. My favorite season is spring because the flowers bloom.When the flowers bloom i like to see all the flowers bloom and smell them.What season do you like ? In my opinion i think spring is the best season ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

  13. I am choosing Autumn because the leaves are really cool, you get a really good breeze, and everything else. :3 3: :) :O

  14. i think the best thing about winter is because it snows and it is fun and i LOVE winter and you get to make a snowman and make snow angels:3

  15. I love spring and winter time. (I don't really care if I get my way).I like the spring because Valentine's day and Because I like the saying April showers brings May flowers.I like Winter because There might be snow near my uncle's house

  16. Is winter you favorite season Winter?
    In my opinion Winter is my favorite season
    In Winter: Snow comes down
    In Spring: Too many bugs! KILL ALL THE BUGS!
    In Autumn: Leaves fall and I have to rake my lawn!
    In Summer: Its to HOT!
    :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3

  17. I love and I mean LOVE all of the seasons because all of the seasons are so much fun to play in for example in the Winter you can play in the snow and maybe even make a snowman, I don't know you can do anything in the winter. In summer you can catch butterflies and go swimming with your friends and family. You can even play soccer or any sport you WANT! IN Fall you can play in the leaves and watch a nice movie with your family. Last but least Spring, you can pick flowers and ride your bike outside. All that I'm saying is that every season is the best you can do whatever you want. I don't have a favorite season, but you can all of the seasons are very fun. ( ^ u ^ )

    I know that this isn't a persuasive writing, but I just wanted to write this instead if that's ok.

  18. School is the best and you should think its the best to because you learn things that other people might not know and there are homeless people that wish they can go to school just once if they can. You are lucky because you have parents that pay for you to go to school and there is other parents that wish for their kids to go to school but don't have enough money. There are great things at school like computers that you use, you can play games when you are allowed to, and there is recess when you can play and have. There is also lunch when you get to eat and then have recess. Then when school is over you go home do your homework then do whatever you desire.I think and you should think that school is the best.

  19. My best my best season is summer and spring because you do not have school for 3 to 2 months or more.What you can do is swim at the pool or you can spend time with your family and friends.You will really have fun over summer break if you have summer break and some people do not go to school because their family can not afford there children to go to school,but it really is fun to go to school and you can do projects and bring them home and tell your mom and dad how much fun you had at school and you have to convince our mom and dad that you really want to go to school and make new friends everyday.It can be super super super super super super super fun when you get in the next grade it is fun when you get in to the next grade.You can go to disneyland for the summer break or the spring break it is really fun if you go to disneyland it can inspire you what you want to be when you go up.Like when I was 4 years old I wanted to be a soccer player and my coach said that I am a close to being a famous player like messi and neymar and ronaldo they are very very good players.I hope I can be a famous soccer player I just came back from las vegas.

  20. My favorite season summer because you can go swimming go to beach parties there is no school you can relax with your friends make cool treats and even have sleepovers outside and go to waterparks and my favorite part about going to the waterpark is that there is great food the water is so clear and you can meet a lot of new people. that is why summer is my favorite season.:):):):):):):):):):):):):)!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. In my opinion I think that winter is the best season becuase you can play in the snow,have a snowball fight,build a snowman and all that you can do with your friends and family.


  22. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░

  23. My favorite season is summer the reason is because i like the hot season. In the summer it is hot everywhere except the arctic. I like going to the beach last summer I went on the a cruise for my first 2 weeks out of school. We went to the pool and beach. While we were sailing we had burgers and ice cream.At nighttime we watched a spongebob movie first and second. The whole thing was very fun. I went to mexico 3 weeks after that there we stayed a 5 star hotel. I drank a lot of smoothies. At home I play with my dog and siblings in the pool. My dog had puppies 3 weeks before we got the pool. Their entire family went in they all knew how to swim. We went to disneyland. Since it was so hot we went to splash mountain 4 times. We had fast passes and stayed all day. The hotels and downtown disney was very crowded. My favorite ride was the space mountain. It was so cold and it had complete Darkness. I did not know when we were going to go down. When we went down my sister screamed so loudly just like everyone else. It was so dark I did not know what was going to be next. One summer went on the disney cruise. There was a slide that went over the deck. I could here my sister screaming so loud i could hear her from the finish. This is the best summer season. The real reason Is to go the pool hotness milk shakes and best of all families

  24. My favorite season is summer. It's my favorite season because you can swim and the water feels nice and cold. The other thing that I like about summer is that I can hang out with my friends more and,eat ice cream.

  25. MY favorite is summer because its hot or to cold.And because I can go to the pool. Thats why I like summer

    1. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░

  26. What is your favorite season?
    Well my two favorite season are Summer, and Winter. I like Summer because 1. It is hot and I can go swimming in a nice crystal clear blue pool 2. It is a nice season and it a really cool clouds in the sky and the sun is shining. I like Winter well 1. It is nice and cold and you can be cuddling with your family and drink hot chocolate and watch a movie. 2. I like winter because you can spent more time inside then outside you can be playing board games and play other games. You know you should like those seasons!!!

  27. I think you should like winter because you get to make snowmen and snow angels.And it's just fun to play in the snow and you get to be with your family and friends in the snow. And get to go up in idyllwild with your family.
