Wednesday, April 27, 2016

My Life as a Drip

What would life be like as a drip... Please use the Water Cycle video from Bill Nye and the My Life as a Drip Paper from the Language Arts Table to write up a story on the life of a drip of water. The story must be three paragraphs long and please use correct grammar and spelling.

Monday, April 25, 2016


Please respond to this prompt for 10 minutes. When you are done, please begin reading your book Love That Dog. Read pages 25-45.
Once you are done, please head over to Google Classroom for the lesson on "The Best of Me".

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Write a scene that involves goggles.
Write for at least 10 minutes. Use complete sentences and correct grammar.


Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Rock the Test

You have been challenged!!! We will compete in a school-wide poster contest. Posters must be created using motivational or encouraging messages to students about how they can get themselves pumped for the upcoming SBAC. Write your own motivational quote here!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Life without...

What are the things is life that you would not be able to live without. List five or more things that you can't live without and explain why they are so important to you.

I Saw, You Saw, Seesaw!!!

In order for us to begin our discussion for Love that Dog, we need to sign up for this program. Please go to this link:
Then use this class code to join:


Once done, please go ahead and respond to the first post on the discussion board.
