Wednesday, April 27, 2016

My Life as a Drip

What would life be like as a drip... Please use the Water Cycle video from Bill Nye and the My Life as a Drip Paper from the Language Arts Table to write up a story on the life of a drip of water. The story must be three paragraphs long and please use correct grammar and spelling.


  1. Once upon a time, I was just a drop in the ocean. Hanging out with my family. Then all of a sudden I was evaporated. We were flying in the air. It was so terrifying. Then we Condensated. After that we got accumulated. many of us became groups and became one. Then like a terrible rollercoaster. We all fell to the ground. Then we went to the cleaning filter. We were stuck there for 3 weeks. Then I got drank bye a boy. This is how I ended in the sewer.

    1. oopsy Daisy I was still in anonymous form

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Once I was floating around inside a cloud.
    I was with my buddy waterdrop#78000369921444485701. Oh and my name is waterdrop#78000369921444485702. So we were just floating around and then the cloud SPOKE! It said "it is now your time to fall out of me like your ancestors and then waterdrop#100409049120495770 said "what if we don't want to?". Then the cloud said "THEN YOU DIE!" So then waterdrop#100409049120495770 said "ok I will go". SO the cloud opened up and then.... AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! We were falling.
    Me and my buddy saw a reservoir so we headed towards it. When we landed we saw other water drops as well, we saw Like 31748913748013284732847812374817129374832791-645372497375327490348908349038249083294823904890384932489234802384098340984091384902138490328490238490231480239489123849012384091238490138245093284903284902384902138423908493204832094890324809238409238403298490328409328490384901238490384902384902384903284093284092183028481320989853985107671538473243284831298490183401483904834324823904832094809775609856896589693624096590162356093856983651096 water drops. Then something picked us up. Then we were getting transferred to big building. When we were in there we saw big Giants. Then we were getting transferred to a house is Sun City. It took a whole week for us to get there and then one we got there a kid drank us yet i don't know how i write this. ILLUMINATI!!

  4. Forget me going to suncity. I meant to say...
    and then some seventh grader drank me up when i got to a middle school but i don't know how i'm writing this. ILLUMINATI!

  5. The Life Of A Raindrop
    There I was swimming in a waterfall.Then we got evaporated and got sent into the clouds with my family.Then we got jammed together and fell.Then we Condensated.After we got accumulated we became one whole group.When we hit the ground we split.Then we got drank up by a person.It all started when we went in a filtration system and to a fridge and into a cup.That is how I ended up into a tooilet and into the local city's sewer.
