Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Why am I different?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am different because god said I am the chosen one to kill hitler and eat 6 different type of ice cream flavors at the same time! Then I buy 3 games that Miguel will never get. Finally I will beat Ryan in a N.S game in BO3,which will only happen in my dream.

    1. wow Matt!!so cool.

    2. You will never beat me in 1v1.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. If I can Beat you, how can you beat Ryan.

    5. Migi i can beat anytime its just that you have the worst wifi so i always lag

    6. you will always run behind me Matt

    7. You shouldn't really talk about "hitler" here, Matt.

    8. 米格爾我能打敗你的任何時間
      do you know what it means?

    9. What do you mean by always run behind you?

  3. I am different because God blessed me and helped me and because I pray everyday.And I was supposed to die yesterday but I did not.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. OMG Why am I alive? Im sopesed to be dead!Anyways I think ill die today ,But wait I want to live so ill just ignore it

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. because i do not want to die so soon and if i die today my family will miss me so that is why i did not die yesterday:3

  8. The tattoo said I was supposed to die yesterday. It did not happen because only god or batama. Or who ever your religion said you only died when he or she says you will die. Man can not decide when you die.

    1. I have my own website come to it

  9. Well I guess I'll live forever and try not to die because I am SPECIAL!

  10. I am different because of GOD. He saved me when I was supposed to die which was yesterday but I did not. First things first, why did I have at tattoo when I was born, why did it tell me when I was supposed to die, and why would I want to know!

    1. Yea why would I want to know because then it will just be sad or however you feel.And how do they know when your gonna die.

  11. I'm not DEAD YES,YES,YES,YES!Oh I realized that I don't even have a tattoo.I took mine off along time ago.And somehow if you get it removed you will forever be immortal.

  12. i did not die because, why am i diffrent......
    i am a special girl and i think i was not souppost to die because do i deserve to die i don't know i am scared of dieing i dont know what i did wrong

  13. I guess I am just lucky because i did not die when i was sposed to and i also did all the things that i wanted to do and then i went to bed and wok up the next morning and went on with my day

  14. I didn't die because when I was in the hospital they had saved my life.Then,it was daylight I was all by myself in the room and all of the sudden I thought that I was in heaven.I was wondering why didn't I die yesterday.If were in heaven right now I would think that when I had the good times with my family.

  15. i was supposed to die yesterday but I survived it. When I was just about to die at 11:59 but I survived because I am different than others. :) :)

  16. Why didnt i die because i am diffrent........
    I was suppost to die yesturday but god has blessed me and told me that i will not die in a long long time that is why i thank god so much.

  17. Why did I not die yesterday??
    Well I did not yesterday because I did not feel like it and because I need to be alive so no matter what my tattoo said I don'care. So I realised that if I wanted to die the following day I can just go to get another tattoo on my other arm and say I want to die on 03-03,2030. And I also did not want to die because that was my favorite date.

  18. Everyone listen the illuminati is planning the new world order everyone become anonymous to stand up for our rights

  19. This one's a hard one.

    I wake up, noticing that I didn't die the day I was suppose to. It was a miracle. What happened? Why am I different? I looked outside at Spellland city, everyone was frozen. I looked at my arm. The tattoo was missing. I went outside. Everything was frozen. Objects were stuck, clouds wouldn't move. Mysterious of all, everyone was frozen, each having a mirror as their eye.

    I see a flying object in the sky. Was it a UFO. I ran fast away from it. It seems like it was faster than me, but I didn't give up. A laser popped up, I went passed one of the frozen humans. The laser touched the poor frozen man, and the man disappeared. I ran faster, and faster. The laser was moving towards me, I felt a very hot feeling on my back.


    (₮Ø ฿Ɇ ₵Ø₦₮ł₦ɄɆĐ)

  20. I'm wondering what happened, why didn't I die yesterday? "Where am I? Am I in heaven?" This looks just like the real world. I drove over to the hospital where I was born. I asked them,"Hello? Um.. I was supposed to die yesterday. Not like that's a bad thing, but this makes me curious." They looked at my tattoo, there was a long silence and the doctor froze for a while."Y-Y-You... You're... You're the one...",the doctor said. I didn't understand."You will be the world's greatest hero!" I still didn't know what was going on!"You will save the world from an explosion. The world's evil villain wants to destroy the world even if he destroys himself." I was so confused, how did he know all of this?"Oh right, I forgot to tell you I am a mind reader and I can see the future. To be Continued...

  21. I woke up. Feeling a great pain in me. My heart. I closed my eyes. Thinking that my time was out. A tear, one tear fell out of my eye. I was thinking I was never going to see the world again. I...I... wasn't dead yet.I opened my eyes looked at my arm. It said I was supposed to die yesterday. But I didn't I don't know what happened. What was that pain in my heart. Was it pain...or...or...

  22. I did not die because I was just in my world.In my world anything is possible.So if you enterd my world you would not die.You would not die because my world is magical.

    Which is different:

    1. Rey join anonymous

    2. Rey the illuminati is planing to destroy the world join anonymous

  23. I don´t know why maybe because I was special .Or maybe because it was the wrong date.I don't know why I didn't die.

  24. I was supposed to DIE YESTERDAY! I was wondering why I didn't DIE, so I went to the hospital. I entered the room where I was born and when I see myself DEAD. A flashback returned my mind and the I remembered I was MURDERED yesterday at midnight. I also remembered that I'M SUPPOSED TO KILL PEOPLE, but I DON'T WANT TO. As soon as I left the hospital I suddenly teleported to a dark place. I heard a voice, "KILL PEOPLE OR I WILL KILL YOU!" " YOU'RE THE ONE THAT KILLED ME, NOW I WILL KILL YOU!" I said. I fought thew SHADOW MAN, but he was to POWERFUL AND I FINALLY DIED PERMANENTLY FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Once there was a girl named Emma she lived in a mansion on her arm was marked Wed,Apr20,2016 and today was Wed,Apr20,2016 Emma was nineteen she went to bed scared, She hid under her sheet all night. She finally fell asleep. The next thing you know its 7:06 in the morning Emma woke up she thought that this was her after life! Emma pinched herself she was in real life, she stepped out of her bed and went down the 78 steps and she was fine but when she stepped one the last step she fell in a black hole and died...

  26. I didn't die yesterday because I am different than other people. I don't do what others do. I survived because I wanted to and I wasn't ready to leave my world. I will try my best not to die even if I have to take risks because I know there will be things out there that are after me, the reason is, I didn't die on my do date.
