Thursday, April 21, 2016


Write a scene that involves goggles.
Write for at least 10 minutes. Use complete sentences and correct grammar.



  1. One day there was a little girl that went to a magic shop and she came across magical goggles.The next day she went to the pool and went swimming the next thing she thought about a dolphin and 1 second later she was a dolphin. Then she figured out the way the goggles worked, you think of something and you become it!

  2. Once upon a time me and my family were at the pool and I had left my goggles at my house and then like ten minutes later I saw my goggles floating in mid air then they dropped into the I swam over to go get them and now i am able to see under water agian!!!

  3. One day i was going swimming so i had to bring some goggles.When i got there i put on my goggles and jumped into the pool.I went under water with the goggles.Then i left and i brought my gogles with me and i said i had fun with my goggles.

  4. It was a full scale war. Illuminati vs Anonymous. There was post and hack everywhere. The leader was Reyenrrique Espinoza. His side kick was Anna T. Pham. Before the war Rey put on these special goggles. These goggles were going to help anonymous win. During the war anonymous won, but rey lost power. The new anonymous leader was Devaughn Triplett. The special goggles help us with the war. Now the New world order was stopped. It was all about the goggles.

    Ps. Nahum the duck was the leader of illuminati.


    1. I really like this story. Of course I won. We are the good guys

    2. No one cares illuminati. You are the worst

    3. Devaughn that is all you

  5. "What kind of traning are we having today sensei Kakashi?"Fishing Naruto".said Kakashi."Fishing? thats just a chore,and and how am i supposed to see im just a kid"!"get youre gogles Naruto."Oh right ok then lets start!

  6. There was a boy named Shmuel, he went to a old antique with his dad. When he was there he saw some goggles. He asked his dad if he can try them on but his dad said it's unsanitary. So Shmuel cleaned the goggles with windex the new way to clean * i am advertising windex so go buy it now*. Once he was done he was really thirsty so he had a drink of sprite,let the bubbles way you up * i am also advertising sprite so go buy it now*. Then he tried them on. They didn't really feel cool or different. Shmuel said "I wish these goggles were cooler" and then something did happen. WOOSH SPARKLE SPARKLE. The goggles were bright red with skull stickers and well you know where i'm going with blah blah he wished to be rich and he live happily ever after the end.
    Which one doesn't belong?

  7. One Day there was goggles on Anna's face they were water breathing goggles.She was wandering around the park and people started to tell her that what is on your face and she says that this are water breathing goggles,then the people made a face to anna.When Anna got home she jumped in the pool and put on her goggles and jumped right in it.She was amazed that she had goggles that can breath under water,she got out at 6:50 and took a shower then put on her goggles on her so she could go to sleep.

    Try to find the different one;


  8. One day i got some new googles and i loved them they were awesome but that day i broke them and i got so made and than i calmed down but than my sister came in my room and started saying haha you broke your goggles haha you broke your goggles and i got so made again that i throw all her stuff out the window.


  9. I found a pair of goggles they look very futuristic and theirs real diamonds on them!I put them on and nothing else seems different.ZOOM!I'm in a different dimension everything looks plastic and its all ugly nothing is detailed in this dimension.Its like a nightmare,ITS CALL OF DUTY BLACKS OPS 3 ON Ps3!Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,I start to run,THE LAGGGGG.

    Later on that day Ryan never did make it out of Call Of Duty Black Ops 3 on Ps3.He lagged out and and is somewhere else.

  10. So I was in the pool with my lucky goggles when I jumped in I lost them because they were to loose I got so sad so I had to use my unlucky goggles I got blisters with them.Then I found my lucky goggles but they were ripped so we went to buy new ones because my unlucky goggles were so unlucky I got 11 blisters on each feet they hurt everywhere and then once we got there I found new lucky goggles they looked exactly the same as the other but the other ones were pink these were blue not exactly the same but I was happy.So when I was about to jump in I tightened em tight but the only thing was it was tooo tight so I lossened it just a bit and it was just right.

    which one is different:

  11. There once was a some magic goggles. Everyone wanted to purchase the water breathing goggles, but no one ever got them. Until one day a girl named Irae was just walking by the goggle store in the morning...BOOM, party hats, balloons, party poppers appear. "You've just won the water breathing goggle", said a guy with a long beard. She took them and...BAM everything disappeared. The next day Irae went for a swim with the goggles. Everything looked clear and she could breathe under water! She then always put them on every time she swims.

  12. Once there lived a little girl named Jayleen and when she was little she put these goggles but her sister Julie put Gorilla Glue. And when she would go swimming they would change color when she would go in water and when she would get out of the water they would turn invisible. The next, day Julie had to her that if she wanted to go swimming and Jayleen said yeah. Then, Julie saw Jayleen that her goggles changed colors and she ran inside and Gorilla Glue on them and went under water but they did not change color and she wanted to take them off but she couldn't take them off. Then, Jayleen said that I am one lucky little girl.

  13. All the kids in ms.hilz class went on a hunt for the magic goggles. As well as ms.scott's class they all raced to the magic goggles. But they got their at the same time both of the classes were fighting over them. At last mr.hilz class got the magic goggles. They showed them all the answers to their upcoming test but their was price you had to pay if you fought over them. Suddenly a man in a black coat made me blind for about 30 seconds he got closer and took a knife and throw them all at the class with the teachers knowing about it their was posters everywhere say reword if you could find mr.Hilz, and mr,scott's class.



  14. One day, I went to the store and got goggles. They were not regular goggles, they were magical goggles. They would tell me what to do and will tell me the right things to do. After three years I have only made one mistake. The rest of my "mistakes" were changed because of the goggles. They were very helpful until they broke. They were very old that they just broke. I wanted no ones but the store was in a different country. But I still knew what to do. I went to a nearby store to fix them. After they were fix I was gentle to the goggles instead of throwing them against the wall. I was so happy that could not sleep. Then my dad walked in the room and saw me jumping on the bed. My dad took the goggles and put them on a high shelf.


  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. it was a dark and stormy night people were asleep and i was the only one awake cause i saw a pair of goggles and they had red stuff on them was it food coloring? or paint? i taghs it and it was...... food coloring and i take them home and i took a look at them and i saw a little bit of blood to be continued!

  17. There was once a goggle named gary he played with his family of goggles his big sister little brother mom and dad one day they went for a swim then later they were on a human all the goggles panicked then they appeared in a house and dryed of all of a sudden they fell and went to find a new home.

    extra for smarts(math) square root of 9 divided by 2 multiplied by 5=? hint 2-12 answer down


  18. I was walking home from school when I saw something shiny. I picked it up and noticed they were goggles. I put them on and saw everything. To cars, to planes, to anything. Then I said something and it came true and realized I could become a SUPERHERO but its not gonna happen so I'll just wear them as normal everyday goggles and use them when I need to.

  19. Here is a story of weird goggles
    Once upon a time there was a guy named Toot-Toot McBumper Snattle A.K.A. Devaughn.His name was Devaughn because he agreed to make his name as Toot-Toot McBumper Snattle.Anyway Toot-Toot McBumper Snattle was happily walking around when he saw a queen fairy named Dandelion.Dandelion A.K.A. Anna saw Toot-Toot McBumper Snattle and talked to him she said there were magical goggles on the other side of the valleyShe said she wanted Toot-Toot McBumper Snattle to go get them because she said they were to heavy for her because she was a fairy.So Toot-Toot McBumper Snattle walked for 20 minutes and found the goggles.He put them on but a wolf named Buddy A.K.A.Vanessa said ¨Have any food¨Toot-Toot McBumper Snattle said¨Yes¨So Toot-Toot McBumper Snattle gave Buddy a turkey leg and Toot-Toot McBumper Snattle got the goggles and put them on.After that everyone wore goggles.

    The End

  20. there was a old sailor with goggles.The old sailor was really weird because he would not take his goggles off and so he broke the goggles.And he got sad because those were his lucky goggles.THE END.

  21. one day a girl named gabby went to her moms room and siad mom can you buy me some goggles and her mom said sorry dear but we have no mony but i think i have some for you in my closet and gabby said ok mom its ok and her mom said what do you need goggles for oh becuse my firend said that she was going to the pool and her mom said that she can take a fiernd oh my dear said gabbys mom we can finde away for us to go to the pool some day and then gabby whent to her room and called her friend and she said oh i dont care becuse i have a beter fiernd thar dosent tell me that she is going butbthrn necer dose so now i dont want to be your fiernd nomore buy not my fiernd and gabby stared to cry her mom herd her and she said why are you crying for my dear my fiernd said that she didint want to be my friend then they herd a nock on the door.

  22. one day there was this pair of googles and it's name was amelia and it was magic it made you breathe as long as you want and it had other unknown powers too. A thousand years later a little girl named analisa and she was digging and she found the goggles and that day she was going swimming so she brought them with her and she had them on and went under water to get her doll and she realised that she did not need to breath so see stayed under water as long as she can but then she got board and she looked at her feet but it was not her feet it was a weird tail she got out as fast as she can and took them off and they started talking she said hi and the goggles told her her name and two years later they became best friends the end.

  23. One day there was a girl who found the first pair of goggles on top of a school. The girl was fixing the ac then she found the pair of goggles. She started selling the goggles. She made a lot of money then she bought a house and stuff.

    The end

  24. One Day, Raul was walking in the Forest. While he was walking he saw a pair of goggles, so he took the goggles to use. The goggles were a dark shade of black with ancient words on it. Raul needed swimming goggles, so he took them to Dropzone. He was just swimming when he thought that it would be cool to see a big hand made from water. As he was swimming the water started to shake a formed a big hand. Raul thought it was weird because he just thought of a big water hand. When he went to take a walk in the dirt path of the park. Raul thought it was cool if the dirt created a tornado he can ride on super fast. When he was halfway to the end of the dirt pathway, dust started to swirl around and it pick up Raul and took super-speeding through the pathway. Raul was weird it out again because it was the second time his thought came true. He took the goggles and went to find a scientist and when the scientist scanned the goggles he told Raul that the were magic and could make your thought come true. Raul was surprised and left, but he was not alone. An EVIL SHADOW MAN was trying to get the goggles because he wanted to rule the world. Raul didn't let him and try to use the goggles for making his thought come alive, but when he was thinking the SHADOW MAN went as fast as lighting and knocked out Raul. RAUl couldn't fight the SHADOW MAN because he was weak, so he had to do something very extreme. Raul pot the goggles on the ground and squished them. THE SHADOW MAN was screaming and was sucked into a Portal and never heard from again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. once there was a girl who went to the pool and when she hung up her towel she saw some goggles she picked them up and looked around there was nobody else there so she kept them.
    Later when she went in she was thinking about dolphins,and a whale and , sunset at the beach.Then she was riding a dolphin and she was at the beach watching the sunset.

    ~ t͜͝h͜͝e͜͝ ͜͝e͜͝n͜͝d͜͝ ~

  26. One day I was going to the beach and I found a pair of goggles and then left them alone and then one day they appeared in my bag and so I put them on the counter and then I went back for them and they were gone so then it was 6 weeks later they were under my bed how I found that when I was cleaning and I went to the pool that was in my backyard and I put them on and I jumped in and it gave me all the powers in the whole WORLD! So I have been saving the world so pretty much like a superhero... THE END!!!!!
