Friday, November 20, 2015

For countries that don't celebrate Thanksgiving, how could they celebrate being grateful?


  1. They should be awesome :3 Do the things they've always wanted :3 cause thats being grateful :3

    (sorry for the short comment)

  2. They should be awesome :3 Do the things they've always wanted :3 cause thats being grateful :3

    (sorry for the short comment)

  3. I think they spend being grateful by having a parade or just having a party.

  4. If they dont celebrate Thanksgiving they can at least come together as a family and be awesome as a family. :3 :]

  5. They should be happy for what they have and be grateful;3

  6. I think that they should be grateful for their family that God gave them and the day and months years that God gave them and just have fun.

  7. They can go to a resturant with there family.Or you can go and visit your family and have a great time and play some bored games.

  8. If families don't celebrate holidays they should do something like arts and craft or go out to have a family dinner.And be thankful that they have a family and money to afford these things.

  9. Maybe they invite family.Maybe pray all the good things jesus gave them in life.They maybe make crafts of thanksgiving.

  10. they can be greatfull for having your mom and your dad and having them buy stuff for you that's what you need to be greateful for.

  11. They can follow their dreams and do the things they dreamed of :3

  12. I think they should be grateful by being nice and respectful.(:

  13. I think around this time they should say thank you for what they had. They don't have to make a official holiday but at least say thank you to whatever type of god they support.

  14. I think they celebrate a little dinner party with there family and be grateful to each an other and at the dinner table the each say grateful things to each and other and that they have a parade.

  15. I think that they should celebrate being grateful by having parties and have special dinner. Also, I think that they can have parades and have people wear fall color clothing. ^-^

  16. They can go to a resturant with there family.Or you can go and visit your family and have a great time and play some bored games.

  17. They could be happy for what they have for example: Being happy that you have a teacher,mom,dad,pets,food,freedom,home,and everything else that is in our world.Hope you like this comment!!

  18. They could be thankful and awesome. Make something new for the family for entertainment. Play new games and activities. Spend time as a family.

  19. To be grateful you can give thanks to someone that gave you something like your mom gave you a new bike or your grandfather got you an old watch. You can give thanks to many things.

  20. The people that don't celebrate thanksgiving should have a party and family getting together .

  21. I think 1:follow your dreams 2:Do what you were born to do 3:Do things you cold do with family and friends...

  22. They can celebrate it by eating a chicken if they don't want to eat a turkey. They can have a little celebration, they can go visit their family members, have fun, have a little fire pit going, or they can watch a family movie.

  23. I think they could just celebrate and party all day and all night. And have good time with their family´s.

  24. I think if they dont celebrate they should just do something like just go to the park or just do something special!

  25. They can celebrate by being grateful by saying they are greatful by their family and stuff they already have for example they can be grateful by their pets, brothers, sisters, mom, dad, and friends, and other family members.

  26. they should be thankful for a loving family how cares about them a lot a roof under there head and food from your loved ones everyday because some people don't get a loving family how takes care of them all the time or a roof under their heads or food and all they gat is rained on and a card bord box for potection and thats it so you should be thankful for everything you have because some people don't. thats what you should be thankful for.

  27. They can celebrate it by eating a chicken if they don't want to eat a turkey. They can have a little celebration, they can go visit their family members, have fun, have a little fire pit going, or they can watch a family movie.

  28. I think that they should spend time with their families because some people don't have a family and I think that you should feel grateful that you have a family and you don't end up like some people that do not have a family. You should be grateful for what you have. People that don't celebrate Thanksgiving should just sit down, eat, and maybe even watch a movie with their family. Let me get to the point I'm just saying that you should be grateful that you have a family and you should spend time with your relatives because they are not going to be with you forever.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. For people that do not celebrate Thanksgiving they could just go visit family that they do not see that much and tell them how thankful you are for having such a nice family that gives you love and care to you and brings you things for you because you might be doing very good and nice things for other people that need some help like people that can not walk,old that need help across the street,and more good nd nice things for other people even people you do not know like old people and that is some things that people that do not celebrate thanksgiving might do during that time of year because you do not celebrate thanksgiving.
