Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Flip Your Attitude and Show Some Gratitude

What does it mean to be grateful? As our fall season comes around, we begin to spend more time with our families and think about special occasions. What types of things are you grateful about? Family, friends, or things? How will you show that you are grateful for these things?


  1. greatfull means to be full of thanks.Im great full four my teacher ,life,pets,freinds, family,house and much more

  2. I am grateful about having a family.Also for having food.

  3. greatful means to be thankful for what you get.I am thankful for the food that i eat everyday and i even pray and thanks.

  4. To be grateful it means to be happy with what u have and what you get.Also to always try to have a smile through rough times.And another word for grateful is thankful.So also be thankful for everything

  5. I am grateful for my friends and my family. I'm also grateful for the people I know and the people care about.

  6. I am grateful for my life, family, friends, house, and everything I own or my family owns. To be grateful means to care or be thankful for something in your life.

  7. I am grateful for my family for my friends my cousins my grandparents my aunts my uncles. I am also grateful for my dogs and my Beta fish Winterblossom.

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    2. I am grateful for my family ,and what my family does for me.I am also grateful for everything I have

    3. I really don't think you should use my photograph in your blog with out giving credit. The photo is owned and copyrighted by Scholastic publishing.

  9. Do you know what greatful means? Well let me tell you it means feeling or showing an appreciation and it also means to be kind.
    For example, I appreciate my family, and teacher.

  10. i am greatfull for that i have my mom and dad because my mos is fighting for her life every day to soport pancratic cancer thats what i am greatfull for to have them every day

  11. I am grateful for my family,family members,and grateful for the things my family gets me.Grateful means to be glad,happy, or thankful for the people or things you have.

  12. To be grateful is if they give you a pencil for doing a big thing you don't say"I don't want it." You say "thank you very much i like it."You don't." You don't start with i start with i don't want it

  13. I am grateful for my family . I am also grateful for a great house and food . I am also grateful for what i have.I am grateful for having great friends.

  14. I am grateful for my family my teacher my 2 dogs and my grand parents cousins aunts and my friends and Im thankful for me having a home and a roof over my head and having everyone in my family still be alive

  15. I am grateful for my life, family, friends, house, and everything I own or my family owns. To be grateful means to care or be thankful for something in your life.

  16. I am grateful for life that god gave me and, a father, mother, sister, brother, baby sister, and my step father.

  17. I'm grateful for my family and i'm just happy that I have one because some people don't have a family. Another thing that i'm grateful for is my house, people are not rich and we do not all have a house and I just grateful for that I have a house. One last reason is that i'm grateful that my family has money and my parents work hard for it, they need to use the money for our bills, food, water, everything not everyone is rich and people can't afford a house or food, that is why you should be grateful for what you have.

  18. i am greatfull for that i have my mom and dad because my mom is fighting for her life every day to soport pancratic cancer thats what i am greatfull for to have them every day

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  20. Grateful means to be happy with what you have. I'm grateful to be alive, and to have a family who loves me. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I am grateful to have Thanksgiving.

  21. Grateful means that you are grateful about something or someone. My family and I like to do parties or other stuff for special occasions. What I am grateful about is my family.

  22. I am thankful for having a great loving family. second is that I am thankful for having a roof to sleep under that is very nice I think for my hole family. Third is having money for my parents could pay for my car when the bills come in. forth I am also thankful for my teacher THE END

  23. Do you know what it means. I am greatfull for teacher,family,friends,animals...

  24. I am thankful for my family because they have helped my with everything. They have helped me with hunger, school, and they are really protective. I am also grateful for my friends because they are always there when I'm sad or lonely. These people are great people! To be grateful means to feel or show thankful and appreciated. ^-^

  25. I'm thankful for family ,friends ,and life and for me grateful means thanks for...
