Thursday, November 5, 2015

International pen pals...

Now that we will soon be communicating with others across the globe, what are some of the things you would like them to know about you? How are things here in the United States? What are the things you enjoy or what are the things you dislike?

Think about the things you would want to know about your own pen pal. What questions would you ask your pen pal about his or her own life?


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  2. What I love about United States is color because I love drawing.The thing I don't like is that when I'm trying to work in peace everybody is loud.I want to know about your life.What kinds of things do you like?

  3. I would ask my pen pal if he/she how old he/she is. And how is your day.I like tetherball. My favorite thing in school is science. What is your favorite thing in school and sports.

  4. Do you want to know what I like? Well let me tell you I like to play tetherball and Iove to play soccer and basketball and hang out with my friends.

  5. The things I like are amimals espechaly wolves Im even making a book! So whats it like in England and school is it fun ? I also love art and gaming and singing(music). I have a pet cross breed coyote six crab eggs a hamster and more at my grand mass.

  6. What I want them to know about me?I can tell my penpals about where i live and what i am doing today and what sport i am in.Wait do you want to know about the things that i dislike or i do like.I am going to tell you the things that i like the things that i like is to play soccer and play buts up.

  7. Hello Pen Pal,here's a few things about me I like baseball,basketball,video games,chatting with friends.

    In the U.S. it is fun,I wish I could go to England and learn about it.Could you tell me what you like to do.How do you like england?

  8. I would ask he or she what is there favorite color how is our teacher and have you been to london and how is their food.

  9. I like computer and techy stuff. yeah

    1. What is your name?

    2. Are you a boy or a girl?

    3. How is it like in England?

    4. Do you like the things or like?

    5. What is your description

    6. How does your friends describe you?

    1. edit:

      like the things I* like?

      I dislike, well nothing but tomato grapes ._.

  10. I am very kind and very honest i love to chat with people form another state.And I love to play teather ball and basket ball.

  11. What is it like in England. What does the food taste like. And #3 how do you like it in England.

  12. This is some information about me i like to do sports,clean ,play ,and do fun activities.Now i want to know about you a little like do you like to clean do you like to play or do activities at school so please tell me.

  13. I would want them to know that I am Asian. The things here in United States are just normal, well to me it is. I enjoy school with my friends and I like the color orange. I don't really like to look at a phone because it has a small screen and it hurts my eyes, so I would rather be on a laptop. I would like to know their favorite color and if they have siblings. I would also like to know if they play an instrument. I think that having a pen pal is amazing and fun! ^-^

  14. One day i'm gonna go to England.

  15. I love that the United States has many places to visit, like the cool weather of San Diego ( where I was born ), or the production of Hollywood where they make movies , the Statue of Liberty which represents America's freedom. Many things can be liked and some can not.

  16. Well I like Call Of Duty and I dislike tomatoes,XD, if you know what XD is, its a face that is laughing very hard.I don`t know if in England that you have Minecraft but if you do put this server ip or, if you have multiplayer. Also do you guys know what Clicker Heroes is, well its a simple game on the computer that you can play for free. Do you guys drink tea a lot, and if you are screaming at this yes I know in a lot movies and tv shows they drink tea but I am just wondering. Also what is your nick name? Well those are my questions for you. Matthew

    1. Well those are my comments and questions for you.Matthew Correction

  17. I like to play soccer. What is your favorite sport? What is it like in England? Is it cold or warm? England is one of the places I want to visit. I hope I get to visit England one day.

  18. Hi my name is Rey.I like things like animals like bunnies,foxes,fish,etc.I also like school.I am 9 years old.So what's it like in England? Our principal's name is Mr.Perez.My school's name is Boulder Ridge Elementary.My teacher's name is Mrs.Hilz.I've gotten perfect attendance 4 years in a row.I haven't missed a day of school.How old are you?What do you like?Do you have any siblings?I have 3 siblings.Do you like stuffed animals? I do. What movies do you like?

  19. I like to play basketball and I'm 10 years old. I'm going to be 11 on November 14th. My favorite subject is Math. I live in a house in Perris California in 3811 Juniper ln.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I do many stuff in my life. For example I like to do bike riding, I like to walk with my whole family and friends. In the United States it is fine. The things that I like is my family and my friends.

  22. First of all I dislike my brother, cleaning so my mom does it for me, having ugly hair, and becoming old later on in life.Second I enjoy shopping ,listening to good music not no dreadful stuff like jaze.What do you like.

  23. Hello my name is Arianna what is your name I'm nine years old my favorite food is sushi my favorite pet is a dog I have bulldog and I also have a chiuahua teacup she is really tiny I almost stepped on her she doesnt grow.I have 3 brother and im the only girl hope you get to tell me about you self.

  24. So here are somethings I playing baseball I don't like like it over here because it is so beautiful. And I love seeing the street lights at night.

  25. Hi, my name is Anyelevett Rice but for short it's Ani I like to spend time with my friends and I enjoy eating pizza.I go to Boulder Ridge Elementary. My favorite animal is a horse I also love to draw, drawing is my specialty I can draw a horse, person, I can draw almost anything. In the United States is good and pretty much normal.How are things in England. I also have 2 dogs and 4 cats their is 4 girls and 2 boys.

  26. So here are somethings I playing baseball I don't like like it over here because it is so beautiful. And I love seeing the street lights at night.
