Sunday, November 15, 2015

The Aquarium of the Pacific

Tomorrow we are going on a Field Trip!!! Imagine what our day will be like, give a short summary. Think about some of the things you may see there or what some of the activities are that we will participate in. What are you most interested in seeing?


  1. Im interested in seeing a shark or maybe a stingray. I think they may let us touch the stingrays. I don't remember but I think there is a slide that we go in and while we go down there is glass where we can see the animals/sea animals. So I think to tomorrow will be AWESOME.

  2. Hello everyone, have a great time at the aquarium.

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  4. I think that we will go pet the fish and look at the aquatic animals

  5. Im interested in seeing all the fishes and excited to participate in all the fun activitys and be there the hole day and we get no homework and be there the hole day Im super exited and cant wait

    1. You spelled whole wrong.

    2. You also spelled activities wrong

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    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I think there will be different animals and activities. There will be different sizes of fish and some that I didn't see before. I'm really excited for the Aquarium of the Pacific.

  8. What do you think I want to see? Let me tell I want to see a June Keyes Penguin Habitat, and many kinds of fishes.

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  11. I think we are going to see some fish and shark and many fishes and jellyfish i am soooo happy that we are going to a field trip:).

  12. I think that we would see sharks, dolphins, amazing-looking fish, and all other kinds of sea animals. I don't know if we could touch a starfish, but I would love to touch one again! I hope that we can go on a ride that is a little fast. I am really wanting to see a dolphin because I haven't seen one in person yet. I think that the field trip would be very fun and interesting! ^-^

  13. I'm interested in some octopi. (plural of octopus) I just hope they have some. I'm so excited for tomorrow.(:

  14. I want to see people swimming in the Aquarium and all the different animals.I'm also excited about all the things I will be leaning.Maybe I can see a shark or an octopus or even an animal that can camoflash.

  15. When we go to the Aquarium of the Pacific I think that we will see all kinds of fish and other creatures that live in the in the water. I also think that there will be different kinds of fun things to do.

  16. I think we are going to see some fish and shark and many fishes and jellyfish i am soooo happy that we are going to a field trip:).

  17. I will be interested in watching the fish,the gift shop,and everything else like the starfish,whales,sharks,penguins,octopus,and every other animal.I hope you like what you see.

  18. hi i am so happy to go on the field trip i went there want to see all those amazing fish and shark.

  19. Im interested in seeing school of fish scared of me. I would love to see a room where we can walk on the glass and look at all the fish around us. I think its is going to be Amazing and scary.

  20. Well here's a list of what I predict will happen:

    Bus time:
    • I get on the bus
    • I will start on my bro's iPod
    • Parker Kristall sits next to me
    • He will start talking about some "cool" stuff
    • This will happen for I think the whole bus time
    • After 5 minutes, everyone will start singing the Little Einsteins
    • This will also happen the rest of the bus time

    Getting off the bus:
    • I will do my awesome "I'm finally at the aquarium" dance
    • I will stand in a line for about 10 minutes
    • I will be lead to the entrance
    • I will say "Wow!"
    • I will video and listen to some of those employees talk about the aquarium for about 10 minutes.
    • I will be put into a group

    Aquarium of the Pacific ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )╯:
    • I will wander around these ocean facts
    • I will already know half the facts they've given
    • My group will wander for about half an hour
    • My class will get back together
    • The employees will talk about stuff for half an hour again
    • My iPod just died :(
    • I will make a weird sound
    • I'll start going up and go to another place
    • I found out it is another aquarium and most of the things in the top of this "Aquarium of the Pacific ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )╯:" list will be repeated.
    • I found a charger and then I will be happy that my iPod is charging
    • They are going to another place so I will have to unplug this iPod which is about %25
    • I will eat lunch
    • I will sit next to Parker Kristall
    • I will be awesome and make clever puns
    • I will explore the place again
    • I will enter the store ;)

    The STORE! ╰( ・ ᗜ ・ )╯:
    • I will get some things from the giftshop
    • I will get a toy fish for my sister because I threw the other toy fish into the ocean when I was 4
    • I will get something else I do not know yet
    • I will explore this other place
    • I will then go to the bathroom in and out
    • I will leave

    Leaving by the bus:

    • I will go on my iPod
    • I will leave into the bus
    • I will sit next to Parker Kristall
    • I will get into traffic so I will cheer
    • The whole bus starts singing Little Einsteins until the teachers get mad
    • The bus will drive for about 3 hours and a half because of traffic

    Getting back to school :( :

    • I will cry because it was awesome and I wanted to stay longer
    • I will get my iPod out and video again
    • I will get into class and my teacher will talk about the aqaurium
    • I will leave school
    • I will get to my house
    • I will leap into the couch
    • I will run upstairs and go on my computer

    The end.

    1. WHY SO LONG DUDE!!!!!!!! but good dude.

  21. Tomorrow we are going on a field trip.I hope we get to touch some of the animals.Im very eager to go.I really want to see baby sharks,at Sea world they had them to touch.So I would assume Aquarium of the Pacific will have them.I want to go whale watching very bad.If there were to be a show I would want to see it.Would you be excited to visit Aquarium of the Pacific.

  22. Im interested in seeing sharks.And scuba diver in a tank.And that big whale in the roof.And the shallow water.

  23. I would imagine it would be super,and the best.The things I think would be there is a shark,seagle,fish,whale,and more fun animals.Some of the activities I think we will participate in are writing about the animals and draw a picture of one of the animals.I am most interested in seeing a shark because they look really cool.

  24. When we get to the aquarium of the pacific I think we will participate in throwing fish to the dolphins. I think we'll see big sharks (great white , saw shark , and tiger shark) in the same cage. We'll probably see scuba divers swim with the fish and dolphins. Also if they ask us questions we'll definitely participate in that. We might also get to touch little baby sharks and fish maybe even baby stingray. We might come to a stop during the trip when we take pictures.

  25. I went to the aquarium of the pacific and I saw many things there. The things I would want to see are tidepools and fishes. The fishes I would want to see are seahorses and sharks. The activities I would want to learn are things to touch.

  26. I'm really interested in seeing the cool fish and sea animals.I can't wait tell tomorrow.I am so excited for tomorrow
