Sunday, October 30, 2016

The Past of Halloween

After learning about Halloween's past, how do you think it has changed over time?

What was the purpose of Halloween when it began 2000 years ago?

When or why did Trick or Treating begin?

How do you think Halloween is celebrated now, very different from the past?

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Geocaching 101

One of my favorite things to do with my family is Geocache! It is a real life treasure hunt! Watch the following video on what Geochaching is!  I hope that maybe you can participate in it with your family!

Once you are done viewing the video, write a short summary of what you think geocaching is.
You may want to include:
What you think geochaching is.
How you geocache with the app.
What types of things you will find.
How it can be a fun activity for you and family.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Philosophy... What's that?

Hmmm, philosopher... That's an unfamiliar word!

  1. a person engaged or learned in philosophy, especially as an academic discipline.

That still may be a bit unfamiliar! A philosopher is ultimately a person who inquires or studies philosophies or also know as deep subjects about life. Science, mathematics, religion, society, and so on...

We have read and viewed some of the great pieces of Renaissance art that Raphael has created. He also created the piece known as School of Athens! In it, he depicts some of the most famous Greek philosophers (deep thinkers) during that time!

Imagine our class just like these great thinkers! What would you add to this group of philosophers?
What is your goal about going to college?
What do you want to do as a career one day?
What is your goal to do one day to help the world?

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Digital Super Hero Citizen

1. Read the scenarios below. Which person acts like a good digital citizen?

a) Kwame gets an email from a person he doesn’t know that says he won a prize. He immediately deletes the email and doesn’t reply.

b) Sara makes a peanut butter sandwich for her little sister.

c) Willie and Juan are in a fight. They keep posting mean comments about one another online.

2. What would a good digital citizen do in the following situation? Nick sees that his classmate left her email account open on a school computer by mistake.

Nick decides to _____________________________________________________.

a) send an email from her account to a friend

b) log out of her email and let her know that he closed it for her

c) not do anything and let someone else deal with it

3. What is one way that you can act responsibly online?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What House Do You Belong Too?

We haven't tried this yet! Let's see which Harry Potter house would be our representation.
Take the quiz, and then when done, post which house you were chosen for and why you think you were chosen for that house!

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

A Positive Outlook

A new year is upon on us here at Boulder Ridge. What are the positive things you are going to try to do this year!
*Please list three. Use complete sentences.


Ms. Hilz's Positive Goals
1. To work one on one and in small groups with my students.
2. To create rigorous (challenging), yet fun, learning experiences.
3. Get to know each of my students and create a family unit in our classroom.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Digital Citizenship

Sita likes to visit a website where kids can post messages about school, their favorite TV shows, and current events. She really likes a kid who uses the screen name CJcool11. When Sita shares a problem she has at school, CJcool11 always has good ideas for handling the problem. Even though she has never met CJcool11 in person, Sita thinks of CJcool11 as a friend. One day, while messaging, CJcool11 and Sita compare their two schools. Sita types, “My school principal is so strict. We have to walk through the halls in straight lines!” CJcool11 answers, “My school isn’t so strict. What’s the name of your school?” This question gives Sita a bad feeling. Sita feels uncomfortable about giving that information to CJcool11. She types back, “Uh, my school’s name is too hard to spell.” CJcool11 types, “So where is your school?”

Why do you think Sita gets a bad feeling when CJcool11 asks for the name of her school?

What should Sita answer?

What makes this answer a good one? _____________________________

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Pokemon Go

Imagine that you are playing Pokemon Go, when all of a sudden the Pokemons become real life characters in real life! What adventure will you start to go on with your new real life Pokemons?

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Learning is Power

If you could learn how to do something new next week, what would you choose? Why?

Monday, July 18, 2016

A Place to Play

If you could design the perfect play space for yourself, what would it have in it? 
Where would it be? 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Think About It

Answer the following questions... What do you think?

Copy and paste this in your comment and then answer.

  1. At what age is a person an adult? Why do you think so?
  2. If could change one rule that your family has, what would you change?
  3. What is something that makes your family special?
  4. Of all the things you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful when you are an adult?
  5. Are you a good friend? Why do you think so?
  6. How would the world be different if animals could talk?
  7. Would you cheat on a test if you knew you would not get caught? Why or why not?
  8. If you could grow up to be famous, what would you want to be famous for?
  9. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
  10. What is the best gift you have ever given? Why was it so special?
  11. What is the hardest thing about being a kid?
  12. If you were a teacher, and the kids in your class would not listen to you, what would you do?
  13. Where is your favorite place in the world?
  14. If you could give one gift to every single child in the world, what gift would you give?
  15. If you could travel back in time three years and visit your younger self, what advice would you give yourself?
  16. What five words do you think most describe you?
  17. If you could invent something that would make life easier for people, what would you invent?
  18. When was a time that you felt lucky?
  19. What do you think would be the hardest thing about being blind?
  20. If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what rule would you make? Why?

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

A Secret World

Jenny bent down to look through the tiny door at the back of the room. She couldn't believe what she saw! What happens next?

Monday, July 11, 2016

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Would You Rather?

Would you rather travel to a cold climate forest or a tropical beach for a vacation? Explain which one you would choose and three reasons why you choose this destination.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

4th of July

Yesterday was the 4th of July! What did you and your family do to celebrate our country's freedom?

Thursday, June 30, 2016

San Diego Fair

My family and I will be heading down to the San Diego Fair soon. Can you go to the website and give me some information about what I might be able to do at the fair with my family?

Theme of Fair:
How much are Tickets:
Types of Food:
Types of Games:
Types of Entertainment: 

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

New Found Creature

Imagine you found this creature. Where did you find it? What is it? Where did it come from? What can it do?

Remember - this is not a place where you write as if you are texting. It is an academic online writing journal. You need to use correct grammar (capital at the beginning of the sentence and punctuation at the end.) You also need to check your spelling. You must also try and write for 15 minutes. I prefer for you to have 5-6 sentences at least! Make this interesting!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Choose three words that describe what type of friend you are!
Explain your choices.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

If You Could Have...

If you could change one thing about last school year, 
what would it be and why?

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Good Bye 4th and 5th Graders ... Hello 5th grade & Middle School

What was your favorite day of the entire school year? What made it so special?

What was the best field trip our class took this year? Why?

Write about a special friend in the class. Why is this person so important to you?

What was your favorite subject this year? Why?

A note from Ms. Hilz:
I love you all, I hope that you have a fun and inspirational summer. Please keep in touch with me! Remember to be patient, kind, and creative... I expect all of you to do great things.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Movie Day Monday

This coming Monday will be our Movie Day in the Classroom with PJ's and Snacks!
Use this survey to pick the three we will watch!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Frightening Experience!

Write a list of the five most frightening things that ever happened to you.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Water as a Precious Resource

After working towards researching water sources and how important conserving water is, give five ideas about how we can be better at conserving water.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Write a short story that involves a missing letter, envelope, or receipt.
Write for 15 minutes.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

My Life as a Drip

What would life be like as a drip... Please use the Water Cycle video from Bill Nye and the My Life as a Drip Paper from the Language Arts Table to write up a story on the life of a drip of water. The story must be three paragraphs long and please use correct grammar and spelling.

Monday, April 25, 2016


Please respond to this prompt for 10 minutes. When you are done, please begin reading your book Love That Dog. Read pages 25-45.
Once you are done, please head over to Google Classroom for the lesson on "The Best of Me".

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Write a scene that involves goggles.
Write for at least 10 minutes. Use complete sentences and correct grammar.